The European and American economies are experiencing hardships contrary to the weather. The latest data shows that inflation and economic recession are like the cold wind that lasts for three to nine days, seemingly invisible but cutting like a knife.

Bloomberg, the order hits Boeing ...; Airbus, stock price rises, a scene of jubilation.

The European and American economies are experiencing hardships contrary to the weather. The latest data shows that inflation and economic recession are like the cold wind that lasts for three to nine days, seemingly invisible but cutting like a knife. There was a whirring sound, and the effect made my body shiver.

aircraft orders have always been the focus of competition in Europe and the United States. This time, Party A’s wisdom is demonstrated.

  1. The orders from the three major airlines

came at a critical moment, with orders for 292 aircraft being placed, which made Europe and the United States deeply moved.

As the world's second largest economy, aircraft demand has always attracted European and American attention. Yesterday, the three major state-owned airlines announced their procurement plans. China Eastern Airlines purchased 100 320NEOs; Air China purchased 64 aircraft and the company purchased 32 aircraft; China Southern Airlines will purchase 96 320NEOs and will lease more aircraft.

The Airbus 320 series, as a narrow-body aircraft, like the Boeing 737 series, is the main model for performing domestic short- and medium-distance missions.

In the past, both companies have been deeply exploring this market. As an aircraft manufacturer, the sale of one Boeing 737 series will also backlog the market for the Airbus 320 series. In the same way, Airbus is doing the same thing. As a competitor, it hopes to have more of itself and less of the other side.

is different from other products. There are only Airbus and Boeing in this field. The sale of an aircraft is profit for the enterprise and employment and industrial chain for the economy. After the order is completed, there is a series of profit extensions. For example, parts, maintenance...

Aircraft orders were not simple sales in the past. In the past, during the honeymoon between China and the United States, which visit to the United States did not involve many Boeings? This move is to balance the trade surplus. For example, if a person in business always thinks about making money by himself, this person will have fewer and fewer friends. Although we have the status of Party A, we still need to swallow our anger in other areas.

You can also look at historical news. Once Sino-US relations are not so harmonious, orders from Airbus will flow in just in time. In the current domestic civil aviation market, Airbus and Boeing are basically evenly divided.

In the past few years since the epidemic hit the world, the transportation industry has undoubtedly been the hardest hit. As a heavyweight stock, Boeing is the vanguard every time it falls, but its rebound is only temporary. In a word, as an aircraft manufacturer, it has faced order cancellations and operating difficulties in the past two years.

As an airline, it has been losing money in recent years. In the past ten years, as the leading airline, Air China’s peak profit was in 2018. This year, they made 7.3 billion. In the first quarter of this year, Air China lost 8.9 billion. If the leader is like this, other companies can only be worse. You know, in the best years, we only made more than 7 billion a year, but this year we lost nearly 9 billion in one quarter.

Stock God Buffett once said that the civil aviation industry is the least worthy of investment sector...

2. The difficulties of aircraft manufacturers

In May this year, American Airlines canceled an order for 100 Boeing 737MAX. In the past, 25% of the aircraft manufactured by Boeing entered the Chinese market. There is no doubt that China is Boeing's largest customer. Since the outbreak of the epidemic three years ago, the execution rate of domestic and foreign procurement has been very low, and the latest orders of the three major airlines are at normal levels. After

lists this data, everyone will understand. It’s hard for airlines, but it’s even harder for aircraft manufacturers. Boeing, in particular, has had constant accident problems in the past two years. Civil aviation enterprises have always been characterized by high investment, high risks, high assets, and low returns in the industry. As an industry with strong economic cycles, once the economy enters a downward trend, civil aviation will be the first to buy money-losing industries.

This kind of loss is not a small matter, but a pitfall filled with real money.

During the epidemic, a company with 200 aircraft had a conservative loss of 27 million yuan a day.

Airlines and taxi companies are not fundamentally different in terms of operations. Once the taxi business fails, car manufacturers will inevitably be involved in recession. In addition, cars as production tools are updated in annual echelons. Once the operation goes bad, it will enter the elimination stage. For example, cutting back on car purchases. As the industry buys fewer cars, automakers will have to endure the pain.

The same is true for this wave of aircraft purchases, most of which are replacement fleets. For example, if the lease is to be canceled immediately, a new fleet will be needed. There is no doubt that many Boeing series will be replaced by Airbus in this wave of procurement.

During the past two years of the epidemic, it has been difficult for airlines and even more difficult for manufacturers.

The current epidemic situation is showing signs of light, and demand recovery is just around the corner. At this time, as Party A, who to buy depends on cost-effectiveness. In addition to safety factors being preferred, discounts are a major contract driver.

China Eastern Airlines said that Airbus's discount is not small...

2. Impact outside the aircraft

Inflation is exploding in Europe and the United States. To solve this economic problem at this moment, we must either find cheaper alternatives or improve our own production efficiency.

However, none of the above are American options. Their purpose is to find a silly person who can do blood transfusions and draw a tube to solve their own problems. As for whether you can survive, this is not something the United States can think about, because now they are extremely anemic.

There is no doubt that domestic aircraft orders are a timely help for Europe. On a cold and windy winter day, charcoal fire is a necessity. As for the United States, here they are holding a syringe, waiting for Europe to draw blood in a semi-awake state. This touch of warmth is equivalent to bringing Europe back to a state of sobriety.

Faced with the syringe for drawing blood and the warmth sent from thousands of miles away, Europe needs to think about it. The current order of

is a demand in the next few years. Once the country returns to normal, as a demand side, its influence will continue to increase.

Boeing said that it will promote Sino-US relations to normal...

Airbus has already taken action in Tianjin and launched Suzhou R&D base...

One is talking and the other is doing. As the second largest market in the world,

has many things determined by demand. The share prices of Boeing and Airbus on Friday have already expressed some trends.

money, what service is it for? Is it a need, or is it? even more……?