As the Russia-Ukraine conflict continues to ferment, some sequelae have begun to erupt, such as global food supply problems, energy shortages in Europe, and rising global energy prices. While all forces were focusing on Russia, the United States began to take action.

As the conflict between Russia and Ukraine continues to ferment, some sequelae have begun to erupt, such as global food supply problems, energy shortages in Europe, and rising global energy prices, etc. While all forces were focusing on Russia, the United States began to take action. According to foreign media reports: The United States has officially announced that it will further strengthen its military strength in Europe. In response to Russia's sudden decision to "evacuate Snake Island ", the situation seems to be starting to become chaotic and more dangerous.

According to foreign media reports: the United States announced that it will establish a "permanent" base in Poland and at the same time strengthen its military deployment in Europe. The explanation given by the United States is very "high-sounding", saying that it strengthens NATO's defense capabilities and improves its defense strength against Russia. However, the establishment of a permanent base in Poland is an "unprecedented" first time, and it is also the United States' first permanent military base on NATO's eastern flank. The goal of the United States is only "defense", or in other words, the United States will be willing to defend rather than launch an attack. In recent decades, the United States has launched many foreign wars, but has never taken the initiative to defend itself. Therefore, this action is more like an "offensive signal" rather than strengthening its defense capabilities.

According to US sources, this "military strengthening" will be more comprehensive. It is reported that the US military will deploy air defense weapons in Germany and Italy, while a large number of F-35 fighter jets will be deployed in the UK, and a large number of ground troops will be deployed in Poland. What's funny is that the United States is strengthening its military strength in Europe while clamoring that "Russia is the biggest and most direct threat." Regardless of whether the current conflict between Russia and Ukraine breaks out, the US move is very "dangerous" and may directly send Poland to the guillotine. It may even anger Russia and make it carry out more crazy offensive behavior, such as directly marching into Europe and destroying the "stations" of US military in Germany, Italy, the United Kingdom and other countries before the US military forms a blockade.

From a geographical point of view, the deployment of air defense weapons by Germany and Italy can form a "barrier." The United Kingdom, hiding behind, has stationed a large number of F-35 fighter jets , which can launch attacks on Russia at any time. And because of the existence of "air defense barriers", there is no need to worry about the safety of the airport. In the end, Poland acted as the "vanguard" and after gathering a large number of European military forces, it had enough strength to advance in the direction of Russia. Belarus cannot be stopped at all, even if Russia takes action, it will be difficult to reverse.

Russia’s withdrawal from Snake Island can be understood to a certain extent as reducing the intensity of confrontation, but the United States is no longer covering up this time. Once the military strengthening is completed, Russia will become a "trapped beast." What kind of situation will form after Western forces complete the division of " Siberia "? Judging from the map, the entire Asia will be firmly enclosed within the sphere of influence of the United States. There will be no way to go to heaven and no door to the earth. Either it will be obedient and kneel down as a slave, or it will repeat the current tragedy of Russia in a few decades.
