Recently, some fans asked me that the war between Russia and Ukraine has been going on for more than 100 days. Zelensky publicly admitted that he had lost 60,000 troops. What is the situation in Russia? According to Zelensky’s external news release: Currently, the Ukrainian army

Recently, some fans asked me that the war between Russia and Ukraine has been going on for more than 1,100 days, and Zelensky publicly admitted that he had lost 60,000 troops. What is the situation in Russia?

I have collected some information below. I hope you are interested in understanding it.

According to Zeliansky’s external news release: Currently, the Ukrainian army loses 65 to 100 soldiers every day, and about 700 people are injured in battles. During the 100 days of fighting, the Ukrainian army had killed 7,000-10,000 people and injured nearly 60,000 people. Judging from the current situation, the Ukrainian government army has recruited people from the public to join the army at least 5 times! Although the Ukrainian government has always treated its casualty figures as confidential, it only reports one-sidedly on its "results" and the casualties and losses of the Russian army.

It can be seen from the Russian army’s public battlefield briefing that the battlefield situation announced by the Russian military is that approximately 13,414 combatants died, and another 7,000 people are missing. There is a high probability that they will die in battle! The sinking of the cruiser "Moscow" of the Russian Navy is also the largest battleship loss of the Russian army!

The author believes that no matter what, the losses on both sides are serious now, it depends on who

can persist to the end, even if the Ukrainian government's armed forces are defeated If you resist, the victory should belong to the Russian army! Because the two sides are not on the same level of strength!