Facts have proved that the remnants of the Ukrainian army in Severodonetsk jumped from one encirclement to another. Their illusions about reorganizing an effective defense at Lischichansk were shattered.

Facts have proved that the remnants of the Ukrainian army in Severodonetsk jumped from one encirclement to another. Their illusions about reorganizing an effective defense at Lischichansk were shattered. Russian Ministry of Defense spokesman Konashenkov said at a press conference on the 1st that the Russian Aerospace Forces and missile forces destroyed 34 command posts, 323 military strongholds and 8 ammunition depots of the Ukrainian army in one day. More than 190 Ukrainian troops were eliminated. In addition, the Russian army has arrived in the Ukrainian city of Lisichansk. This is the official confirmation of the previously reported news that the four-pronged army of Russian and LPR forces encircled Lischichansk. Russian media commented that once complete control of Lisichansk and its suburbs, it means that Russia will control the entire Luhansk region.

Lugansk Assistant Minister of the Interior Vitaly Kiselyov revealed to the media: In addition to a large number of prisoners killed in recent days, more than 2,000 Ukrainian troops were tightly surrounded in Lischichansk. In addition, there are hundreds of foreign mercenaries . Kiselyov is optimistic that the task of completely liberating Lischichansk will be completed in the next few days. There is no doubt that LPR's optimism is based on the quick victory they just achieved in Severodonetsk. At the beginning of the Battle of Severodonetsk, both the outside world and the Ukrainian military claimed that Severodonetsk would be turned into a second Mariupol, where it would hold back the main force of the Russian coalition forces for a long time and form a strategic stalemate for future negotiations. initiative.

However, what shocked the outside world was that the defense system of the Azote Chemical Plant and the entire Severodonetsk Industrial Zone collapsed in just a few days. Except for a large number of people who surrendered voluntarily, the remaining Ukrainian army remnants and foreign mercenaries retreated to the city of Lisichansk across the river in accordance with military instructions. Just when the two Ukrainian armies were united and preparing to block the Russian coalition's strong attack across the river, the Russian coalition troops launched an outflank attack in four directions in the south, north and west of the city of Lisichansk, carrying out a strategic encirclement and annihilation of the Ukrainian army in Lisichansk. . According to instructions from high-level Russian officials, priority must be given to ensuring the safety of Russian soldiers in all battles. Therefore, the Russian army is increasingly emphasizing its firepower advantage in offensive operations.

During the encirclement and annihilation battle at the Lischichansk Gelatin Factory, the Russian military used actions to issue a warning to the Ukrainian army in the area: We will not force the enemy to surrender. After surrounding the Lischichansk gelatin factory, the Russian army routinely shouted to the trapped Ukrainian troops, asking them to surrender. No reply was received from the Uzbek Army. The Russian army then used TOS-1A heavy rocket launchers to cover the Lischichansk gelatin factory with firepower. The gelatin factory after the bombing of thermobaric bomb became a burning ruin. The Ukrainian soldiers who luckily escaped were targeted by Russian drones and were cleared by artillery fire. After confirming that all threats were eliminated, the Russian army entered the factory area to clean up the battlefield.

Under the lens of a Russian reporter, a mercenary showed a horrified expression when the Russian army bandaged his wounds. Although his life is not in danger for the time being, according to information released by Russia, foreign mercenaries do not enjoy the treatment of prisoners of war. Once their identities and crimes are confirmed, they will face trial and severe punishment. The British "Guardian" reported on the 1st local time that two more British people detained in eastern Ukraine by the Donetsk side were accused of fighting for Ukraine as mercenaries, indicating that they may face the death penalty. Previously, two other Britons and a Moroccan were sentenced to death by Donetsk on the same charges. These news may further undermine the fighting spirit of the Ukrainian army in Lixichansk.