Ironically, many places in Ukraine only became world-famous after February 24, such as Snake Island. Snake Island covers an area of ​​only 0.17 square kilometers, and now there are no snakes.

The irony is that many places in Ukraine only became world-famous after February 24, such as Snake Island . Snake Island covers an area of ​​only 0.17 square kilometers, and now there are no snakes. The island is about 50 kilometers from Ukraine, about 180 kilometers from the Crimean Peninsula, and about 500 kilometers from Russia. The geographical location of Snake Island determines its strategic position. It can be said that controlling this place controls Ukraine's Black Sea sea channel.

Two days before the battle, the Ukrainian soldiers here failed to resist the attack of the Russian Black Sea Fleet Moskva , and soon the place was controlled by the Russian army.

Snake Island

After Russia took control of Snake Island, it immediately moved the air defense system , radar , and communication facilities here, and established it as a command center to block Ukraine's Black Sea ports and conduct major military operations in Ukraine 140 kilometers away. Attacks on the port city Odessa are all carried out through here. Snake Island has been a strategic presence for the Russian army from the beginning.

However, Russia's losses near the Black Sea have been mounting in recent weeks.

The Russian tugboat Vassily Bekh was hit and sunk by a Ukrainian anti-ship missile while transporting supplies to Snake Island on June 17. Last week, three natural gas production platforms located about 70 kilometers west of Snake Island were hit by Ukrainian missiles, causing fires. Since February 24, at least 10 Russian ships have been destroyed in the Black Sea, and Moskva, the flagship of the Russian Black Sea Fleet, is one of them.

Real-time video of Snake Island being attacked

These changes are mainly due to the fact that Western countries have provided Ukraine with Harpoon anti-ship missiles and HiMARS high mobility rocket systems (HIMARS). HiMARS has a range of 70 kilometers, which is within Ukraine. It is more than enough to attack Snake Island on land, and the Russian troops and Russian equipment on the island can be completely covered.

Have you ever played " StarCraft "? If you have played it, you will know how powerful the human tank's salvo of ten thousand guns can attack the facilities and enemies on the island when it is within the shooting range. Put this setting in the game in the real-life scene of Snake Island , actually the same.

Viewing Snake Island from the boat

Andrei Yermak, head of the Ukrainian Presidential Office, said: Great! There are no more Russian troops on Snake Island, our armed forces are doing a great job!

Igor Girkin, the former commander of the forces in eastern Ukraine, was supposed to speak for Russia, but he implicitly said: From a military point of view, this decision is correct, but from a political point of view, it is undoubtedly It was a failure.

The Ukrainian military also released photos of thick smoke on Snake Island to show the extent of the Ukrainian military's attack on Snake Island. These high-level weapons made the Russian army's defense increasingly unable to cope with the situation and had to choose to evacuate.

Smoke-filled Snake Island

What was Russia’s reaction? Except for the fact of evacuation, it is natural to resolutely deny everything. When they deny anything, they don’t need to draft it. Why don’t they need it? Because I have a lot of experience.

The Russian Ministry of Defense claimed in a statement: The thick smoke rising over Snake Island was not the result of the Ukrainian attack, but was caused by Russia's deliberate destruction of its own equipment when withdrawing its troops. Snake Island has played a role in controlling the airspace, and now that we have completed our mission on Snake Island, we no longer need it.

Let’s not talk about whether the thick smoke looks like an act of self-mutilation, but the Russians definitely don’t want their world’s top military equipment to fall into the hands of Ukrainians to prevent Americans from using it for research. Americans worship Russia. The device has been worshiped for decades.

The Moskva was about to sink at that time.

Russian Defense Ministry spokesman Igor Konashenkov also said: We are expressing goodwill to the world. The Russian armed forces completed their mission on Snake Island and evacuated. By withdrawing, we demonstrate to the international community that the Russian Federation is not impeding efforts by the United Nations to establish humanitarian corridors for the export of agricultural products from Ukrainian territory.

For several months, Ukraine has been unable to transport more than 20 million tons of grain from its own Black Sea port. A large number of cargo ships have been trapped in the port and cannot leave for months. Cargo ships from outside cannot come in. There are also mines on the water. , these are definitely Ukrainian people’s tricks.

In Russia, being a spokesperson really requires a very strong level. Not everyone can do it. If you confuse right and wrong, and you speak like this without blushing or heartbeat, who dares to say that you are not awesome?

Maybe the emperor is sitting high on his dragon throne now, looking down at his ministers and the world. You little sparrows, let's evacuate through the Snake Island to retreat and advance in a big game. The sparrows know the ambitions of the swans.