Looking back at World War II, the competition between Japan and the United States over the Pacific Ocean can be described as a fierce battle. After the surprise attack on Pearl Harbor and the sending of the atomic bomb, the two countries seemed to have a blood feud, but after the

Looking back at World War II , the competition between Japan and the United States over the Pacific Ocean can be described as a fierce battle. After the surprise attack on Pearl Harbor and the sending of the atomic bomb, the two countries seemed to have a blood feud, but after the war they became "one family."

As the saying goes, there are no eternal enemies, only eternal interests. Looking back at this period of history, is still full of doubts, but if you clear away the fog, you will find a "transaction chain" that is terrifying to think about.

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From intervening in the Taiwan Strait and containing China, to biological viruses, bacterial weapons and new crown epidemics, they may all stem from this dirty exchange of interests.

Pearl Harbor incident, a carefully designed "excuse"

Back in 1941, if Japan had not attacked Pearl Harbor, would the United States have participated in World War II? The answer is yes.

Before the outbreak of World War II, the United States, which had gone through the "Great Depression", developed rapidly and became the world's largest economy, with its industrial output ranking first in the world. However, behind him, there are still a large number of pursuers, mainly from Europe.

In the early days of World War II, Germany pointed directly at Europe, and Japan pointed directly at Asia and the Pacific. As for the United States, which was far away from the war, on the one hand, it absorbed a large amount of wealth from Europe and Asia, and on the other hand, it relied on its strong industrial strength to make huge war windfalls. If joins the war, not only will it suffer losses, but it will also be unfavorable to continue to make money. " sitting on the sidelines and watching " has become the only choice for the United States.

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As the situation develops, Germany and Japan are aggressively attacking, seriously threatening the interests of the United States. At this time, if it continues to be a bystander, once the situation in Europe, Asia, and the Pacific is determined, the United States will surely suffer serious losses. But at that time, anti-war sentiment in the United States continued to rise, and the United States had to find a reasonable excuse to join the war.

has been trying to drive the United States out of the "Pacific" and Japan , and has become the best target in the United States. At this time, he needs a " bait ".

On December 7, 1941, 354 Japanese carrier-based aircraft attacked the US military base at Pearl Harbor. The US military was "unprepared" and destroyed more than 40 ships and 260 aircraft, causing more than 4,000 casualties. . The next day, Roosevelt delivered the famous " National Humiliation Day " speech and declared war on Japan.

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Today, more and more people are questioning the "Pearl Harbor Incident". It was a premeditated "sacrifice".

On the night before the attack, Roosevelt and many senior generals from the U.S. Navy and Army gathered at White House, an extremely unusual move. A close friend of the Secretary of the Navy once revealed: They gathered together to wait for Japan to attack Pearl Harbor.

Previously, officials of the Naval Intelligence Department had intercepted the news that the Japanese Combined Fleet was heading to Pearl Harbor. After reading it, Roosevelt only said: Got it! Then, he quietly informed the commander of the Pacific Fleet and ordered him to drive all aircraft carriers out of the base, but leave all other ships behind.

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The other two messages are: ① The communications staff of the Pacific Fleet deciphered the Japanese coded telegram, but was ignored by the commander as making a fuss. ② The Japanese ambassador once received a " declaration of war " from the Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs. It should have been submitted before the war started, but the ambassador missed the time. The United States had actually deciphered it long ago, but during the transmission process, it lost the " emergency flag " and missed it for several hours.

On the day the war was declared, British Prime Minister Churchill received the news and said meaningfully: "Okay! We finally won." Before this, he had been trying every possible means to drag the United States into the war.

There are various signs that the "Pearl Harbor incident" is probably a "bait" sent by the United States to Japan. This is an honest reason to join the war.It’s time for to reap benefits!

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Later, the United States intervened in the European battlefield and moved to various parts of Asia. The United States, which fought on two fronts, also suffered defeats. However, the counter-baiting of the "Battle of Midway" and the fierce competition in the "Battle of Guadalcanal" allowed the United States to finally tip the balance of victory.

With the fall of "Little Boy" and "Fat Man", Japan became the only country to be bombed by atomic bombs, and finally agreed to unconditional surrender.

Since the United States entered the war, the war with Japan in Asia has been extremely tragic. Thousands of American troops have died. It can even be said that " wins and loses on the line ." However, the two countries that " beat to death" quickly came together after the war. The exchange of interests under the negotiation table was simply unbearable to watch.

Shielding Japan, a "fortress" nailed in Asia

During World War II, it was impossible for the United States and Japan not to enmity. In the Pacific War alone, , the US military suffered more than 500,000 casualties, and Japan suffered more than 1.5 million deaths.

After the war, it is also possible to foresee that exchange of interests will be the most important thing. But it is rare and outrageous to be able to do what they do, to only care about interests, regardless of history, or even fairness and justice.

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After the end of World War II, all parties involved in the war suffered serious losses to varying degrees. Only the United States can be said to have made a lot of money. At that time, the United States was already undisputedly on the path to world dominance . Only the Soviet and the Soviet Union , which had a large number of people and a large area and widely accepted the younger brothers, could hinder him.

At that time, the Soviet Union was adjacent to Asia and was the "big brother of socialism", which could be said to have huge advantages. The United States, which is far away on the other side of the Pacific and beyond its reach, must have a "spokesperson" and a "base" in Asia in order to continue to intervene in the situation in Asia. Japan, which he "frightened", became the best choice.

At that time, the American people, especially among the US military, were extremely disgusted with Japan and called for a fair trial based on Japan's crimes. However, the will of the people can never replace the interests of the United States.

After comprehensively considering the situation in Asia at the time, the United States was originally planning to list the Japanese emperor as the first offender, fairly try Japanese war criminals, and eradicate the Yasukuni Shrine. blatantly changed "trial" into "support", intending to turn Japan into The United States takes the lead and serves as the "bridgehead" against China, North Korea, and the Soviet Union. Then something happened that made people and gods angry:

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MacArthur personally met with the Emperor of Japan. After trying to implement "Christianization" to no avail, he promoted the " democratization " of Japan and measured it for the Emperor of Japan. He created a new image of " mortal " and eventually helped him escape from trial.

In his letter to Eisenhower, he nakedly revealed their interest considerations: First, prosecuting the emperor would increase the cost of occupation. Second, the emperor plays no substantive role in politics and has no real power.

On December 24, 1948, the United States unilaterally released 19 suspected Class-A war criminals including Nobusuke Kishi, who was serving his sentence in Sugamo Prison. On October 19, 1949, the United States flagrantly announced that it would terminate the trials of Class B and Class C war criminals and would no longer arrest or search new suspects.

On November 21, 1950, they illegally released Aoi Shigemitsu, who had been sentenced to too light a sentence, as well as Sadao Araki, Shunroku Yan, Konobu Kaya and others who were sentenced to life imprisonment. On April 7, 1958, all war criminals who had not served their full sentences were pardoned and released.

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The United States destroyed, concealed and ignored a large amount of bloody evidence, resulting in a large number of criminal facts being hidden. The fact that my country's Taiwan Province and North Korea became colonies was ignored, and the crime of the "Nanjing Massacre" was "minimized" ", The crimes of "731" unit "disappeared" directly.

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On September 8, 1951, without my country's participation, the United States led 48 victorious countries to sign the " San Francisco Peace Treaty with Japan" with Japan, which violated my country's Taiwan Province, Diaoyu Islands and other sovereignty , and "got" Okinawa himself. Since then, the United States has had a "spokesperson" and "bunker" that can intervene in Asian affairs at any time.

Assisting the "731", a dirty "deal" that affects today

The crimes committed by the "731" troops in China are well known to everyone. They carried out "in vivo experiments" with the intention of producing biochemical weapons such as biological warfare and germ warfare, and put them into use in large numbers. This is supported by a lot of facts.

On the eve of Japan's defeat, Shiro Ishii, , Ryoichi Naito, Masaji Kitano and other "devils" ordered the destruction of all laboratories, equipment, confidential documents, and information. However, the core research data is still retained.

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After learning about the news, the United States was very interested in it and sent people to verify it. Then, they started a secret transaction and exchanged relevant experimental reports and more than 8,000 pathology specimens and slide pictures from "devils" such as Shiro Ishii for "escape from trial" and a price of 250,000 yen. This transaction, with the declassification of a large number of files, has become a public fact.


In fact, starting in 1942, the US Army began the development of biological and chemical weapons. In 1943, they established the biological warfare laboratory headquarters "Camp Detrick"". After obtaining the information, they named one of the experimental buildings "731" and hired Shiro Ishii as a senior consultant.

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In 1956, Fort Detrick was officially named, nicknamed " Detrick ". here has become the "source" of a series of biochemical warfare and germ warfare in the United States.

In December 1961, the United States formulated the "Farm Employee Plan". They put various colors of plant killers into the Vietnam battlefield. "Wherever the defoliant ( Agent Orange ) went, not a single blade of grass grew, and caused a large number of The birth of deformed children , more than 15 million Vietnamese people are still suffering from the sequelae of the poison.

In 1981, during the Cuban War, the CIA was accused of dropping the dengue virus, which infected at least 273,000 people.

In 1999, the United States launched. Kosovo War, during the bombing of Yugoslavia for more than 2 months, they dropped 31,000 " depleted uranium bombs ", destroying a large amount of soil and water sources, causing deformities, cancer , leukemia etc. and continued to be used in large quantities in the subsequent Iraq and other wars.

Newborn deformed children

In the Russia-Ukraine conflict, Russia raided a large number of American biological laboratories in Ukraine , pointing directly to the previous one. The epidemics in Ukraine, Georgia, and many other places were actually “caused by the United States.” According to official information, the United States has established at least 200 biological laboratories around the world. Sourced from the Internet

Regarding the cause of the new coronavirus epidemic, more and more people around the world have focused their attention on the "DePauw" in the United States. Various sources have confirmed that "DePauw" occurred before the new coronavirus epidemic spread globally. A serious leak occurred and operations were suspended. Many local people suffered from unexplained respiratory diseases, and the symptoms of their lungs were very similar to those of COVID-19 infection.

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The United States has been avoiding the international community for various reasons. The society has always rejected the investigation of "DePauw" by the World Health Organization . The reason behind this is obviously self-evident.

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From World War II to the present, the United States has ignored Japan's crimes. committed heinous crimes, ignored international fairness and justice and the demands of the people, and traded interests to a heinous level.The interests they captured in Japan, whether it was strategic support or biochemical data, still affect the entire world to this day.

It can be said that the United States is a "devil" that can trade "blood feuds". Faced with such an unscrupulous "devil", I just want to say: Never expect it to treat you well.

#World War II old photos#​#The Japanese government admitted that Unit 731 produced bacteria#​#Fort Medtrick base and Unit 731 had transactions#​