From the founding of the People's Republic of China in 1949 to the present, China has held a total of 16 military parades. Which one impressed you the most? The same is true for the People's Liberation Army. After experiencing the tempering of ice and fire, the country has establ

html Which of the 116 military parades was the strongest in history? Founding Ceremony The most exciting

From the founding of New China in 1949 to the present, China has held a total of 16 military parades. Which one of these has impressed you the most? The founding ceremony of the People's Republic of China is definitely the most exciting, and the military parade in 1984 was directly "canonized".

The history of the Chinese people’s struggle can be summed up in one sentence: political power comes from the barrel of a gun. This is not a dinner party where you come and go, but a tit-for-tat, life-and-death armed struggle. Without a strong army and weapons and equipment at hand, no party or organization can go far.

The same is true for the People's Liberation Army. After experiencing the tempering of ice and fire, the country has established an advanced and powerful modern military force. However, ordinary people cannot go to the front line, especially after the founding of New China, the social environment has stabilized, and the general public It is even more difficult to see the heroic appearance of the People's Liberation Army. Only through the National Day military parade can we have a glimpse of the military style and see China's advanced weapons and equipment. For the country, the military parade is not only to show the development achievements of the army and the spirit of the soldiers to its own people, but also to use its strength to deter foreign enemies and show China's military power to the world . Therefore, holding a military parade ceremony is also highly regarded. The central leadership attaches great importance to it, and every session is held with great grandeur.

No matter how grand and shocking the subsequent military parade is, the most unforgettable military parade must still be the founding ceremony on October 1, 1949. This is not the most powerful military parade, but it is the most exciting moment for the Chinese people. This military parade was held along with the founding ceremony. The great man shouted loudly on the tower: The People's Republic of China was established today! The high-spirited People's Liberation Army soldiers walked slowly and neatly below, and 17 fighter jets roared past in a row in the sky.

This was the first military parade held by our party after the founding of New China. It lasted for a full three hours. But unfortunately, the military’s weapons and equipment were not advanced at this time, and many of them were obtained from the enemy. The captured American, German, Japanese, or Russian-style weapons aided by the Soviet Union are jokingly called the "All Nations Weapons Exhibition" and " IWC " by outsiders. There are very few that are actually produced in China. Moreover, the People's Liberation Army did not have professional weapons transportation equipment at that time, and there were not enough cars. Some large anti-tank weapons, such as some large-scale anti-tank weapons, could only be pulled by mules and horses during military parades, which seemed a little sad.

Limited by national strength, these were unavoidable problems at the time. The military leaders could not think of solutions and could only make up for it in other aspects. They renovated Tiananmen Square and deployed security forces strictly to ensure that there would be no incidents on the day of the ceremony. Security Question. After all, the Kuomintang troops huddled across the strait have been ready to move. Chiang Kai-shek had previously sent planes to bomb the Beijing Airport. Now that we are hosting such a grand event, there is no guarantee that the other party will not try to sabotage it.

But On the whole, this military parade was flawless. The PLA soldiers were in high spirits, and the news of the founding of New China also excited all the people watching. And pressure is also motivation. If you can recognize your own shortcomings, you will be able to make greater breakthroughs in the future. In recent military parades, the PLA troops have rarely seen weapons and equipment from abroad. This also proves that China has successfully made great progress in military development.

Why was the 1984 military parade considered a god? China's strength shocked the world

In sharp contrast to the founding ceremony of the military parade is the 284 military parade, which was a ceremonial event of unprecedented scale, massive momentum and full of deterrence. The previous military parade has been suspended for more than 20 years, so this is China's first National Day military parade after reform and opening up. It is of great significance and has attracted the attention of the whole world. In order to prepare for this military parade, central leaders began to prepare for the relevant work in the autumn of the previous year, established a dispatching team, and formulated plans and implementation drills.

The leader of the army clearly pointed out that the standard for this military parade is only eight words: "World-class, internationally leading" . In order to achieve this goal, more than 10,000 People's Liberation Army soldiers participating in the ceremony received rigorous training. They are all outstanding soldiers selected from various units, with good political ideas, good health, similar heights, and standard figures.

In order to facilitate management, the army concentrated all the soldiers participating in the military parade in Beijing and designated a temporary training area, which was later developed into the " Parade Village" , with tents and canteens set up, and medical clinics and snack shops nearby. This allows the soldiers to train without any distractions, and also effectively prevents information from leaking in advance. After the military parade, the village was well preserved and became a famous local attraction and a wonder in the history of world military parades.

On October 1, 1984, the 35th anniversary of the founding of New China, the much-anticipated 1984 military parade kicked off at 10 a.m. The ceremony started with the announcement by the mayor of Beijing. The military generals and invited guests boarded the tower under the guidance of the receptionist. Amid the applause and cheers of the audience, the national anthem was played, salutes were fired, and the sea, land and air The honor guard composed of the three armed forces raised the red flag amidst loud singing, and the central leadership slowly appeared in a dark convertible car. This was China's first military parade vehicle and the most luxurious military parade vehicle in the world at that time. It was created by Changchun Automobile Manufacturing Plant independently develops and produces.

The car gradually drove into the center of the venue. Central leaders began to review the troops. Each formation marched to the predetermined position with neat steps. Including the female soldiers who appeared at the military parade for the first time, all the People's Liberation Army soldiers stood up straight. , the piercing eyes can no longer be described as firm and steady, because looking into their eyes, you can even imagine how these soldiers are on the battlefield, and feel an invisible shock. Strength and murderous intent. A mechanized force formation composed of 428 combat vehicles was prepared before the ceremony began. Among them, tanks , armored vehicles , infantry fighting vehicles, howitzers and missile launch vehicles and other modern weapons and equipment They are everywhere, neatly arranged and majestic, and there is even a Dongfeng-5 intercontinental ballistic missile on display, which creates a sense of oppression. Thinking that these are all designed and manufactured by the Chinese themselves, many spectators felt a sense of adrenaline soaring.

The troops undergoing review could not be seen at a glance. The central leader standing on the parade car was extremely excited. He greeted the soldiers with a proud tone. The soldiers also responded to him excitedly, asking and answering questions, and the shouts were loud. Heaven and earth, converge into an unstoppable spirit of enthusiasm, demonstrating the firm belief and powerful power of the Chinese People's Liberation Army, shocking the world!

It’s the 72nd anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China. Why has the country only held 16 military parades?

The Founding Ceremony of the People's Republic of China is the first military parade held after the country has entered a new historical journey. However, if we take a closer look at all previous military parades, we will find that from 1949 to now, the 72nd anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China, there have been only a few grand military parades. 16 times , what's going on? In fact, the time of the military parade was changed several times and went through twists and turns. In the early days of the founding of the People's Republic of China, military parades were held very frequently once a year. By 1959, a total of 11 military parades were held. However, after 1959, this highly anticipated event that demonstrated national strength was discontinued until 1984. It was officially restored. The frequency of military parades has also gradually decreased, from once a year to "a small celebration every five years and a big celebration every ten years." The most recent one was the 70th anniversary military parade held just in 2019.

Why were military parades held so frequently in the early days of the founding of New China? In fact, this is related to the domestic and international situation at that time.In the early days of the founding of the People's Republic of China, the new people's political power was not yet stable, and internal and external troubles were very serious. On the one hand, U.S. imperialism was eyeing it, and on the other hand, the remaining internal reactionaries were determined to be evil. Holding a grand military parade at this time could deter these potential threats. Maintaining national stability can, secondly, inspire military morale. allows ordinary people to understand that the country has the strength to protect them and develop production with peace of mind.

As for why the military parade was discontinued after a few years, it is actually easy to understand. One minute on stage, ten years of hard work off stage, the ceremony only takes a few hours, but the training and preparation for the PLA soldiers took a long time. Moreover, on the official day of the ceremony, every minute is spent on arranging food, clothing, housing and transportation for the performing soldiers, arranging the scene for the common people watching the ceremony, arranging large weapons and equipment such as aircraft and tanks, and preparing enough spare supplies. All aspects must be taken into consideration. These all cost money.

It can even be said that if we do not care about the symbol of honor and spiritual gains, the expensive military parade is simply a "loss-making transaction" because there is no profit and it is all unilateral expenditure and rebate money. The year 1960 was a rather special year. The country suffered a severe natural disaster and economic development came to a standstill. Considering the poor domestic situation, the central leadership made a decision to suspend the military parade and focus on the development of production, putting the priority on achieving adequate food and clothing for the people. The first one.

In the next ten years or so, every time during Xiaoqing or Daqing years, people would bring up the idea of ​​holding a grand military parade again. However, the central leaders considered that the country was still in the stage of recuperation and full recovery and development, so they had to spend money wisely. , so the military parade has not been resumed. After the 1980s, seeing that 1984 was another year of celebration, the central leaders also changed their attitude. They felt that by this time the country had carried out reform and opening up, and the overall social outlook had undergone earth-shaking changes, and it was time to resume this grand event. , let the Chinese people see the changes in China, boost the country's morale, and officially resumed the military parade that had been suspended for 25 years.