Russia said it wanted to release a "gesture of goodwill", so it announced its withdrawal from Snake Island on the last day of June and expressed to the international community that it would not hinder the United Nations from establishing a channel to transport agricultural produc

Russia said it wanted to release a "gesture of goodwill", so it announced its withdrawal from Snake Island on the last day of June, and expressed to the international community that it would not hinder the United Nations from establishing a channel to transport agricultural products out of Ukraine.. Why did they give up the Snake Island that they worked so hard to conquer? Although the reason seemed to be high-profile, what remained unchanged was that the Russian military’s efforts on Snake Island came to nothing. They lost nearly one billion US dollars and said they were withdrawing. After

unexpectedly withdrew from Snake Island, Ukraine and the West affirmed that they were the ones who drove the Russian army out of Snake Island. This was a huge victory. Now that it has achieved such a great victory, what will Ukraine do with the nearby Snake Island? Can it hold it after re-deploying troops to occupy it?

Snake Island

First of all, the American media made a calculation for Russia. Since the occupation of Snake Island in February, the Russian army has lost nearly one billion U.S. dollars in equipment costs. The largest payment item belongs to the cruiser "Moscow". Valued at approximately US$750 million. In addition, the Ukrainian army also destroyed 8 Russian air defense missile systems worth more than 100 million U.S. dollars, as well as the 25 million U.S. dollar armed tug Vasily Bek and the 20 million U.S. dollar landing craft . At least one Mi-8 transport helicopter , two "Raptor" patrol boats, and a large number of Russian weapons and equipment on the island were destroyed.

The loss of the cruiser "Moscow"

is actually foreseeable. The Snake Island covers an area of ​​only 0.17 square kilometers and is about 140 kilometers away from the Ukrainian port city of Odessa. Snake Island is located about 32 kilometers south of the Ukrainian coast and 245 kilometers away from Romania, a member of NATO. Romanian sea and land transportation is one of the most important ways for the West to transport weapons to Ukraine. For the Russian army, as long as it effectively controls Snake Island, it can Cut off this channel.

Moreover, from a strategic position, Snake Island is an air defense outpost in the Crimea region. Whoever occupies the island can control the sea and airspace in southern Ukraine. Not only does it have wide military uses, it also has a huge impact on the economy. After controlling the island, a large amount of Ukrainian food will not be exported through Odessa, not to mention that this place is also rich in oil and natural gas resources. It is precisely because of the existence of these key factors that both sides started fighting for Snake Island regardless of the cost. However, they found that it was too difficult to defend the island and the losses were too uneconomical compared with the benefits gained.

Location of Snake Island


So how difficult is it to defend the island? As mentioned earlier, the area of ​​this place is too small, and the terrain is too flat and there is no cover. Even if you dig three feet into the ground, it is difficult to dig out a tunnel. Survived under fire. As long as the attack is accompanied by a large number of casualties in addition to the loss of equipment, this will have a greater impact on morale. Facing fierce artillery fire in a small place, being able to come back alive depends on luck. The biggest reason why the Russian army evacuated Snake Island was that the Ukrainian counterattack was too fierce and there was no room for people on the island.

html In May, the Ukrainian army began a large-scale attack on Snake Island, hoping to directly land and occupy it. However, many aircraft and equipment were lost to the Russian counterattack. In June, the Ukrainian army began to change its tactics, using drone monitoring to guide firepower, with rocket launchers, , and long-range artillery as the main fire coverage. For example, the most recent use of "Dot" ballistic missiles, "Hurricane" rocket launchers, US-made 155mm M777 howitzers , and TB-2 drones for long-range attacks, it is obvious that the Russian army cannot suppress it in real time if it takes one shot to change the location.

"Hurricane" rocket launcher

"Haimas" rocket launcher

The Russian army has deployed a large number of air defense weapons on the island, including the "Pantsir" artillery and artillery integrated system, and the "Tor" air defense missile system, although it can intercept the "Dot" ballistics Weapons such as missiles. However, there is nothing we can do about unguided "Hurricane" rocket launchers, 155mm M777 howitzers, etc. These shells are low-cost and can be used unlimitedly. They are a headache and powerless for the defenders on the island to deal with.Moreover, with the continuous addition of US-made "Harpoon" anti-ship missiles and "Haimas" rocket launchers, not only is the island unsafe, but the Black Sea Fleet in the surrounding waters is also very dangerous. If it doesn't work well, it will turn into a war of attrition and you will lose as much as you want.

So after the Russian army withdraws, what should the Ukrainian army, which has high-profile propaganda of victory, do? Obviously, they will have to face the same problem when they land on the island. Although the Russian army cannot use land-based artillery to suppress it, it can launch cruise missiles from time to time, or it can be covered by artillery maneuvered by sea ships. On a small island whose head can be seen with the naked eye, both Russian and Ukrainian troops will face the same problems. Therefore, after Ukraine has won a theoretical victory, it can fight a war of public opinion to its heart's content and will never go to the island to seek punishment. The dispute over Snake Island has come to an end for the time being. Which company it falls into in the future will depend on who can control Odessa. After all, only with shore-based protection of Snake Island can the value of Snake Island be highlighted and it will be safer. According to the analysis of Russian experts, the Ukrainian army's fire attack tactics are effective, and now actually controlling the island is tantamount to suicide.

"Armor" anti-ship missile system shipped to Shedao

"Harpoon" anti-ship missile