On June 30, local time, Japan's Kyodo News Agency reported that the Integrated Staff and Supervision Department of the Japanese Ministry of Defense announced on the same day that it will consist of the 055-class destroyer Lhasa, the Type 052D destroyer Chengdu, and the Type 903A

On June 30, local time, Kyodo News Agency reported that the Integrated Staff Supervision Department of the Ministry of Defense of Japan announced on the same day that the 055-class destroyer Lhasa, the 052D destroyer Chengdu, and the type 903A comprehensive supply ship Dongping were affiliated to the Chinese Navy. A formation of lake ships entered the East China Sea from the waters between Miyako Island and Okinawa Island in Japan earlier that day. As early as June 12, Japan began to pay attention to the movements of the Lhasa, Chengdu and Dongpinghu fleets. On the 12th, the Lhasa warship fleet passed Tsushima Strait from south to north; on the 16th, the Lhasa warship fleet passed Tsugaru Strait from west to east; on the 19th, three warships appeared in Honshu Island, Japan east. From the evening of the 29th to the early morning of the 30th, three Chinese warships passed through the Miyako Strait and entered the East China Sea. This means that three Chinese warships sailed around the Japanese archipelago for a full week in twenty days.

Photos of the Lhasa ship and the Chengdu ship released by the Japanese Ministry of Defense

The People's Liberation Army's island circumnavigation operation has played a deterrent effect on the Japanese government and opposition parties. The Japanese Ministry of Defense stated that the Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force dispatched the destroyer "Seto Kiri" and the P-3C "Orion" anti-submarine aircraft to monitor and track the actions of the Chinese warship formation. However, our warships were not affected by Japan and successfully completed their navigation missions. In recent years, China's naval strength has made great progress. We have also actively carried out actual combat-oriented ocean navigation training. In addition, we have also continued to strengthen cooperation with like-minded countries. In particular, the Chinese and Russian navies have formed joint formations to conduct actual combat training, which has further improved China's naval capabilities. Strategic mutual trust between Russia and Russia. While the Chinese navy is sailing on a regular basis, Japan has shown a complicated mentality. Every time our navy ships enter the vicinity of the Japanese archipelago, the Japanese Self-Defense Forces will dispatch warships and military aircraft to follow and film, and the international community will accuse us "oddly". But as the great man said, the more the enemies of oppose it, the more it means we are doing the right thing!

From a military perspective, our military dispatched its fleet to conduct routine high-sea training as planned. On the one hand, it can effectively train our navy's ability to perform tasks under high pressure situations and achieve the purpose of "training with the enemy"; on the other hand, it also It can make the Japanese Self-Defense Force's warships and aircraft exhausted, consuming their energy. Previously, a self-defense officer of the Japan Air Self-Defense Force said that seeing Chinese fighter jets was "the most nervous moment in his life." The Japanese media also revealed that at the beginning of this year, the crash of the Japan Air Self-Defense Force's F-15J fighter may also be related to Japan's long-term dispatch of warships and aircraft to track Chinese warships and military aircraft. Through regular high-sea navigation training, we not only exercised our own skills, but also achieved the purpose of "consuming" the enemy to a certain extent!

The timing of the three PLA warships sailing around the sun is quite sensitive. On the same day that the Lhasa fleet completed its sailing mission, Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida went to the Spanish capital Madrid to attend the NATO National Leaders Summit. . In addition to Japan, the leaders of South Korea, Australia and New Zealand also participated in this NATO summit. This is the first time in history that leaders of four Asia-Pacific countries have attended a NATO summit. It is obvious that the United States hopes to integrate the power of its allies in the Asia-Pacific with its allies in the EU . Japan has been extremely active in this process. Fumio Kishida delivered a speech at the NATO Summit, saying that he would promote the "cooperative relationship between Japan and NATO" established during the Shinzo Abe period, and claimed that he hoped that the Self-Defense Forces could be established at the NATO headquarters in the future. Dispatch self-defense officers, participate in NATO joint military exercises, etc. Kishida Fumio also said that he hopes to normalize and institutionalize the dialogue between NATO and the four Asia-Pacific countries to promote cooperation among all parties.

The reason why Japan hopes to introduce NATO to the Asia-Pacific is, on the one hand, to cooperate with the US strategy, and on the other hand, to fulfill its ambition to become a "normal country". In the past decade or so, the People's Liberation Army's military strength has been greatly developed, and its weapons and equipment have made up for historical debts.If Japan once imagined that it could suppress the People's Liberation Army by relying on the quality advantage of its equipment, then today the Japan Self-Defense Force has fallen behind the People's Liberation Army in terms of both scale and quality. In this context, if Japan still wants to confront China, it is not enough to attract the power of the United States. It must also ask for help from NATO.

In the face of Japan's provocations step by step, we must give a severe response to lure Japan into the house and cut off Japan's ambition to expand its armaments with the help of NATO's power in its infancy. In the eyes of many media, the PLA's dispatch of advanced warships to sail around Japan is a warning to Japan not to attempt to introduce NATO's black hands into the Asia-Pacific region. Today, the People's Liberation Army's military superiority in the Western Pacific is unshakable. Even if Japan introduces NATO to the Asia-Pacific, it will not be able to change the balance of military power in the Western Pacific.

In short, our dispatch of three warships to sail around Japan this time is a reminder to Japan not to attempt to introduce extraterritorial forces to fight against China. It is also a warning to Japan that in the US strategic system, Japan is just a pawn and can be abandoned at any time once the situation changes. If a full-scale conflict does break out in the Asia-Pacific region in the future, no matter who wins or loses between China and the United States, Japan will become the main battlefield in the war. Regardless of the outcome of the war, Japan cannot avoid the fate of being reduced to ashes. Japan's frequent provocations against China will only increase its risk of being wiped out in a war.