The Russian army proactively admitted its withdrawal, and the Ukrainian army trumpeted its victory. On July 1, local time, the British Reuters reported that the Russian army that had previously occupied Snake Island had withdrawn. Colonel Konashenkov, spokesperson of the Russian

The Russian army proactively admitted to withdrawing, and the Ukrainian army trumpeted its victory.

On July 1, local time, the British Reuters reported that the Russian army that had previously occupied Snake Island had withdrawn. Colonel Konashenkov, spokesman for the Russian Ministry of Defense, said that as a gesture of goodwill, the Russian Federation Armed Forces completed their mission on Snake Island and withdrew the garrison that had been operating on Snake Island. He said that this move was to prove to the international community that Russia did not hinder the export of agricultural products from Ukraine. The United Nations has repeatedly warned that the world may face a food crisis, but Ukraine blames this on the fact that the northwest of the Black Sea is completely controlled by the Russian army. Russia said that Ukraine can export food and only needs to clear its own mines.

(Russian military spokesman Konashenkov)

Naturally, the Ukrainian military could not miss this rare opportunity. On that day, the Ukrainian official media began to publicize the successful repulse of the Russian army on Snake Island, calling it a remarkable event. action. Valery Zaluzhny, Commander-in-Chief of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, wrote on his personal page that the Russian army did not retreat as he said to show goodwill. In fact, it could not withstand the continued attacks of the Ukrainian army and was forced to flee. The Russian army has destroyed the buildings and equipment on the island, and the last Russian military personnel have left in two small boats.

(Snake Island commemorative stamp issued by Ukraine)

Russia and Ukraine once had a tug of war on Snake Island.

At the beginning of the war, Russian Navy Black Sea Fleet warships shelled the Ukrainian troops stationed on the island. Although the Ukrainian troops on the island finally Surrender, but the scene of yelling at the Russian army on the radio before surrender is also regarded as a symbol of Ukrainians courage. Compared with Kiev, Khirson and the Donbass front, Snake Island seemed insignificant at first, but soon the Russian army implemented a blockade on Ukraine in the Black Sea, cutting off Ukraine's main foreign trade routes. As the backbone of Ukraine's economy, the grain export industry has been hit hard. More than 20 million tons of agricultural products are backlogged in warehouses and cannot be shipped out. This has forced Ukraine to try to regain this footing.

Despite the heavy fighting pressure in the east, Ukraine still spared a lot of force to attack Snake Island. fighter jets , helicopters, and drones took turns taking action. The small force initially deployed by the Russian army was not prepared to conduct large-scale defensive operations here, and it was extremely difficult to face Ukrainian air attacks. At the same time, the flagship of the Black Sea Fleet, the guided missile cruiser Moskva , was also destroyed in nearby waters. , the Russian army’s air defense capabilities in this direction have been greatly deficient. In order to ensure that the Snake Island stronghold was not lost, Russia urgently used various means to reinforce it and transported a lot of air defense weapons to the island despite Ukrainian firepower, but it continued to suffer losses in the process.

worked hard to strengthen the defense of Snake Island, but why did Russia suddenly decide to withdraw? In addition to the statement of "releasing goodwill and allowing food exports", the Russian Ministry of Defense also gave this explanation on social media: The value of Snake Island as a strategic stronghold has been exerted. Ukraine's continued attacks have made it very difficult to defend this place. Continue to hold on to the island. Uselessly consume resources and suffer losses .

(Ukrainian army released the picture of the air raid on Snake Island)

It is easy to attack and difficult to defend. Russia and Ukraine both face the same problem

Snake Island itself is actually very small, but its location can directly control important waterways in the northwest of the Black Sea, so it has Certain strategic value. But it is precisely this geographical location that is destined to be a place that is easy to attack and difficult to defend. There is no cover on the bare Snake Island, and all military targets are directly exposed to enemy reconnaissance. It is only 35 kilometers away from the closest point to the Ukrainian coastline. Ukraine can very conveniently choose a position in the coastal area to launch an attack on Snake Island.. Although the Russian army has strengthened the deployment of air defense weapons on Snake Island, it still only sends short-range air defense missiles to the island and does not dare to rashly deploy high-value long-range air defense weapons here.In this way, although the Ukrainian drones cannot fly directly into the sky, they can guide artillery fire to hit the Russian targets on Shedao from a safe distance. With the arrival of advanced artillery aided by the West in Ukraine, this long-range strike has posed a significant threat to Russia.

(The small Snake Island has become an insurmountable problem)

What’s worse is that Snake Island is too close to Ukraine, but a full 180 kilometers away from Crimea controlled by Russia. In order to replenish this small island that does not even have fresh water resources, Russia can only frequently send ships to sail in dangerous waters. Russia has calculated that it is not worthwhile to continue to hold this small island in its hands. Even if it wants to control the Ukrainian coast, it can directly dispatch naval ships instead of crowding in this place and being beaten passively.

After the Russian troops withdrew, while celebrating their victory, the spokesperson of the Ukrainian Army's Southern Command stated that the Ukrainian army was still evaluating the situation on Snake Island and would not return to and occupy Snake Island for the time being. This is actually a good proof that the problems existing on Snake Island not only affect the Russian army, but also a hot potato for Ukrainians. The characteristics of Snake Island that are easy to attack and difficult to defend will not change just because the Russian army leaves. If the Ukrainian army goes to the island, the roles of the two sides will be completely reversed. The Russian army will continue to attack targets on the island, but the Ukrainian army will not. Is there any good way to counter it. In any case, the absurd battle on the Black Sea island has finally come to an end. However, the war is far from over. The two sides who have withdrawn from Snake Island will focus more on other fronts, and there is still no sign of the dawn of peace. .