In the late 1980s, China made an experiment with long-range fire: developing the 273mm WM+80 rocket launcher. After the successful development in 1995, it received orders from Armenia and Pakistan - this was also Pakistan's first contact with modular and systematic rocket launche

"Hataf"-1 is 's first ballistic missile project: Pakistan obtained a full set of sounding rocket technology from the French Aerospace Company in the early 1980s. The missile should It is an improvement based on the French "Dragon" sounding rocket.

In the late 1980s, China made an attempt at long-range fire: developing the 273mm WM+80 rocket launcher. After the successful development in 1995, it received orders from Armenia and Pakistan - this was also Pakistan's first contact with modular systems.

While the "Hataf"-1 was being developed, Pakistan developed the "Hataf"-2 missile. However, neither missile was officially installed in Pakistan's strategic missile force, and the "Hataf"-3 subsequently developed by Pakistan became the first strategic missile officially installed in Pakistan. Subsequently, Pakistan developed the "Hataf"-4 ballistic missile ; the "Hataf"-5 is the first liquid-engine ballistic missile developed by Pakistan; the "Hataf"-6 is the longest-range ballistic missile currently developed by Pakistan. Long-range ballistic missiles; "Hataf"-7 and "Hatf"-8 are cruise missiles developed by Pakistan. Among them, "Hatf"-7 is a land-based type, while "Hatf"-8 is an air-based missile. Fire type;

Pakistan gradually realized the asymmetric advantage of long-range rocket launchers over India's superior forces. It began to inspect China's long-range rocket launcher system and introduced technology: the A100 multiple rocket launcher's rocket uses simple flight control technology, breaking through the long-range The bottleneck of poor accuracy of rocket weapons is that the lateral deviation and range deviation can be corrected respectively during the flight of the rocket, ensuring that the dispersion error of the rocket at 85 kilometers is less than 1/300. In addition to hitting far, the dual-purpose submunitions used by the rocket launcher are also very powerful. The submunition has a length of 7.3 meters, a diameter of 0.3 meters, a warhead mass of 235 kilograms, and can carry more than 500 submunitions. An A100 multiple rocket launcher can fire 10 of this type of rocket launcher at a time, and can release more than 5,000 submunitions in the target area, covering a target area of ​​five kilometers; Pakistan learned from it that it can use long-range fire systems Improved a short-range nuclear tactical missile;

"Hataf"-9 is a delivery vehicle developed by Pakistan for nuclear warhead : it is also known as the NASR missile. It is a short-range surface-to-surface ballistic missile. This is a newer missile and is considered an improved NORICO AR series missile. It is speculated that the technology is purchased from allies; in April 2011, the "Hataf 9" tactical missile conducted its first test launch. Experts and analysts believed at the time that the main purpose of this short-range nuclear missile was to respond to India's "Cold Start" combat theory, which focuses on using small joint forces to quickly strike and preempt the enemy. Experts believe that the "Hataf 9" tactical missile will be equipped with a multi-tube mobile launch system and have the ability to quickly evacuate after launch to prevent enemy fire counterattacks: after being equipped with a nuclear warhead, it can easily defeat the Indian armored division-based assault group... At this time, Pakistan came into contact with the WS-2 long-range fire system;

WS-2 multiple-barrel guided rocket launcher is a long-range multiple rocket weapon with a control system recently developed by Sichuan Airlines Corporation. It uses a high-mobility wheeled off-road vehicle as the carrier and uses six storage and transportation launch boxes. The rocket can be replaced with more than six different types of warheads according to different strategic and tactical requirements. The rocket launcher of this system usually uses a company as the basic combat unit, and its mission is to attack the enemy's targets within a depth of 400 miles. The multiple rocket system consists of a WS-2 rocket, a rocket launch vehicle, a firing command vehicle and a transport and loading vehicle.A rocket company is a combat unit, including 1 shooting command vehicle, 6 to 9 rocket launching vehicles, and 6 to 9 transport and loading vehicles; the projectile length is 8150 mm, the projectile diameter is 425 mm, the warhead mass is 250 kg, and the design accuracy is ( CEP) is less than or equal to 620 meters, has a take-off mass of 1575 kg, a maximum flight speed of M=5.8, a minimum range of 60 kilometers, a maximum range of 480 kilometers, and a vehicle-mounted box-type tilt launch;

After understanding the technical connotation of modular remote fire , Pakistan’s military industry quickly established a production system with the assistance of its allies. As for tactical short-range nuclear missiles, Pakistan’s allies have struggled to survive for many years under inter-regional military pressure. Of course, they have experienced it: using long-range fire systems to develop tactical missiles are affordable , Excellent performance - On May 29, 2012, Pakistan once again successfully test-fired a short-range ballistic missile that can carry a nuclear warhead - the "Hataf-9" missile. It is reported that this type of missile has a range of 60 kilometers: "Hataf 9" tactical missile ("Nasr" missile) has "inflight maneuverability (inflight manoeuver capability)", can carry small nuclear warheads, and has very high hit accuracy. It can achieve salvo fire of 4 missiles, has rapid response and powerful deterrence capabilities, and has also specially designed the ability of air defense and anti-missile systems;

For Pakistan, the "Hataf-9" can drag nuclear warheads around the mountainous area. The Indian reconnaissance system cannot accurately detect its location, but it can use the three-mode guidance system to launch high-speed nuclear strikes against the Indian Army and military targets: the lowest cost but greatly deterring the Indian military's "cold start" strategy.

Pakistan's small nuclear warheads and carrying technology have surpassed India. They can easily launch a comprehensive tactical nuclear strike against India!