Many years after the victory of the Anti-Japanese War, while searching for anti-Japanese war materials, I accidentally discovered a piece of video material. The viewers were shocked because this was an aerial confrontation that had not been recorded in the history of the anti-Jap

Many years after the victory of the Anti-Japanese War, when searching for anti-Japanese war materials, I accidentally discovered a piece of video material. The viewers were shocked because this was an aerial confrontation that had not been recorded in the history of the anti-Japanese war. There was a huge disparity in numbers and strength, but they were still together. We fought alone without backup. At that time, no one in the country even knew that we still had an air force fighting, and they once doubted its authenticity.

The video background is during the Anti-Japanese War. After five large-scale air battles between China and Japan, the Chinese Air Force was almost completely lost. On May 28, 1940, the weather was fine in Chengdu. The Japanese Air Force sent 32 97 heavy bombers to Chengdu for bombing. They He believed that the air raid would not encounter any resistance, and asked reporters accompanying the army to take pictures and record them so that they could be sent back to Japan to boost morale. During the Japanese bombing, a lone hero appeared. He drove the backward trainer aircraft towards the Japanese fleet, shooting back and forth. However, due to the backward force and equipment, he could not shoot down even if he hit continuously. In the end, he even drove The plane crashed into the enemy, and the enemy plane quickly dodged and finally drove away safely among dozens of enemy planes.

Later we found the takeoff record of Chengdu Airport that day, which showed that there was only one takeoff record that day, and then we found the pilot’s home. Unfortunately, the old man had passed away, and the old man’s family had not heard the old man talk about this. Later, I found the old man's diary of that day, which confirmed the authenticity of this image. There was only one sentence in the diary, which clearly said: "My students have all died in the battle, and now it is my turn as a teacher."

us It’s unimaginable how sad the pilot was and how courageous he was to die. When the entire Air Force lost its combat capabilities, and there was no order from his superiors to fight, there was absolutely no need for him to fly a training aircraft to do so. It seemed like a pointless fight. He knew the disparity in strength between the enemy and us. He also had a family and children. He never told anyone that he was not heroic. He wanted to avenge the students. He was fighting for the country and safeguarded China. With the dignity of the Air Force, he fulfilled his mission as a pilot. Although he did not shoot down the enemy plane, he worked hard. He gave an explanation to the dead students, himself, and the country. He had no regrets in his life.

The generals of the Yang family

"The generals of the Yang family guarded the northern border. Seven sons left and six returned. Three generations repaid the country's kindness. The hall is filled with loyal souls." They are the contemporary "generals of the Yang family". Only with their bloodshed and sacrifices can we have the peace we have today. Life.

All Chinese people, look at those people who bully the Chinese people all day long, those who shame their own compatriots without conscience, those who want to live or die when something happens, what have they done, what are you doing! We must keep history in mind, strive for self-improvement, pay tribute to the martyrs, look up to the heroes, and work hard for peace for our generation and future generations.

In the eight years of the war of resistance, we have sacrificed too much. Countless Chinese people have sacrificed their lives. How many loyalties, blood and tears have been buried that we don’t know about? We don’t even know their names or their feats! Heroes are never lonely, angels are in the world. Let us praise the soldiers who defended our country and died bravely!

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