The Fourth Field Army led by Lin Biao was one of the four main forces in my country during the War of Liberation. Among the four main forces, the Fourth Field Army had the most powerful combat effectiveness.

The Fourth Field Army led by Lin Biao was one of the four main forces in my country during the War of Liberation. Among these four main forces, the Fourth Field Army had the most powerful combat effectiveness. In our country's Liberation War, the soldiers of the Fourth Field Army made immortal contributions. The Fourth Field Army is full of talents. When our country held the investiture ceremony in 1955, many senior generals appeared in the Fourth Field Army.

Many famous generals also appeared in our country’s Fourth Field Army. These generals made great contributions to the founding and construction of New China. Later, after the founding of New China, the country showed the greatest respect to these generals and also gave them the greatest rewards, so they went to various military divisions to serve as commanders. However, among the generals of the Fourth Field Army, only Li Tianyou has not been promoted. In 1955, in order to realize the regularization of the army, our army held a title ceremony. During this conferment ceremony, Li Tianyou was awarded the rank of founding general. But in our country's military region, he has always served as deputy commander. What is the reason for this?

Li Tianyou was born in 1914 in a very poor family in Guangxi Province, my country. When he was born, there were four children in his family. He is the third child in the family, but he is not the youngest child in the family. When he was two or three years old, another younger brother and sister were born into this world. It stands to reason that adding more people to a family is a big deal, but in that era, all the people lived a life of hunger and hunger . And his family is even more impoverished. His parents are both craftsmen, making a living by selling handicrafts and helping landlords farm. In the hearts of every Chinese, has the desire for knowledge to change their destiny, so Li Tianyou also went to private school.

But within two years, his family could not afford the high tuition fees, so he followed his parents to the market to sell daily necessities such as mats. Nowadays, business people in our country have fixed stores, and they get off work on time and at the same time every day. But in that era, setting up a stall was indeed an extremely difficult task. No matter how bad the weather is, in order to solve the problem of food and clothing for the family, they will go to the market . When adults face such a life, they may be able to endure it. But Li Tianyou was only a few years old at the time. When he saw such a life, he made a vow in his heart that he would take his parents out of the mountains and live a good life in the outside world.

In this way, Li Tianyou signed up to join the army when he was 14 years old. At that time, Li Mingrui's army was the only one recruiting troops in their hometown. It didn't take long for Li Tianyou to become Li Mingrui's orderly because of his young age. Although now fourteen or fifteen-year-old children are still the treasures of their parents, at that time, Li Tianyou, who was only fourteen or fifteen years old, had already faced a cruel life. Although he is very young, he has already been able to look at other people's faces and act . Later, after Li Mingrui failed to resist the Kuomintang, joined the Communist Party of China based on his inner feelings. And his move was one of the most important turning points in his life.

Not long after he joined the Communist Party, he went to the battlefield and joined the battle.. The first battle in which he became a member of the Communist Party was the famous Baise Uprising
in our country. This uprising is a very important uprising carried out by our party among the ethnic minorities in southwest China. has a different meaning for Li Tianyou.
After the Baise Uprising, he led his soldiers to participate in many battles. During the battle, Li Tianyou's military experience became more and more solid, and he also had his own unique insights into the analysis.In this way, Li Tianyou relied on his own efforts to complete his transformation from a recruit to a company commander.

In 1931, the situation in our country was very chaotic. At that time, Wang Ming used wrong ideas to harm the interests of our party. Due to Wang Ming's wrong guidance, caused inevitable losses to Red Army . After Li Tianyou learned of Wang Ming's order, he kept his mission in mind. But in this battle, he was unfortunately seriously injured , but he still took out the bomb on his body and threw it at the enemy.
No matter what period it is in our country, Li Tianyou's performance is extremely outstanding . Therefore, after the founding of New China, in order to commend generals like Li Tianyou who had made immortal contributions to the founding of New China, the country held a conferment ceremony for them in 1955. At this conferment ceremony, Li Tianyou received the honor of his life and became the founding general of our country.


The founding generals of our country later became the commanders of our military regions. However, Li Tianyou's military rank was the same as theirs, but his achievements were not as high as theirs . In fact, the main reason was that Li Tianyou was seriously injured at that time and went to the Soviet Union for treatment. Many things happened during his five years in the Soviet Union, which caused him to miss the battle. This is why Li Tianyou became the deputy of the Naxi commanders.