In order to avoid humanitarian disasters caused by biological weapons, countries have also signed the "Biological Weapons Convention" to restrict and prohibit the development of biological weapons. A few days ago, Scott Bennett, a former U.S. military intelligence official, said

Biological weapons , as a weapon far more dangerous than nuclear bombs, have always been regarded as taboo by countries around the world. In order to avoid humanitarian disasters caused by biological weapons, countries have also signed the "Biological Weapons Convention" to restrict and prohibit the development of biological weapons. It is a pity that the concerted efforts of all countries in the world will always fall short due to the selfishness of individual countries.

A few days ago, Scott Bennett, a former U.S. military intelligence official, said in an interview that the United Nations should establish an international court based on evidence collected by Russia to investigate the biological laboratory established by the United States in Ukraine. and its leaders.

Note: The U.S. biological laboratory in Kiev

Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokesperson Zhao Lijian also responded to China’s attitude on this issue at a recent press conference, and said that the best way for the United States to prove its innocence is to open the door. Accept inspection by the international community.

It should be pointed out that the United States was not the first country to develop biological weapons, but it is the country that invests the most in research. As early as 1943, the United States began to develop biological weapons. The amount of money and energy invested in the development of biological weapons was second only to the "Manhattan Project" to develop nuclear weapons.

Legend: Fort Detrick, the origin of the U.S. biological weapons program

After the war, the United States still did not stop the development of biological weapons. Instead, it continued to absorb data on biological weapons from Japan and Germany. Increased investment in biological weapons development. In order to obtain data on biological warfare and bacteriological warfare carried out by Japan in China, MacArthur, the commander-in-chief of the Allied Forces in Japan at the time, even exchanged it for the hands of senior officials of the 731 Bacteriology Unit such as Shiro Ishii on the condition that he would not pursue the war crimes of members of the 731 Bacteriology Unit. experimental data. As a result, China was unable to sanction these demons who committed heinous crimes in the Tokyo Trial .

Illustration: The United States had a dirty behind-the-scenes deal with Unit 731.

The United States not only actively researched biological weapons, but also used biological weapons on a large scale on the battlefield. During the War to Resist U.S. Aggression and Aid Korea, the United States launched germ warfare against the Volunteer Army, releasing a large number of mosquitoes and rats carrying cholera, typhoid, plague, and other bacteria into the rear of the Volunteer Army's front lines and even into the northeastern region within the territory, with the intention of destroying Rear stability.

Illustration: Propaganda poster to promote defense against germ warfare in the United States

The crimes committed by the United States with biological weapons are too numerous to list, but not only are they not ashamed of them, but they believe that biological weapons are more "safe and efficient" compared to nuclear weapons. It was not until later that the Soviet Union also began to develop biological weapons. In order to ensure its leading position in biological weapons, the United States could only get the Soviet Union to sign the "Biological Weapons Convention" to restrict the Soviet Union's development of biological weapons.

However, after the disintegration of the Soviet Union , the United States, which had lost its restraint, began to restart its own biological weapons development plan. Not only did they take advantage of the chaos in the early stages of disintegration to "harvest" a large amount of Soviet biological weapons data and technology, they also set up biological laboratories in these independent countries in the name of preventing "biological threats." Today, the United States has more than 300 laboratories in more than 30 countries, almost all of which were built after the collapse of the Soviet Union.

Note: The locations of laboratories built by the United States in some countries

Countries around the world have always suspected the true purpose of these laboratories. However, because the United States obstructed the establishment of the verification mechanism of the Biological Weapons Convention, these "medical institutions" as the United States calls them have never been Able to be investigated. It was not until after the conflict between Russia and Ukraine broke out that Russia seized a large amount of evidence from the occupied American laboratories, which proved that the United States was developing biological weapons in Ukraine and conducting human experiments on Ukrainians .

In fact, Russia’s evidence has not been studied and judged by the international community, but this problem does not lie with Russia, but with the United States itself. On the one hand, the United States insists that Russia is slandering, but on the other hand, it does not allow other countries to investigate these facilities. With such covert behavior, no one can believe that the United States is innocent.

If the United States really wants to prove its innocence, the best way is to listen to China's opinions and open the door to investigations by countries around the world. After all, if you are upright, you are not afraid of slanted shadows. Unless... there is really something wrong with America.