The Russia-Ukraine war has been going on for four months. In the face of the strong military strength of the Russian army, the Ukrainian side has been able to retreat step by step but has been defeated continuously. Some people comment that Russia has turned Ukraine into a "begga

The Russia-Ukraine war has lasted for four months. In the face of the strong military strength of the Russian army, Ukraine has been making steady progress but can only retreat in successive defeats. Some people commented that Russia has turned Ukraine into a "beggar". Not only is its economy weak, but it also has to rely on NATO and the United States militarily, and it has lost its autonomy. However, some experts have analyzed that in addition to Ukraine, there is another country that has also been labeled a "beggar" by Russia, and that is Poland .

Poland was once a powerful country in Eastern Europe, but it has been repeatedly invaded and invaded by wars in modern times. Now its comprehensive national power and military strength are relatively weak. After Ukraine was stationed by the Russian army, Poland immediately stated that it would provide military assistance, and it really did what it said. However, in the face of the strong combat capabilities of the Russian army, Poland's assistance was quickly consumed, resulting in a shortage of arms. The Polish president had to "borrow" second-hand equipment from other countries to support the Ukrainian army. Some people can't help but joke that maybe Putin also didn't expect that Russia reduced the two countries to equipment shortages in more than 100 days, turning them into "beggar countries."

In fact, so far, whether it is the United States or a number of NATO countries, it can be said that they have ulterior motives, and no one sincerely wants to help Ukraine. The United Kingdom and the United States expressly support Ukraine and accuse Russia in public, but they are just to sanction Russia in public opinion and restrict the development of Russia's national power through Ukraine; while Germany and France, which have always liked to "play Tai Chi", support it on international occasions. Ukraine, on the other hand, has purchased large quantities of Russian oil, gas and mineral resources. It can be said that this is a secret cooperation. The leaders of Germany and France also persuaded Ukraine to settle the matter and give up some of its interests. It can be said that the "appeasement" policy has been used to the extreme. The countries that really want to help Ukraine share its worries are neighboring countries like Poland.

At present, Poland has provided several waves of assistance to the Ukrainian army, and the intensity is also the largest. It not only provides heavy tanks , infantry fighting vehicles, mortars , low-altitude missiles , drones, etc., these equipment are commonly used strike weapons on the battlefield, and they are also Poland's most advanced weapons. Not only that, Poland recently promised to add more weapons worth more than 600 million U.S. dollars, but has not yet disclosed the specific model of the weapons. Since the Second World War, Poland's military strength has been in decline, and it cannot be regarded as a military power now. However, even so, Poland has done its best to help Ukraine, and its sincerity is evident. So many people can't help but wonder why Poland repeatedly helps Ukraine and "sings against Russia" internationally? This has to start from a historical perspective.

Historically, Poland once became the world's military power. However, in modern times, Poland has become the country that has been invaded and occupied the most times in European history. As early as 5 centuries ago, Tsarist Russia occupied Polish territory. During World War II, Poland was invaded and occupied by the German " Blitzkrieg " and was later divided up by Russia many times. Therefore, in modern times, Poland has repeatedly stood in the West. He criticized Russia and supported Ukraine in military actions.

But Poland wants to help Ukraine but is powerless. According to reports, a spokesperson for the Polish government recently stated publicly that although it has provided maximum military support to Ukraine, it also has an arms shortage. Polish President also requested military support from all allies. Even "second-hand" armaments and weapons were accepted by Poland sincerely. In just over 100 days, Russia reached equipment shortages in Ukraine and Poland at the same time, which rarely happened in history. The reason is also due to the fact that the modern armament levels of the Ukrainian and Polish armies are limited. Ukraine's nuclear armaments have been completely abolished, while Poland's modern equipment has not yet been established. Therefore, it is obviously of no avail in front of Russia, the veteran military "big brother". This reminds people of the history of Germany's "blitz" against Poland during World War II. At that time, Poland was known as the "Million Army" and collected a large amount of second-hand equipment purchased from other countries, but it was like a paper tiger that Germany took over the entire territory. Now that Poland has "made the same mistake again", I wonder if it will hit a wall again.

Some people say that Poland and Ukraine are neighboring countries, and they have not been at odds with each other in history, and both have been occupied by Russia. It is normal for the two countries to feel like brothers. In fact, Poland has always supported Ukraine and opposed Putin on the international stage. Although it has poured out all its military power, it also has its own "little ninety-nine". Today's Western Ukraine originally belonged to Poland. After World War II, it was included in the territory of the Soviet Union due to the war. Having lost a large area of ​​territory, the Polish government has been trying every means to "restore" its former territory. Therefore, it is necessarily false to say that there is no ambition. However, judging from the current situation, if Poland wants to take back the Western Ukraine region, neither NATO nor Russia will agree, and Ukraine will not be willing either.

Today, Poland's military strength is very limited, and objectively speaking, it is difficult to return to its former glory. If the Russo-Ukrainian war ends and Ukraine fails, Poland will assume the position of Ukraine today, facing a dilemma between Western Europe and Russia. This is also what the Polish leaders do not want to see, and there are reasons for sending troops to aid Ukraine. Many experts have recently said that judging from the recent movements of the United States and NATO countries, their tone has changed significantly, and they have even begun to coordinate the "surrender" of Ukraine after its defeat. Perhaps Ukraine can no longer afford the indiscriminate bombing, and the United States and the West are also ready to make further compromises and ruthlessly "abandon" Ukraine. The recent speech of the NATO Secretary-General is also worth pondering, and it has some intention of "seeking peace". This made the world begin to suspect that Ukraine may eventually be jointly occupied by NATO and Russia, and the United States, the largest behind the scenes, is "taking advantage" behind the scenes. Then Poland, as a neighboring country, may also gain some benefits from it.

Poland had previously signed a "Tank Support Agreement" with Germany. Germany shipped tanks to Poland, and Poland then provided them to neighboring Ukraine to support operations. As a result, Poland can easily obtain advanced German weapons "Cheetah" tanks , and transfer its relatively backward old-fashioned Soviet weapons to Ukraine. For Poland, this business not only promotes the "update" of its military equipment "Replacement" has also gained support from European countries. In addition, due to the issue of legislative rights, Poland had a "big quarrel" with and the EU , and the EU also cut off tens of billions of euros in financial support to Poland. However, during the Russo-Ukrainian war, Poland continued to provide military assistance to Ukraine. This also made the EU see the value of Poland, so it lifted its financial support and provided preferential loan policies. Poland directly enjoyed tens of billions of euros. Low interest loans. This has also greatly promoted Poland's economic development, which can be said to serve multiple purposes.

In addition, the US military acted as a behind-the-scenes agent in the Russo-Ukrainian war and stationed a large number of troops and new military equipment in Poland. This is also what the Polish government likes to see. Therefore, Poland can continuously provide equipment support to the Ukrainian army.

However, objectively speaking, in front of Russia, the world's leading military power, even if Poland provides support, it will be difficult to change the situation. For Poland itself, due to the lack of post-war construction, it is currently difficult to become an important European power. It is more of a "flag" for the interests of the United States and NATO. If Ukraine really faces "disintegration", Poland will become the nearest "buffer zone" between Europe and Russia. In order to avoid this situation, NATO has obviously included Poland in its "back-up move". Once the situation changes, Poland is likely to be as crisis-ridden as Ukraine. Therefore, it is not difficult to understand Poland's current behavior of trying every means to get closer to the EU.

Whether it is Afghanistan, which has been engaged in a fierce war with the United States for 20 years, or Russia and Ukraine, which are currently fighting fiercely, it is inevitable to suffer great losses, which will have a profound impact on the economy, military and even the international situation. We should also be grateful that we were born in a peaceful era and a strong motherland. We should be filled with gratitude and serve the motherland!

Some people say that Poland and Ukraine are neighboring countries, and they have not been at odds with each other in history, and both have been occupied by Russia. It is normal for the two countries to feel like brothers. In fact, Poland has always supported Ukraine and opposed Putin on the international stage. Although it has poured out all its military power, it also has its own "little ninety-nine". Today's Western Ukraine originally belonged to Poland. After World War II, it was included in the territory of the Soviet Union due to the war. Having lost a large area of ​​territory, the Polish government has been trying every means to "restore" its former territory. Therefore, it is necessarily false to say that there is no ambition. However, judging from the current situation, if Poland wants to take back the Western Ukraine region, neither NATO nor Russia will agree, and Ukraine will not be willing either.

Today, Poland's military strength is very limited, and objectively speaking, it is difficult to return to its former glory. If the Russo-Ukrainian war ends and Ukraine fails, Poland will assume the position of Ukraine today, facing a dilemma between Western Europe and Russia. This is also what the Polish leaders do not want to see, and there are reasons for sending troops to aid Ukraine. Many experts have recently said that judging from the recent movements of the United States and NATO countries, their tone has changed significantly, and they have even begun to coordinate the "surrender" of Ukraine after its defeat. Perhaps Ukraine can no longer afford the indiscriminate bombing, and the United States and the West are also ready to make further compromises and ruthlessly "abandon" Ukraine. The recent speech of the NATO Secretary-General is also worth pondering, and it has some intention of "seeking peace". This made the world begin to suspect that Ukraine may eventually be jointly occupied by NATO and Russia, and the United States, the largest behind the scenes, is "taking advantage" behind the scenes. Then Poland, as a neighboring country, may also gain some benefits from it.

Poland had previously signed a "Tank Support Agreement" with Germany. Germany shipped tanks to Poland, and Poland then provided them to neighboring Ukraine to support operations. As a result, Poland can easily obtain advanced German weapons "Cheetah" tanks , and transfer its relatively backward old-fashioned Soviet weapons to Ukraine. For Poland, this business not only promotes the "update" of its military equipment "Replacement" has also gained support from European countries. In addition, due to the issue of legislative rights, Poland had a "big quarrel" with and the EU , and the EU also cut off tens of billions of euros in financial support to Poland. However, during the Russo-Ukrainian war, Poland continued to provide military assistance to Ukraine. This also made the EU see the value of Poland, so it lifted its financial support and provided preferential loan policies. Poland directly enjoyed tens of billions of euros. Low interest loans. This has also greatly promoted Poland's economic development, which can be said to serve multiple purposes.

In addition, the US military acted as a behind-the-scenes agent in the Russo-Ukrainian war and stationed a large number of troops and new military equipment in Poland. This is also what the Polish government likes to see. Therefore, Poland can continuously provide equipment support to the Ukrainian army.

However, objectively speaking, in front of Russia, the world's leading military power, even if Poland provides support, it will be difficult to change the situation. For Poland itself, due to the lack of post-war construction, it is currently difficult to become an important European power. It is more of a "flag" for the interests of the United States and NATO. If Ukraine really faces "disintegration", Poland will become the nearest "buffer zone" between Europe and Russia. In order to avoid this situation, NATO has obviously included Poland in its "back-up move". Once the situation changes, Poland is likely to be as crisis-ridden as Ukraine. Therefore, it is not difficult to understand Poland's current behavior of trying every means to get closer to the EU.

Whether it is Afghanistan, which has been engaged in a fierce war with the United States for 20 years, or Russia and Ukraine, which are currently fighting fiercely, it is inevitable to suffer great losses, which will have a profound impact on the economy, military and even the international situation. We should also be grateful that we were born in a peaceful era and a strong motherland. We should be filled with gratitude and serve the motherland!