While the 2022 NATO Summit is being held, the "Rim of the Pacific" military exercise organized by the United States and involving 26 countries has begun in the waters near Hawaii. According to information released by the United States, this Rim of the Pacific military exercise ha

While the 2022 NATO Summit is being held, the "Rim of the Pacific" military exercise organized by the United States and involving 26 countries has begun in the waters near Hawaii. According to information released by the United States, this Rim of the Pacific military exercise has 42 ships and 170 aircraft. With the participation of fighter planes and more than 20,000 troops, it is the largest Rim-Pacific military exercise to date. Today, the United States is aggressive and trying to put pressure on China through the "Rim of the Pacific Military Exercise" to serve the United States' "Indo-Pacific Strategy." During the game between China and the United States, the United States frequently used military power for deterrence. Before the "Rim of the Pacific" organized by the United States with the participation of 26 countries, the United States had already held the "Valiant Shield" joint military exercise, and the U.S. Navy deployed three aircraft carriers. participate.

While the "Rim of the Pacific" organized by the United States was being held, the US Navy's CVN76 aircraft carrier strike group was performing missions near the Mariana Trench and could approach the waters near the first island chain at any time. According to information obtained by Aviation Vision, starting in 2020, the U.S. Navy has maintained long-term combat cruises of aircraft carriers in the Asia-Pacific region. This is a military operation directed at China. During this period, it will also break into the South China Sea and the East China Sea. Conducting so-called "free navigation". The rise of China has made the mentality of the United States very complicated. The United States is worried about China's impact on the hegemony of the United States, so it has adopted various means to try to contain China's development and rise. Now, confronting China has become the "political correctness" of the United States.

When the United States was encircling and containing China, it also took the initiative to launch a "trade war" against China. Obviously, when the United States is aggressive, China will not sit idly by and do nothing. While reciprocally imposing tariffs on the United States, China is now once again took action and announced the purchase of 292 A320Neo aircraft from Europe. Aviation Vision believes that China's three major airlines purchased 292 aircraft from Europe, which is a powerful counterattack against the US strategy of containing and containing China. European Airbus can earn a lot of profits by exporting 292 A320Neo passenger aircraft. With this At the same time, the American Boeing Company has lost a big cake, so it is "adding insult to injury" to the United States.

The United States has been trying to promote Boeing passenger aircraft to the outside world. However, the United States has adopted a "high-ranking" attitude. For large passenger aircraft, the United States is no longer in a monopoly. It is not only Airbus's A320 that belongs to the same level as the Boeing 737 series, China The C919 passenger aircraft is also a platform of the same level. 202207010/Aviation Vision/AZ, China purchased 292 A320Neo passenger aircraft from Europe, thereby dampening the arrogance of the United States. If the United States persists in its strategy of being hostile to China, it will inevitably pay a greater price. If the United States adopts a friendly strategy, China can It purchases large passenger aircraft from the United States, but the United States has to "get the hammer if you ask for it."

Today, the United States is in the midst of multiple crises. In addition to the new coronavirus epidemic, the United States also has a very serious inflation problem, and the CPI index is at a new high in 40 years. The United States has been trying to bring manufacturing back to the United States. The United States' "trade war" with China is the United States' strategy. However, by imposing tariffs on Chinese goods, the United States ultimately makes American consumers bear the cost, so it is "more losses than gains." strategy. Previously, U.S. President Biden announced that he was considering canceling the additional tariffs on Chinese goods, but the U.S. Trade Representative opposed giving up the "trade war" with China. Time waits for no one. If the United States misses this village, it will not have that store. The United States You have to pay the price for your wrong strategy.