He was 60 years old when he became the chief designer of China's manned space project. Wang Yongzhi is the first chief designer of China’s manned space program and an academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering. September 21, 1992, is a day that can be recorded in the histo

was 60 years old when he became the chief designer of China's manned space project.

Wang Yongzhi, the first chief designer of China’s manned space program and an academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering. September 21, 1992, is a day that can be recorded in the history of China's aerospace industry. On this day, China's manned space project was officially launched. The project code was "921". Wang Yongzhi, who was in his 60s, was officially appointed as China's manned space project. Chief designer of aerospace engineering.

From a manned spacecraft to a space laboratory, and then to a permanent space station that will be cared for for a long time, Wang Yongzhi’s idea eventually became the “three-step” strategy for China’s manned spaceflight project. "Flying eight thousand feet straight, I move the clouds with one hand and look at the sea." This is a poem Wang Yongzhi sent to astronaut Yang Liwei before Shenzhou 5 went to space. Underneath this heroic poem is the tremendous pressure that Wang Yongzhi has borne.

Bold innovation

From the successful launch of the first self-designed missile to the era of the space station, Wang Yongzhi, who serves as the chief designer of the launch vehicle series and the first chief designer of China's manned space project, has witnessed my country's national defense technology and aerospace industry. Many important historical moments.

"Facing the enemy's aircraft and artillery, I thought at that time that the country must have a strong national defense so that others would not dare to bully." After the outbreak of the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, Wang Yongzhi was admitted to Tsinghua University with the goal of "not being bullied" University Department of Aviation.

In 1957, Wang Yongzhi ushered in a major turning point in his life: this year, he changed to study rocket and missile design at the Moscow Aviation Institute. Since then, Wang Yongzhi’s fate has been closely linked to China’s aerospace industry.

In response to the problem of insufficient range of my country's first self-designed missile, Wang Yongzhi boldly proposed a solution: leak 600 kilograms of fuel from the rocket body, and the missile can reach the predetermined range.

The rocket energy is not enough in the first place, so it needs to be leaked out? At the time, many people thought this was incredible. Wang Yongzhi plucked up the courage to find Qian Xuesen, the technical director of the launch site, and expressed his thoughts. After Qian Xuesen heard this, he immediately called the missile chief designer over and said: "This young man's opinion is right, just do what he says!" Sure enough, after the implementation of this plan, the missile's range increased, and even three rounds were fired into the The target area was determined and the experiment was successful.

This bold and innovative spirit always runs through Wang Yongzhi’s scientific research work.

"The proposer has unshirkable responsibility"

The top priority of the manned space project is to ensure the personal safety of astronauts. At that time, every country in the world would conduct many large animal experiments out of caution before sending people into space. If China takes this path again, the time and economic costs will be huge, but without large animal experiments, it will definitely be a huge test for the chief designer to ensure the safety of astronauts. Wang Yongzhi took the pressure off and decided not to do experiments on large animals and go directly to heaven.

This is a bold decision. Wang Yongzhi said: "We have to make a bold leap, because we were determined at that time - the Chinese spacecraft will be world-class once it comes out. Why can we do this (directly send astronauts to space)? We just use the advantage of being a latecomer, and other countries will be the first to do so. We will do it later, so with experience, many things can be avoided and skipped."

Even so, making this determination also requires courage and great wisdom. In the end, this bold plan was determined through a joint meeting of the "two generals" (that is, a joint meeting of the commander-in-chief, deputy commander-in-chief, chief designer, and deputy chief designer). But the decision-making power obviously rests with one person, and the proposer has full responsibility. Wang Yongzhi said: "No matter how many people discuss the plan, the proposer and advocate bear the main responsibility. I am determined to take on this responsibility."

Ensuring the personal safety of astronauts is the top priority of my country's manned spaceflight project Heavy. Wang Yongzhi said: "I feel very gratified about this. I have been working until now, almost 30 years ago, and we have always been safe." It is completely inseparable from the Long March series of launch vehicles independently developed by our country. How to improve the carrying capacity of Chinese rockets was a problem that Wang Yongzhi, then president of the China Academy of Launch Vehicle Technology, took the lead in overcoming.

In 1986, Wang Yongzhi, then president of the China Academy of Launch Vehicle Technology, and a group of scientists were quietly brewing a major event that later shocked the aerospace industry: bundling four boosters on the basis of the "Long March 2" rocket. Forming a new type of high-thrust rocket - "Chang Erbian".

Wang Yongzhi said: "At that time, we wanted to develop a high-thrust bundled rocket based on the 'Long March 2' rocket and introduce China's launch vehicles to the international market." At the end of 1988, the country approved the project, requiring that it be completed within 18 months. Complete the research and development tasks. Wang Yongzhi issued a "military order" on behalf of the institute. In the view of some foreign colleagues, it is impossible to complete this task without three years. This is the most difficult battle Wang Yongzhi has ever encountered in his life. Whether China Aerospace can catch the international commercial launch bus will determine success or failure. In the end, Wang Yongzhi and his colleagues gave the best answer with facts - on July 16, 1990, the "Chang Erbang" made its first flight successfully.

Carrying the spirit of manned spaceflight

From the successful launch of Shenzhou 5 to the smooth return of Shenzhou 13, our country has successfully launched 8 manned spacecraft, and 13 Chinese astronauts have visited the vast universe. From 1992 to 2022, China's manned space project has gone through a full 30 years, and the "three-step" plan originally envisioned by Wang Yongzhi will also be completed in 2022.

These three steps have taken a full 30 years. Over a long period of time, our country has not only cultivated a highly qualified aerospace team, but also cultivated the spirit of manned spaceflight.

Wang Yongzhi has high hopes for the new generation of astronauts. He said: "I think the most important thing is that they can really seriously study and understand the 'two bombs and one satellite' spirit and manned spaceflight spirit created by the older generation. I think these , our career can continue to develop and flourish. "

"The needs of the country are our ideals and aspirations," Wang Yongzhi said firmly.



1, CCTV News Client

2, People's Liberation Army News "Chinese Academy of Engineering Academician Wang Yongzhi: The "star" shines because of dreams"

Author: Liu Jianhua

Editor: Guo Ling

Reviewer: Gong Zimo

Vision: Long Hao

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