Washington, which is busy with the "diplomatic show" of the G7 and NATO summits on the other side of the Atlantic, is also not idle in the Pacific, and has launched a "military exercise show". Known as the world's largest multinational joint maritime military exercise, this year'

Washington, which is busy with the "diplomatic show" of the G7 and NATO summits on the other side of the Atlantic, is also not idle in the Pacific, and has launched a "military exercise show". The "Rim of the Pacific 2022" joint military exercise led by the United States began on June 29 and will last until August 4. Known as the world's largest multinational joint maritime military exercise, this year's battle is quite large, with more than 25,000 personnel from 26 countries participating. It is said that the scale of the deployment of unmanned systems, large warships and other forces has also reached a record level in recent years. record.

The "Rim-Pacific Military Exercise" was a product of the Cold War . The imaginary enemy at that time was the Soviet Union. Some US media said that the deterrent target of this "Rim-Pacific Military Exercise" is self-evident, that is, China, which was not invited. Many analysts said that this military exercise is to send a message to China - "China's expansion in the Western Pacific will be stopped and defeated." They probably want to change the name of the "Rim of the Pacific Military Exercise" to the "Rim of China Military Exercise" so that they can better "demonstrate" to China. But everyone knows that this is self-deception by the United States and a few followers, and it does not represent the collective attitude of the 26 countries participating in the "Rim-Pacific Military Exercise".

The 2018 Rim-Pacific Military Exercise (data map)

A Southeast Asian military officer compared the "Rim-Pacific Military Exercise" to a party at sea. This must be the true thinking of many participating countries. This statement also shows that they are just attending the party, not being invited to support the opposition or even fight against another country. It is not difficult to see that most countries are consciously keeping a certain distance from the United States' anti-China actions. This constitutes a paradox in reality: the bigger the "Rim-Pacific Military Exercise" becomes and the more countries participate, the more directed, military and political significance expected by Washington is weakened and becomes more dramatic. .

After all, the new target set by the United States for the "Rim-Pacific Military Exercise" is a false target. Where is the fact that "China is expanding in the Western Pacific"? People only see that the United States itself is increasing its intervention in the region. The United States has invited a number of South China Sea countries to participate this time, and its intention to stir up trouble and sow discord in the South China Sea is very obvious. But few countries are really confused and willing to follow Washington into the muddy waters of "geopolitical competition."

The conflict between Russia and Ukraine has given Washington more excuses to meddle in the Pacific. The U.S. Navy openly declared in a previous press release that the military exercise is to "prevent and defeat the aggressive behavior of major powers in all fields and stages of conflicts." This is almost a replica of the so-called "Today's Ukraine Tomorrow's Taiwan Strait" rhetoric. However, in the past few years, did NATO conduct few military exercises and deterrents against Russia? These actions only intensified the conflict and eventually reached the point of getting out of hand, but they did not "frighten" anyone. What's more, the situation on the Taiwan issue is completely different. No matter how bluffing external forces may be, their speculative mentality in the Taiwan Strait is simply vulnerable to the will and determination of the People's Liberation Army.

Unlike in the past, which were mostly Pacific Rim countries, nearly half of the 26 countries participating in the military exercises this year are NATO members or countries that have partnerships with NATO. Not only that, Japan and South Korea, which have just been invited to participate in the NATO summit as partner countries in the Asia-Pacific region, also performed actively this time. Not only will South Korea send its largest force since its first participation in the exercise in 1990, but the quasi-aircraft carrier Maradoshima amphibious assault ship will also participate in the exercise. The Japanese Izumo will also participate in the exercise for the first time after completing its aircraft carrier modification. Objectively speaking, the current greatest destructiveness of the "Rim-Pacific Military Exercise" is reflected in its poisoning of the peaceful atmosphere in the region. The ultimate degree of damage will also depend on the immunity of countries in the Asia-Pacific region to the US Cold War instigation.

Although it wants to use "great power competition" to muddy the waters of the Pacific, the hegemonic power of the United States is limited, so it uses the method of "pulling one faction to fight another." As long as most countries do not "cooperate" with the United States, its various irresponsible behaviors will be further restricted. Otherwise, not only the Asia-Pacific region, but also the overall environment for peace and development in the world will be ruined by the United States. In this regard, regional countries and even the international community must always maintain a high degree of vigilance, and the same should be true for the "Rim-Pacific Military Exercise". (This article is an editorial of " Global Times ", the original title is: Be wary of "Rim-Pacific Military Exercises" reviving the Cold War in the Asia-Pacific)

Column Editor: Zhang Wu Text Editor: Cao Fei Title Picture Source: Tuchong Creative Picture Editor: Yong Kai

Source: Author: Editorial