Airlines buy 292 Airbus planes. First of all, we have to look at it from a business perspective, why buy Airbus planes? Airbus planes are mainly used to fly international flights, so how can we use such planes to fly international flights?

airline buys 292 Airbus aircraft .

First of all, we have to look at it from a business perspective. Why buy Airbus aircraft? Airbus planes are mainly used to fly international flights, so how can we buy such planes to fly international flights? That is when we began to prepare for the post-epidemic era, including overseas Chinese, overseas Chinese, foreign businessmen, etc.

Secondly, why did you choose to buy an Airbus aircraft? Because the purchase should be a large aircraft or the domestic production capacity of C919 is not enough to supplement domestic aircraft. Airbus aircraft is an international counterpart. In the post-epidemic era, passengers will mainly choose Airbus and Boeing aircraft.

Then, if you buy an Airbus plane, will you buy a Boeing plane? Then we must understand clearly that our commercial aircraft C919 Europe has decided to release airworthiness certificate and is willing to fly in its airspace. Will subsequent commercial aircraft models be granted airworthiness certificates in time? Will you buy Boeing? Boeing’s aircraft accidents in the past two years are a bit confusing. The cause of some accidents may not be known. For example, and China Eastern Airlines’ crashed. Until now, I have not seen any information explaining the specific problems. The United States is also trying its best to obstruct the development of aircraft by COMAC and impose restrictions. I don’t know if there are any sanctions against the parts purchased by COMAC. So I currently see no reason to buy a Boeing aircraft.

Finally, because the Russia-Ukraine war has had a great impact on the EU economy, we have always maintained neutrality on this matter. Purchase Russian oil, natural gas, ore raw materials, pre-packaged food, etc., carry out humanitarian operations to Ukraine, transport food, milk powder, etc., and adhere to EU policies consistently.

Throughout the world, we pursue the way of heaven, eliminate a lot of poverty in the world, assist Africa, build reservoirs in Nepal, etc. China is the only responsible major country in the world, but we are a developing country with a population of more than 1.4 billion.