We can see some data. For example, during the Iraq War, the U.S. military killed 4,491 people and injured 32,753 people. During the civil war in former Yugoslavia, there was a saying: In the war, politicians provided guns, the rich provided funds, and the poor provided their chil

There are some data that we can see. For example, during the Iraq war , the U.S. military killed 4,491 people and injured 32,753 people. But there's more data we can't see.

A female American soldier is mourning her fallen comrade

During the civil war in the former Yugoslavia, there was a saying: In war, politicians provide guns, rich people provide funds, and poor people provide their children. After the war, politicians lost their guns, the rich lost their money, and the poor searched for the graves of their children.

The war has already exhausted the US military.

This paragraph is only describing the casualties on the battlefield. In fact, nearly ten million Americans have experienced various tortures due to the wars launched by the United States in recent years.

commit suicide

What we see on TV are the advanced military weapons of the United States, which can always make itself invincible. However, the longing for hometown and the fear of war are far more terrifying than the enemy's bullets. In January 2022, the U.S. Department of Defense released data showing that a total of 163 U.S. military personnel committed suicide in the third quarter of 2021. This data was more than twice the number of U.S. military deaths caused by the virus during the entire epidemic.

And that’s just the tip of the iceberg, the U.S. military has a long history of high suicide rates. According to statistics from the National Public Television (NBC), since the "911" incident, the number of suicides in the United States has been four times the number of combat deaths. According to statistics from the US online magazine Slate, a total of 31,770 US military personnel have committed suicide in the past 20 years. In the past five years, the suicide rate in the U.S. military has increased by 41%. However, politicians only publish the number of soldiers who died at the gunpoint of the enemy.

Veterans shot

In addition to these American soldiers who committed suicide, many soldiers who were lucky enough to survive suffered from mental illness throughout their lives. "Gulf War Syndrome" is a psychological term born because of the US military. Autism and irritability have become lifelong character traits for these soldiers. What's more, some have gone to extremes and used their own guns to target civilians in the United States. In 1991, the shooting of a retired soldier shocked the United States, resulting in 50 casualties.

36-year-old Albert Wang, a veteran who had fought in Afghanistan, attacked a welfare home in California with a gun in 2018, killing three welfare home employees. In order to calm the dispute, California decided this year to have the government pay $51 million in compensation to settle with the victims.

Mental Disease

For more than two hundred years since the birth of the United States, wars have never stopped. In order to reflect their humanitarianism, a large number of veterans' hospitals have been established to serve retired soldiers. However, these hospitals may heal their physical wounds, but they can never heal their spiritual wounds caused by the war. Currently, the Department of Mental Health at the Invalids Hospital has become the busiest department among many Invalids Hospitals.

High Divorce Rate

In addition to the harm caused to the soldiers themselves, the family members of the soldiers are also suffering together because of the war. Unlike our country, the United States does not have legal protection for " military marriage ". The divorce rate for military marriages in the United States is now nearly 50% higher than the national divorce rate in the United States.

Military family members committed suicide

According to the "Annual Suicide Report (2020)" released by the US Department of Defense, a total of 202 US military family members committed suicide in 2019. Among them, there are 130 spouses and 72 parents, children and widows. This number is also much higher than the national suicide rate in the United States.

The war may have started outside the United States, but the damage of the war has been spreading in the United States. The pain these injuries have brought to the American people far exceeds the sum of all terrorist attacks that the United States has experienced many times. However, the war still continues...