Since the military conflict broke out between Russia and Ukraine, the United States has been worried about the Taiwan Strait issue, fearing that mainland China would take this opportunity to take action. As a result, Biden and other Western politicians tried every means to link t

Since the military conflict broke out between Russia and Ukraine, the United States has been worried about the Taiwan Strait issue, fearing that mainland China would take this opportunity to take action. As a result, Biden and other Western politicians tried every means to link the Russia-Ukraine conflict to China, but China was impartial in this matter, preventing the West from succeeding in their conspiracy. Recently, the British Foreign Secretary had an arrogant attitude, claiming that the West should take the initiative to take action against Taiwan. These harsh words cannot be ignored.

According to Reuters , British Foreign Secretary Truss was interviewed by the media recently. When asked whether she suggested that the United Kingdom arm "Taiwan", she was vague and only said that the "free world" should work together to ensure the Taiwan region. Ability to possess “required defensive capabilities.”

Truss said that both the West and Indo-Pacific countries should ensure that Taiwan receives due protection. In Truss's view, the situation in Ukraine has developed to the present state because of the mistakes made by the West. Therefore, Western countries should learn from the mistakes of failing to prevent the conflict between Russia and Ukraine and apply these lessons in the Taiwan Strait to protect the " Taiwan Strait" Peace and Stability of ".

Later, Truss changed the topic and said that the UK should continue to establish trade relations with China, but at the same time, the UK also needs to avoid strategic dependence on China.

In recent times, Truss has frequently made tough remarks on the Taiwan Strait issue. Two days ago, she threatened at the NATO summit that any attempt by China to "invade Taiwan" would be a catastrophic miscalculation. The Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs responded clearly, accusing senior British officials of hyping up Taiwan-related issues. The Taiwan issue is China's internal affairs and no external force has the right to interfere. Foreign Ministry spokesperson Zhao Lijian pointed out that the relevant British statements lacked basic common sense and were self-righteous, which is really surprising.

As early as March this year, when the military conflict between Russia and Ukraine broke out, speculations about "Today's Ukraine , tomorrow's Taiwan" were frequently spread on the island. Tsai Ing-wen and other "Taiwan independence" elements even advocated that the situation in the Taiwan Strait and Ukraine are essentially different. There are different.

But in fact, the island also knows that the United States will only transport weapons and equipment and provide intelligence to the Taiwan authorities. The possibility of sending troops is extremely low, and it basically exists in the fantasy of "Taiwan independence" elements. middle.

Even if the United States supplies weapons and equipment to the Taiwan military, most of them are likely to be relatively backward weapons and are unlikely to provide advanced weapons and equipment. Ukraine is a good example. Zelensky asked the United States for artillery , but Biden was vague. It can be seen that Tsai Ing-wen and other "Taiwan independence elements" want to "rely on the United States to seek independence", which is definitely not the case. Will succeed.

What’s even more ridiculous is that the Taiwan authorities consider themselves to have “the best relations with the United States in history.” They accept all weapons and equipment sold by the United States according to orders, and even have ulterior motives to prove that the United States has troops in Taiwan, just for fear of instability in the world. The United States and the West are hyping up the situation in the Taiwan Strait just to contain the rise of mainland China. Even if the mainland sends troops to Taiwan, the United States and the West will just sit back and watch from the other side. The United States now does not dare to have a head-on conflict with Russia, and naturally it does not want to have a head-on collision with China.

British politicians took this opportunity to hype up the Taiwan Strait issue, which must be at the instigation of the United States. In recent years, the United Kingdom has catered to the United States at every turn in an attempt to consolidate its status as a major power. However, sowing discord will only cause Britain's international status to decline. China has emphasized many times that it will not allow any country to eat rice while knocking on the bowl. Since the UK is well aware of its close economic and trade relations with China, it should stop hyping up the Taiwan Strait issue.

What's more, China has responded more than once before that Taiwan is not Ukraine and there is no comparison between the two. Taiwan is not a sovereign country and has been a part of China since ancient times. The Taiwan issue is purely China's internal affairs. No matter which country is behind the instigation, no country is allowed to interfere in the Taiwan Strait issue.

The West seems to be supporting "Taiwan independence" elements, but in fact it is hesitant. China's influence can no longer be ignored, and its economic strength makes them even more afraid.It is precisely because of this that British Foreign Secretary Truss mentioned Sino-British trade relations after talking about the Taiwan Strait issue. The West is used to being a bully, and now it wants to use the same tactics to deal with China, but China simply I won’t do this.