Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Alexander Glushko promised that Russia will analyze the decisions of the Madrid NATO summit from both political and military perspectives. He said NATO had returned to Cold War-era military security plans. According to Mr. Grushko, Moscow is its ma

Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Alexander Glushko promised that Russia will analyze the decisions of the Madrid NATO Summit from both political and military perspectives. He said that NATO had returned to Cold War-era military security plans. According to Mr. Grushko, Moscow is its main threat and the alliance declares a real confrontation with the Russian Federation.

"The main conclusion we can draw is that in Madrid, NATO has completed its developmental somersault since its founding in 1949 and returned to its roots: that is, Cold War-era military security planning," Mr. Grushko said. Scene at the Valdai Discussion Club (quoted by Interfax). According to him, the outcome of the summit "will be analyzed very thoroughly from a political point of view and from a military point of view"

The Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs pointed out that the current process of NATO did not start after the annexation of Crimea to Russia, nor was it Ukrainian military operations began after that, but at the turn of 2012-2013.

"The presence of a country like Russia is considered a serious threat to the alliance (NATO . - Kommersant newspaper). This is a serious shift and this is a real effort to confront us and is to use all tools at all to contain Russia," said the Deputy Foreign Minister of the Russian Federation.

He recalled that the North Atlantic Alliance views China as another threat to its interests. "And the first question that those who write these formulations should ask is: In which region does China threaten NATO's interests?" - Alexander Grushko said. According to him, this is first of all a sign of NATO's globalization, which declares the entire world to be its zone of interest and questions China's right to develop as one pole of the established multipolar world.

At the alliance summit held in Madrid from June 28 to 30, they adopted a new military bloc strategic concept, in which Russia was named "the most significant threat." At the same time, the document said, the military group sought to maintain communication channels with Moscow.