The United States has been a global leader for a long time, which makes Americans seem a little arrogant, and even make some ridiculous remarks. The American media likes to claim that China and Russia are trying to cross the river by touching the United States. It seems that they

The United States has been a global leader for a long time, which makes Americans seem a little arrogant, and even make some ridiculous remarks. The American media likes to claim that China and Russia are trying to cross the river by touching the United States. It seems that they will make mistakes if they do not follow the American line. For example: strategic bomber . The American media has propagated that China and Russia will inevitably imitate the United States and lag far behind the United States, but this may not happen yet. Unfortunately, in reality, the United States is too arrogant.

Americans believe that the Russian hidden bomb is about to come out.

Now the American media has admitted that it was wrong. The reason is that American experts made mistakes in their judgment. An American author named: Harrison Cass published an article on the "1945" website and confessed: In 5 When he published an article in March, when talking about Russia's new generation stealth strategic bomber, the PKA-DA project, he also said: Russia cannot build it. Many people have similar thoughts and believe that Russia "seems extremely unlikely to build a PAK." -DA, because they simply don’t have the funds or experience to build this kind of aircraft,” but by June, he said: The Russian army’s hidden bombing was almost completed. Said: PAK-DA has begun construction, "the first PAK-DA prototype is nearly completed, and plans for six additional bombers appear to be in place."

Now American experts are beginning to realize the reality, claiming: If Russia is indeed about to Completing its first stealth bomber will mean that stealth warfare is no longer unique to the United States.

PAK-DA is about to have its first prototype?

Harrison Cass said that China and Russia have already started the research and development of a new generation of bombers. Now the bomber 20 Russian hidden bomber will be launched soon, which means it is kept secret from the outside world. The Americans have finally discovered something this time. Not only has Russia made progress, but China has also accelerated the development of its stealth technology. The "H-20, the first domestically produced stealth bomber" in the American population may enter the prototype manufacturing stage, which means Even if China still has a long way to go to catch up with the Americans, it is still catching up and the gap is gradually narrowing.

Russia’s development of stealth bombers is even more worrying for Americans. Harrison Cass said: PAK-DA bombers may be closer to deployment. The American expert has reassessed Russia’s capabilities and believes that Tupolev is responsible for the development. The company has kept PAK-DA secret, allowing the outside world to know very little about the new bomber. Even if Western intelligence agencies "have some knowledge, they will not choose to share this information with the public," at least until the bomber is completed and flying, ordinary people understand Less than nothing.

China, the United States and Russia will all have stealth flying-wing bombers

At present, we only know that the PAK-DA adopts a flying-wing design similar to the American B-2. It is expected to fly at subsonic speed like the B-2, is expected to carry a four-person crew, and may have a payload capacity of more than 30 tons. It is much larger than the new generation B-21 of the US military, so it will be a very large aircraft.

Of course, this expert has not put down the tradition of questioning, mainly because he doubts Russia's stealth technology level. Only the Su-57 has completed stealth aircraft , and it is ridiculed as having the lowest stealth capability among all stealth fighters . Maybe he made a mistake, and he was a little more careful. He could only say, "Who knows, maybe the Russians are learning."

PAK-DA is actually a by-product of the Tu-160 competition.

Americans should not be arrogant about stealth technology. It is no longer a few decades ago when there was no mystery. Now many countries have a considerable understanding of it, and stealth bombers are really no longer unique to the United States. China has the H-20 and Russia has the PAK-DA. Russia originally encountered big problems in research and development. In the past, the United States always wanted to question it, often using funds to make irresponsible remarks, emphasizing that this project "will cost billions of dollars that Moscow does not have so far, and there is no guarantee of success." However, with the outbreak of the Russo-Ukrainian war, international energy prices have Skyrocketing, foreign exchange revenue has skyrocketed. When Russia gets rich, it will accelerate the launch of its large-scale strategic weapon . Funding was once the biggest problem in Russia's research and development, but now it is not a big deal, and it will naturally develop rapidly.

boom-20? Will it be like the B-2?

Even the American media now admits that under the current situation, the Russian army's hidden bombing has been almost completed and the H-20 prototype has been built. It is no longer possible to maintain the situation of one company alone. The United States' stealth advantage has been broken. Perhaps the only thing that can be discussed is who is faster. The H-20 has not shown up yet and is still in prototype status. Russia has made considerable progress. The Russian stealth bomber may enter actual combat earlier, but who can guarantee it? , we must be slower than Russia?

As time goes by, the leading advantage of the United States is weakening, and the situation has changed a lot. The United States is looking at things from an old perspective, which means it is a little unable to keep up with the development of the situation. If it wants to make Americans sober, it seems It's still a bit difficult.