On the occasion of the 101st anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, the Fujian Armed Police Corps organized various activities to celebrate the party's birthday. Let's take a look at it through the editor's lens! Yu Shuang, Wang Zhengfu, Xu Chaohua, and Lin

Celebrate the founding of the party

Never forget the original intention

The prosperous birthday

Looking up at the bright red party flag

Our unstoppable passion

Looking back on the glorious history

We feel the mountainous mission

On the occasion of the 101st anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, the Armed Police Fujian Corps organized various forms The event celebrates the party’s birthday, let’s take a look at it through the editor’s lens!

Mobile detachment

Wearing a military uniform and a national flag, they raised the loyalty and belief of the People's Armed Police. On July 1, the mobile detachment held a grand flag-raising ceremony. "Salute to the national flag!" Following the commander's order, the flag-raiser waved his arms vigorously and threw the national flag into the air. The bright five-star red flag rose slowly accompanied by the majestic "March of the Volunteers". All officers and soldiers solemnly saluted the national flag. Receive education and inspire your spirit in a sacred and solemn atmosphere.

Training Base

"I swear: I volunteer to join the Communist Party of China, support the Party's program, and abide by the Party's charter..." Facing the bright red party flag, all officers and soldiers at the Corps Training Base raised their right fists high and solemnly swore an oath. Sonorous and powerful oaths , and firm words of faith resounded throughout the camp. "It is the organization that has made me what I am, and it is the bright red party flag that has always led me to grow..." Every time he reviews the oath of joining the party, the colonel director Cai Mingfeng will tell the new party members about the growth process in the past 23 years since joining the party. A bright red party flag, a The glorious status gives officers and soldiers endless motivation to take root in army building.

Quanzhou Detachment

Quanzhou Detachment uses Party Day activities as a link to organize officers and soldiers to visit the detachment history museum to learn about red models and learn from the example of strengthening the army. Through the outstanding party members around them, they can drive a group of people and influence a group of people, which has a direct influence on the majority of officers and soldiers. Demonstrate the role of leading and inspiring people to move forward. At the same time, Zheng Qiongce, the instructor of the police squadron, organized all party members to conduct "July 1" special party class counseling, requiring each party member to work hard to hold up the backbone of belief in not forgetting the original intention, to establish a pioneer image while adhering to the true character, and to forge ahead while keeping the mission in mind. Move forward bravely and continue to gather majestic positive energy to strengthen and rejuvenate the army.


detachment uses Party Day activities as a link to organize officers and soldiers to visit the Police History Museum to learn about red models and learn from the examples of strengthening the army. Through the outstanding party members around them, they can drive a group of people and influence a group of people, and serve as a direct demonstration and guidance for the majority of officers and soldiers. , the role of inspiring people to move forward.

At the same time, Zheng Qiongce, the instructor of the police squadron, organized all party members to conduct "July 1" special party class counseling, and required

that every party member should work hard to hold up the backbone of faith while adhering to the true nature and establish a pioneer image. , forge ahead bravely while keeping the mission in mind, and continue to gather majestic positive energy to strengthen and rejuvenate the army.

One hundred and one extraordinary years

One hundred and one years of great journey

Today, let us say a happy birthday to the party

Happy birthday

Putian detachment

Putian detachment held an exchange and sharing session of "Learn from the deeds of heroes and models, talk about the traditions of heroes and models", Let representatives of party members who joined the party in different generations come to the stage to share stories of heroes and models and inherit the spirit of heroes and models. Organize party members to share their stories of joining the party at the party history wall, review their original intention of joining the party, clarify their aspirations and pursuits, establish a good image of Communist Party members, and encourage the majority of party members to keep their original intention and fulfill their oaths.

A great journey of zero years

Today, let us say a happy birthday to the party

Sanming detachment

All grassroots units of Sanming detachment carried out party day activities with the theme of "Party Flag Flying in the Heart". By visiting the Party History Corridor, I and the Party Flag We will guide all party members and comrades to stay true to their beliefs, purpose, discipline, and true character by taking individual photos and holding reading and sharing sessions on "Minshan and Minshui, New Materials and Huahua - Xi Jinping's Footprints in Fujian", and strengthen all party members to stick to their original aspirations and pursue the pursuit of excellence. gaps, and a strong sense of responsibility and mission for implementation.

Happy Birthday

Zhangzhou Detachment

In the study room of the Zhangzhou Detachment Mobile Squadron, the officers and soldiers were watching the red movie " Revolutionary ".After watching the movie, all the officers and soldiers responded strongly. They were attracted by Li Dazhao's strong personality and shocked by his firm ideals and beliefs, which strongly inspired the officers and soldiers' enthusiasm for loving the party, patriotism, and entrepreneurship. Party member Lu Chunyang said: "The Communist Party of China is the choice of history and the people. We must follow the example of our revolutionary ancestors, bravely shoulder the missions entrusted by the times, base ourselves on our own positions, be determined to build meritorious military camps, and celebrate the 101st anniversary of the founding of the party with outstanding results."

The zero-year journey

Nanping detachment

Nanping detachment is based on various publicity positions and resources, and listened live to the celebration of the 25th anniversary of Hong Kong's return to the motherland. Liu Songyang, a recruit who just came down from the company, said during the discussion that "the blooming of the redbud tree is due to the great unprecedented initiative of 'one country, two systems'. As young officers and soldiers, we must have a deep understanding of the development trends of the country and the world, and use our fiery youth to Write a wonderful life. "

Zero-year Great Journey

Xiamen Detachment

A red story is a reflection of the spirit, and a vivid narration is a sublimation of thought. In conjunction with the theme party day activities, the Xiamen detachment carried out a special strong army story session, using the officers and soldiers' own way to vividly express the evocative red stories and scenes of strong military deeds around their comrades, to further educate and guide the officers and soldiers Carry forward the red spirit, inherit the historical mission, sharpen the blood of soldiers, forge faith in hardships and struggles, engrave loyalty in glory and heroism, and show style in inheritance and development.

A great journey of 0 years

A great journey of 101 years

A great journey of 101 years

Today, let us say

happy birthday to the party!

Author: Ma Congcong Pan Yu Li Zhengtian Wenjie

Yu Shuang Wang Zhengfu Xu Chaohua Lin Zhiming

Li Jiayuan Chen Canghai Li Jiankun Zhang Xinyu

Zhang Yuliang Xuan Pengxin Su Huxin

Organizer: Ma Congcong

Chief editor: Li Ming

Chief editor: Xiong Xiuning

Editor: Tian Dong Cai Qiangzi

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