Our company commander, with the rank of captain, was born in February 1990 and joined the army in December 2012. He has successively served as a soldier, cadet, platoon leader, deputy company commander, training staff officer, and company commander.

Our company commander, with the rank of captain, was born in February 1990. He joined the army in December 2012. He has served as a soldier, trainee, platoon leader, deputy company commander, training staff officer, and company commander.

Before he came to our Second Anti-aircraft Artillery Company, our company was at a low ebb - was ranked third in the unit for three consecutive years. The reason why is ranked in the lower reaches due to its hindered development is that a few years ago, the military region assessment failed and was labeled as "without firing a single shot" and "not scoring a single point" which failed in the regiment sports meeting.

used to be the "window company" of the unit and received a lot of "care". Now there is less support. Most of the major tasks that can show off are given to other units. This has also led to a serious decline in morale of the unit. .

Ye Tianke, who was appointed as the training staff in 2019, was adjusted to the commander of the anti-aircraft artillery company. moved from the agency to the grassroots . There were many voices around. They all thought that Ye Tianke went to the second company just for a temporary passion. He knew it hurt when he hit the south wall, but he He is a bold person who will not do anything without a challenge. He will make what others think is impossible possible.

and his partner Yin Kaibang (former instructor of the Second Company) pooled their wisdom to discuss the future development of the company. This was the first thing Ye Tianke did after joining the company.

" Poverty Alleviation " takes off the hat

"Honor is not obtained by waiting or shouting out, but by fighting for it and working out." When he first took up his post in the company, Ye Tianke's first impression was that the tigers had beaten tons of people. The officers and soldiers were holding their breath, hiding a lot of energy, and their eyes were full of expectations for themselves. He knew that the time to test himself had come. The company platform was the test paper, and the officers and soldiers were the examiners. Not long after

took office, the regiment organized the "July 1 Flag Pulling" 3,000-meter competition for the organic company. Ye Tianke thought this was a good opportunity and called on the entire company's officers and soldiers to fight for honor. "With dozens of units competing on the same stage, is there any chance?" Faced with the doubts of his comrades, Ye Tianke chose to answer with action. He continued self-pressure training, practiced endurance over long distances, and trained his lower limbs with weights. He gritted his teeth and continued to persevere even though he was sweating every time. When saw the company commander working so hard, all the officers and soldiers in the company looked at the new company commander with admiration and practiced hard. Woke up.

The hard work pays off. On the day of the competition, the entire company of completed the competition in only 11 minutes and 48 seconds, achieving the second place in the team and becoming the first company among the three organic companies of the battalion to achieve a ranking. The company flag was waved in the audience, and Ye Tianke gave a thumbs up to the officers and soldiers of the company on the podium. "It feels so good to be proud and proud," this was the heartfelt sentiment of the officers and soldiers of the company.

html participated in the military region's transformation and construction capability assessment at the end of 3, and the company was selected to participate in the live-fire assessment. As the saying goes, you stand up wherever you fall. I have been waiting for this for a whole year. Maneuver remotely, occupy positions, and complete combat preparations. In the battle of honor, the officers and soldiers of the whole company were ready, and completed the first round of destroying the model aircraft. The entire position was boiling, and the officers and soldiers all sighed, "It has been a year, no matter how hard and tired it is, but this moment is all worth it." At the end of the year, the unit was rated as an outstanding advanced unit for grassroots construction by the division and regiment levels.

"I firmly believe that the foundation of our company's officers and soldiers is not bad, but the fire of youth has been almost extinguished. As long as the fire of struggle in their hearts is lit, we can do better." - Company Commander Ye Tianke

firm belief Opening a new bureau

's year as company commander coincided with the reform and adjustment of the army's establishment, which was another new challenge.

At the beginning of 2020, the party branch of the company unanimously believed that the company should continue to work hard, take advantage of the situation, and continue to be advanced. The officers and soldiers of the whole company are ready to compete.

Just as the officers and soldiers of the whole company rolled up their sleeves and prepared to work hard, they received a notice from their superiors. According to the unit adjustment and reform plan, the company will be divided, and the three organic companies of the whole battalion will be reorganized into two.

During the adjustment and reform, Ye Tianke's company was divided into two parts, one part was transferred to other teams, and the other part was transferred to the first company. The remaining first company and the original third company were reorganized into the current second company. Although the positions have not changed, the challenge difficulty is. is constantly improving.

During the period of adjustment and reform, it is inevitable that there will be fluctuations in people's minds, complicated things, and challenges in the development situation of the unit. This often requires a period of running-in, but things went against expectations. Soon after the co-operation, the whole organization rushed to the plateau.

Entering the plateau, we are faced with various challenges such as resistance to high cold, resistance to high altitude sickness, resistance to hypoxia, resistance to wind and sand . Altitude sickness gives Ye Tianke chest tightness and headache, and he often cannot eat or sleep well. Originally, His strong frame also became emaciated. He was always active around the company officers and soldiers, paying attention to their physical condition. In his words, "The body is the capital of the revolution, and no one can survive without it!" There was a lack of similar support facilities. Ye Tianke thought that the more difficult and tiring the environment was, the more likely it would be to deepen the relationship between officers and soldiers. This was the best running-in period.

Wrapped in a sheepskin coat, he patrols and stands sentinel with the soldiers; when building sentry towers and food cellars, he must do it himself; , who is more than 30 years old, is no better than any soldier when he climbs mountains and provides food and supplies; when camping, the soldiers are inside, and he relies on the outside... Action It is a silent education, although it is silent but the effect is obvious.

A soldier once asked him, "Company commander, why are you so tired? Aren't we still here?" He said, "Yes, it is because of you that I never dare to give up. As a company commander, I should lead everyone to do it. Isn't this the time to test our friendship as comrades?"

Hard work will eventually lead to success. The company led by Ye Tianke has also become a pilot unit for regiment combat readiness. Because of its excellent completion of various tasks, the company was commended by the division as a "four iron" advanced unit and an advanced unit in military training. was awarded the collective Third-class merit and have taken on the historical mission of "getting off to a good start" under the new system.

Seeking breakthroughs in a down-to-earth manner

In 2021, the company's party branch set the tone of "laying a solid foundation and seeking progress while maintaining stability" for the company's annual development and construction. The company has substantially completed the reform and reorganization. The relationship between personnel, ideas, material and equipment preparation and management has been further smoothed, and the division of responsibilities has been clarified. The overall foundation of unit construction is improving. The company continues to make great efforts to build and train according to the program and ensure safety.

During this year's field training, the division received a notice from the Xinjiang Military Region pulling the assessment. Ye Tianke led the company as the only anti-aircraft artillery company in the division to take the exam, and the company entered a state of preparation for the exam. In the month before the assessment, Ye Tianke studied tactics every day, wrote tens of thousands of words of his experience, and held "Zhuge Liang" meetings at the right time. He circled around the study room and training ground almost every day. Not having enough to eat became a habit, and he became a success by wearing stars and wearing moonlight. became normal.

On the day of the assessment, two model aircraft were destroyed by on-site artillery fire, achieving good results of hitting all daytime targets, setting the best assessment results of the Xinjiang Military Region in recent years. This is also a highlight moment recorded in the history of the company.

At the end of the year, the company was rated by the regiment "Four Irons" advanced grassroots unit.

Keep the original intention and move forward

won the Xinjiang Military Region's first Four Irons Model Company in 2019. It has been commended as an advanced grassroots unit for three consecutive years. It has collectively won the third-class merit and strives to be the first to achieve excellence. Write page after page of glory. "We must lead the company to the top. " This has been Ye Tianke's goal and original intention since he became the company's chief officer.

"Everything in the past is a prologue. Training and preparation cannot always rest on your merits." On the book."Now, the officers and soldiers of the company will continue to aim at the goal of "being at the forefront, being first-class, and being a pioneer" and strive to move forward bravely towards the goal of creating "four irons" revolutionary soldiers and forging a "first-class army"!

Author: Liang Jiahao