On June 30, local time, the Russian Ministry of Defense announced the withdrawal of its troops from the small Black Sea island Snake Island. The Russian Ministry of Defense emphasized that this was a goodwill move by Russia and used this to show the international community that R

On June 30, local time, the Russian Ministry of Defense announced the withdrawal of troops from the Black Sea island Snake Island. The Russian Ministry of Defense emphasized that this was a goodwill move by Russia and used this to show the international community that Russia did not obstruct the United Nations Efforts to create humanitarian corridors to move agricultural products out of Ukraine .

Snake Island is about 140 kilometers away from the Ukrainian Black Sea port city of Odessa, covering an area of ​​only 0.17 square kilometers. The island was controlled by Russian forces during the first phase of the Russo-Ukrainian conflict, and Ukraine has been trying to regain control of the island in the past few months.

What is Russia’s intention to suddenly withdraw its troops?

After the conflict between Russia and Ukraine broke out, the main ports of Ukraine, an important grain exporter, were blocked. How to transport grain out of Ukraine became a big problem.

According to data disclosed by the Minister of Agricultural Policy and Food of Ukraine, Ukraine has exported only 4 million tons of grain since February 24. Before that, Ukrainian ports exported an average of 5 to 6 million tons of grain per month.

The Russian Ministry of Defense pointed out that after the Russian troops withdraw from Snake Island, Ukraine will not be allowed to hype up the food crisis on the grounds that it cannot export food.

After the Russian troops announced their withdrawal, Ukrainian Foreign Minister Kuleba immediately posted on social media, saying, "They (Russia) always downplay their failures like this." Reuters 30 report also called this matter a "victory for Ukraine."

Regarding this interpretation, Russian Presidential Press Secretary Peskov did not comment. He said, "This is a problem for the military."

Some Russian media believe that the decision to withdraw from Snake Island has many implications: In addition to the official concern and goodwill for food issues, this move also means that the situation in the region and the tactics of the Russian army are changing. Snake Island is flat and lacks cover, making it easy to attack and difficult to defend. If the difficulties of guarding the place outweigh the benefits of controlling the northwestern part of the Black Sea, then garrisoning at Snake Island would be pointless.

Russia and Ukraine have been competing for Snake Island for a long time.

Since the conflict between Russia and Ukraine, the two sides have been competing for Snake Island for a long time.

On February 24 this year, after the conflict between Russia and Ukraine broke out, Snake Island was quickly occupied by the Russian army. The next day, 82 Ukrainian troops stationed on the island surrendered and evacuated.

However, when the 82 Ukrainian soldiers were evacuated, Ukrainian Navy 16 ships used "swarming tactics" to try to attack the Russian Black Sea Fleet ships transporting these Ukrainian soldiers. From then on, the battle for Snake Island began. From February to June, conflicts around Snake Island occurred from time to time.

This small island has a very important geographical location for both Russia and Ukraine. It is the throat that controls the outlet of the Dnieper River . To the east, it can contact Crimea , and to the north it can directly control Odessa and Hershey. Ersson .

Previously, after Russia stationed troops on Snake Island, it was connected to Crimea, forming a key to controlling the Black Sea. Ukraine also knows the importance of its strategic location and has tried to regain control of the island, but has been unsuccessful.

Among them, the biggest conflict between the two sides on Snake Island occurred on May 9, local time. The Russian Ministry of Defense stated that since May 7, the General Staff of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, under direct orders from Zelensky, has conducted military operations in the United States and A major provocation to seize Snake Island was planned with the involvement of British advisers. Within two days, the Ukrainian army tried to land on Snake Island several times from the air and sea, but was thwarted by the Russian defenders. The Ukrainian side suffered heavy losses.

What does the Russian army’s retreat from Snake Island mean?

Snake Island, English translation Snake Island (Snake Island), Ukrainian is Zmeine Island, in the Danube Delta near the Black Sea, belonging to Odessa Oblast, Ukraine. The island is X-shaped, It is 662 meters long, 440 meters wide, and has a land area of ​​0.17 square kilometers.

It is worth mentioning that Snake Island is very close to NATO member Romania. Russian media have reported that one of the main ways for the West to transport weapons to Ukraine is through land and sea transportation through Romania. For the Russian army, controlling Snake Island can cut off this channel.

Strategically located, Snake Island is the air defense outpost in the Crimea region.Budanov, director of the Intelligence Bureau of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine, once said that whoever controls Snake Island can control the water in southern Ukraine and, to a certain extent, control the air situation in southern Ukraine.

The economic status of Snake Island is also very important. Controlling this island will prevent Ukraine from exporting food from the large southern port of Odessa. Moreover, the Black Sea area where Snake Island is located is also rich in oil and natural gas resources.

These key factors led to a fierce battle for Snake Island between the two sides, with smoke rising everywhere.

Cover news reporter Yan Lei

Part of the information is based on CCTV News, China News Service, etc.

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