Wu Chunlin, male, Han nationality, born in October 1961, joined the army in December 1979 and retired in January 1985. He is a member of the Communist Party of China and the director of the Chunlin Arts and Crafts Factory in Dachang Hui Autonomous County.

Wu Chunlin, male, Han nationality, was born in October 1961. He joined the army in December 1979 and retired in January 1985. He is a member of the Communist Party of China and the director of Chunlin Arts and Crafts Factory in Dachang Hui Autonomous County.

Over the years, Wu Chunlin has always insisted on leaving the army but not the Party, and never fading after retirement. He has integrated his feelings for the Party and the people into the arts and crafts cultural undertakings of the motherland. He has participated in the design and production of national cloisonné gifts many times, and has written with his responsibility that Communist Party members will never forget The value pursuit of original intention and sincerity for the public.

is devoted to art and strives for excellence. In the two years from 1985 to 1987, he actively integrated into the local construction environment and continued to learn and explore in the social family. In 1987, I accidentally met an expert in the cloisonne industry. Through chatting with him, I got a general understanding of the cloisonné production process, and got in touch with some companies in the industry. After careful consideration, I also strengthened my determination to develop this industry. In this way, in March 1987, Chunlin Arts and Crafts Factory was built and opened.

Chunlin Arts and Crafts Factory takes the pursuit of treasure, refinement and beauty as its development goals. The quality and connotation (artistic culture) of its works are among the best in the same industry in China. It has won many national gold, silver, bronze and excellence awards and has many products. This time it was given as a national gift to foreign friends.

works hard and dares to innovate. Over the years, Wu Chunlin has always insisted on inheriting the spirit of craftsmanship, working hard, drilling and refining in one line, improving the overall technical level of the cloisonné industry with hard work and innovation, and striving to be an innovative practitioner of technical skills in the industry. The past is used for the present, and foreign things are used for China. We are committed to driving the cultural industry to drive the local economy and promote labor employment. We dare to be the first in the industry and dare to be a practitioner of inheriting and promoting Chinese culture.

In December 2003, Wu Chunlin was rated as an outstanding Communist Party member of Langfang City Rural "Pioneer Activities"; in October 2015, the design product won the gold medal in the Hebei Arts and Crafts Competition; in September 2018, the work "Cloisonne Lantern" won the China Cloisonne Award Bronze Award in the Creative Competition; in July 2020, he was named "Excellent Volunteer for Rural Work"; in October 2020, he was named "The Most Beautiful Retired Soldier" in Langfang City; in February 2021, he was awarded the "2020 National Veterans Entrepreneurship Honor Roll.”

Source: Hebei Provincial Department of Veterans Affairs