The conflict between Russia and Ukraine has lasted for more than four months. During this period, the competition between Russia and NATO can be said to be a one-sided battle. In order to defeat Russia, the United States, Europe, Japan and Australia have almost tried their best t

The conflict between Russia and Ukraine has lasted for more than 4 months. During this period, the competition between Russia and NATO can be said to be a one-sided show. In order to defeat Russia, the United States, Europe, Japan and Australia have almost used all their strength , all he had to do was send troops to fight in person. On the other hand, in order to achieve strategic goals, Putin has been adjusting tactics, including shrinking the front line, concentrating on attacking Donbass , and actively withdrawing troops from Snake Island and allowing Ukraine to export from the Black Sea food. After

left Kiev , Indonesian President Joko came to Moscow and handed Zelensky's letter to Putin. However, according to Ukraine's statement, Zelensky did not submit the so-called "secret letter" to Putin. There are many things like this. Although they are all different, they reflect the fact that "there are many areas where everyone disagrees with each other in the Russia-Ukraine conflict."

Many times, the competition on the surface is only one of the factors that determines the direction of the war and who loses and who wins. The arm wrestling between Russia and Ukraine behind the scenes also deserves the attention of all parties.

In general, the impact of the Russia-Ukraine conflict on the world situation is "far-reaching and lasting." Germany and Japan saw a good opportunity to intensify their troops and take advantage of the situation to rearm. The United Kingdom believed that now was a good time to divide and the EU and establish a separate country. The United States was busy stoking fire across the border and constantly adding fuel to the conflict between Russia and Ukraine. To achieve the strategic intention of maintaining US dollar hegemony, severely damaging the EU and controlling NATO.

The question is, after the Russia-Ukraine conflict comes to an end, where will the world situation go? Who will be the biggest winner?

Different forces have different views on this issue. " Nihon Keizai Shimbun " gave its own views.

Japanese media pointed out in an article titled "A World Divided into Three" that the world order led by the United States will become a "three-part world" situation, and three completely different forces will compete with each other.

Japanese media emphasized that the war has lasted for more than four months. What can be clearly seen is that the world order led by the United States is collapsing. This is a painful reality.

summarized it. Japanese media mainly has three views.

, The United States will lose its dominant international status, and it is a foregone conclusion that the world will be divided into three parts. The three different forces of are mainly as follows.

1, the Western camp led by the United States, including the United States, the European Union, the United Kingdom, Japan, South Korea, Australia, and Canada.

2, a force centered on China and Russia, plus other countries.

3, a " neutral country " composed of India, Turkey , Indonesia , etc.

Japanese media believe that the reason for the "three-point world" situation is that firstly, the United States and Europe have strengthened their unity, and secondly, as their strength grows, emerging forces such as India and Turkey are unwilling to "choose sides." These forces have their own judgment and position, and the starting point of foreign strategy is to safeguard the country’s interests.

2, the United States has been in decline since 10 years ago. If the United States still dominates the world order, the "three-thirds of the world" will not appear. In order to confirm that "the United States is declining," the Japanese media also cited an example.

Japanese media stated that Western countries, led by the United States, tried to form an anti-Russian alliance around the world, but the result was "unexpected." On the surface, the United States, Japan, South Korea and Australia are all condemning Russia, but Southeast Asian and South Asian countries are unwilling to join the US-led camp. Indonesia even stated that "Russia is still a good friend of Indonesia."

In order to reestablish the Western-led order, the United States, Europe, Japan and Australia are trying to bring countries that "refuse to choose sides", such as India and Turkey, into the US camp. However, these countries do not want to be bound and constrained by the United States. All parties are more inclined to safeguard their own national interests rather than "doing whatever the United States says."

3, for Japan, the era when the United States dominated the world order is gone forever, which is not a good thing. Japan may be one of the least responsive forces to changes in the world order. The prerequisite for Japan's foreign strategy is that "the United States will always dominate the world order."

Japan believes that the United States will provide security guarantees for Japan once it is invaded. Japan is not wrong in doing so, but at the moment, Japan needs to make changes.

At the Seven-Nation Summit, Fumio Kishida made it clear that in the next five years, Japan will be committed to improving its defense capabilities and increasing defense expenditures. Germany also did this. In short, Japan just wanted to take advantage of the opportunity to expand its military. The United States chose to deliberately condone Japan's ambitions.

It is not difficult to see that the White House has realized the fact that "the United States is in decline." It is undeniable that at present, looking at the world, the strength of the United States is still second to none. Whether it is aircraft carriers, fighter jets, missiles , or the US dollar hegemony linked to oil settlement, it can allow the United States to use a "get something for nothing" method to beat other countries.

However, as emerging powers rise, the existing advantages of the United States will no longer exist over time.

To a certain extent, the reason why Putin launched special military operations was to prevent Ukraine from joining NATO and to warn Kiev, and to challenge the hegemony of the United States. India, Turkey and Russia are joining hands to "de-dollarize", and the EU is committed to promoting the euro to the world. These are the best manifestations of the unpopularity of hegemony and .

In this regard, Biden has seen this in mind and loosened the ties between Germany and Japan. It may be the choice of the United States after it has nothing to do, because the United States wants to use Germany's power to restrain Russia and use Japan to put pressure on China.

Medvedev believes that the world is forming a multi-level pattern, the world order will undergo fundamental changes, and no field will be left behind. Putin emphasized that the West is pushing itself into the abyss, because the West failed to foresee that its global dominance is being weakened.

Putin said that Western countries, led by the United States, are "shamelessly" using millions of Ukrainian people as bargaining chips to better contain Russia. In the world model dominated by the United States, people in other countries are pawns for the United States to contain its opponents. , The Middle East people and millions of Ukrainian people are like this.

The international situation is full of variables, and war is even more so. On his own, Putin may not be able to achieve his goal of ending U.S. hegemony, but in the long run, the world will definitely move toward multipolarity rather than unilateralism. It is only a matter of time before U.S. hegemony suffers a severe blow.

Those who do too much injustice will be punished by themselves. Sooner or later, they will have to pay back the consequences. Britain, which dominated the world and was so proud a hundred years ago, can no longer make any waves, and the United States will be no exception in the future.

Changes unseen in a century are accelerating. All we can do is to maintain our composure, improve our strength, and continue to forge ahead towards a broader sea of ​​stars.

and keep up the good work.