With the PLA's J-20 stealth fighter capabilities and the Air Force's aviation units heavily equipped with J-16 heavy-duty fighter jets, the United States has significantly increased the deployment of fifth-generation stealth fighter jets at China's doorstep, including a large num

With the People's Liberation Army's J-20 stealth fighter capabilities, and the Air Force's aviation force heavily equipped with J-16 heavy fighter , the United States has significantly increased the number of fifth-generation stealth fighter jets deployed at China's doorsteps, including in The Japanese military bases have deployed a large number of F-35 series stealth fighter jets. In addition, the United States is not satisfied. The United States has even exported a large number of F-35 stealth fighter jets to Japan and South Korea. This is also an attempt to borrow the hands of Japan and South Korea. to deter China. After entering June 2022, the fifth-generation aircraft deployed by the United States at China's doorstep once again experienced a surge, because the United States once again mobilized F-35A stealth aircraft from Eielson Air Force Base in Alaska and Hickam Air Force Base in Hawaii. Fighters and F-22A stealth fighters are deployed in the Asia-Pacific region, including the Iwakuni Base of the US Army in Japan and the Kadena Base.

In addition to a large number of F-35A stealth fighters at land-based bases, F-35B vertical short takeoff and landing fighters are also deployed on the US Navy's amphibious assault ship . The LHA7 Tripoli "Lightning Aircraft Carrier" is currently operating in the East China Sea. It is understood that the LHA7 Tripoli "Lightning Aircraft Carrier" left Yokosuka Naval Port in late June and subsequently conducted operations in the waters of the Western Pacific. At that time, the People's Liberation Army also Three H-6 bombers were dispatched to conduct combat patrol flights in the waters of the Western Pacific. In addition, a Y-9JZ technical reconnaissance aircraft was sent to the waters of the Western Pacific. Now it seems that the actions of these four military aircraft are likely to be related to the LHA7 Tripoli. The actions of the "Lightning Aircraft Carrier" are directly related.

There are a total of 14 F-35B vertical short takeoff and landing fighter jets on the LHA7 Tripoli "Lightning Aircraft Carrier". Faced with the intensive provocation of these fighter jets in the East China Sea, the People's Liberation Army has not sat idly by. According to a report from the Integrated Staff Supervision Department of the Japanese Ministry of Defense A piece of news shows that in the past few days the Japan Air Self-Defense Force has been constantly taking off to respond to fighters appearing in the East China Sea. Obviously, the fighters Japan is dealing with cannot be US military aircraft, so they can only be People's Liberation Army military aircraft. , and the information reported by Japan in the past period does show that Japan has repeatedly dispatched F-15 fighter jets to respond to the People's Liberation Army's activities in the airspace around the East China Sea. Therefore, war research also believes that the emergency takeoffs reported by Japan are now , is likely related to the PLA’s interception of the US military’s F-35B vertical short take-off and landing fighter jets.

In the current process of intercepting F-35B vertical short takeoff and landing fighter jets, the People's Liberation Army does not need the J-20 stealth fighter at all, because the US military's F-35B vertical short takeoff and landing fighter jets do not have stealth capabilities. The reason why these F-35B vertical short takeoff and landing fighters do not have stealth capabilities is because they are equipped with Longbo lenses during flight. In addition, the stealth performance of the F-35B vertical short takeoff and landing fighters is also It will be affected by the weapon pylons mounted under the wings.

According to the information reported by the Canadian Air Force and Australian Air Force some time ago, the intensive operations of reconnaissance aircraft of these two countries in the airspace surrounding our country have been intercepted by the People's Liberation Army J-16 heavy fighter jets. In the face of the current emergence of The F-35B vertical short takeoff and landing fighter jets, presumably China will not sit idly by. Since these F-35B vertical short takeoff and landing fighter jets have not entered full stealth mode, China can not only send out J-20 stealth fighter jets to respond. , you can also dispatch Su-30MK2 heavy fighter jets and J-10A fighter jets to respond. Text/Iris