CCTV News: Today is the birthday of the July 1st Party. Various localities have used various forms of activities to express their gratitude to the Party and their determination and confidence to follow the Party. The entire army also organized a variety of activities to encourage

CCTV news: Today (July 1) is the birthday of the "July 1" Party. Various localities have used various forms of activities to express their gratitude to the Party and their determination and confidence to follow the Party. The entire army also organized a variety of activities to encourage officers and soldiers to stay true to their original aspiration and mission, and contribute their own strength to the journey of strengthening the army.

On the front lines of border and coastal defense, in peacekeeping military camps, in field training sites, and in all military camps, the officers and soldiers of the army expressed their infinite loyalty to the Party and their firm belief in dedicating themselves to the practice of strengthening the military with clank oaths.

Tashi Dundup, company commander of a certain regiment in the Shigatse Military Division of Tibet: As a Tibetan Party member and cadre, I deeply feel the care and strength of the motherland. I will keep in mind my original mission and continue to take root in the snowy frontier to guard the border for the motherland. Be on guard.

Duan Yusheng, instructor of a brigade of the Army's 77th Group Army: We celebrate the party's birthday on the front line and use our youth and blood to write a chapter of the era of absolute loyalty, absolute purity, and absolute reliability.

Navy Xisha Marine Police District Chenhang Island soldier Bai Dongcai: As officers and soldiers guarding the island in the new era, we will take root in Xisha and make contributions to the ocean with the spirit of seizing the day and the spirit of fighting the ocean.

In Shijiazhuang, Hebei, party members and cadres received patriotic education at the Mass Grave Memorial Hall in Jingxing Mining Area and reviewed the oath of joining the Party; in Lankao, Henan, 101 new party member representatives held a collective meeting under the " Jiao Tong " tree planted by Jiao Yulu Party swearing-in ceremony; in Banan District, Chongqing, nearly a hundred new party members solemnly swore in front of the monument to the main battlefield site of the liberation of Chongqing; in Yiyang County, Jiangxi, local party members and cadres came to Fang Zhimin Cadre Academy to study "micro-party classes" to remember the revolution Martyrs, keep in mind the original mission of party members.
