The U.S.-directed war between Russia and Ukraine continues, the U.S. and other Western countries continue to provide military assistance to Ukraine, and sanctions against Russia continue...Under this situation, the United States has shifted its focus to the Indo-Pacific, aiming t

The Russo-Ukrainian war directed by the United States is still going on, the United States and other Western countries are continuing to provide military assistance to Ukraine, and sanctions against Russia are still continuing...Under this situation, the United States has shifted its focus to the Indo-Pacific, targeting The intention to contain mainland China is very obvious. The pretentious United States is playing "two cards" at the same time, which is to suppress and contain Russia and China.

The "new Cold War" mentality between the United States and NATO has revived and has become the root of the world's chaos. In recent years, NATO has continued to expand eastward, which has seriously threatened Russia's national security. The Russia-Ukraine war was caused by NATO's disorderly eastward expansion.

On June 27, NATO Secretary General Stoltenberg pointed out that NATO will expand the number of active 40,000 rapid response forces by nearly 8 times, bringing it to a scale of 300,000 people, and claimed to expand the rapid response force. New measures such as the size of the force and the deployment of troops to defend specific countries will be "the biggest reform of NATO from collective defense and deterrence since the Cold War."

Some media reported that with the outbreak of the Russia-Ukraine war, the United States pushed Western countries to launch the most severe sanctions in history against Russia. This was regarded as a "rehearsal" for future U.S. intervention in the Taiwan Strait war. The purpose was Let’s make an assessment by looking at the effect of the sanctions on Russia and whether it has completely defeated Russia.

html In May, US Secretary of State Blinken delivered a speech on China policy at George Washington University . Although Blinken's speech stated that the United States had no intention of launching a "new cold war" with China and did not seek conflict with China, it continued to exaggerate the "China threat" ", discrediting China's domestic and foreign policies, slandering China as "the most serious long-term challenge to the international order," and looking for excuses to suppress and contain China. This is the complete Cold War mentality of the United States.

In order to contain and contain China, the United States has tried its best to put together "small circles" and form cliques everywhere. For example, the Quadrilateral Security Dialogue Mechanism of Japan, the United States, Australia and India (QUAD), the Australia-UK-US Alliance (AUKUS), the "Indo-Pacific Economic Cooperation Framework", etc. The United States deliberately creates so many "small circles" with the same purpose of containing them. China.

The then US Secretary of State Pompeo once said bluntly: "The engagement policy did not bring about changes within China." The implication was that the United States' color revolution against China was a failure, and it announced that the United States would formally adjust its China policy. If the soft ones don't work, then the hard ones will be used to encircle mainland China in all directions.

While using the "small circle" to intensify the containment of China, the United States is playing the "Taiwan card" more frequently and more blatantly than ever before, making the Taiwan issue international, official, complicated, and serious. For example, the United States has repeatedly called for Taiwan to participate in international conferences or international organizations, sent officials to Taiwan many times, sold weapons to Taiwan many times, the US military has used transport aircraft to land in Taiwan many times, US warships have repeatedly crossed the Taiwan Strait , etc. wait. The United States frequently plays the "Taiwan card" in every possible way. It brutally interferes in China's internal affairs and increases risks in the Taiwan Strait.

The United States has always engaged in double-dealing. On the surface, it reiterates the one-China policy and does not support "Taiwan independence." However, in fact, the United States' "saying and doing" are two different things. Officials are visiting Taiwan to strengthen official interactions between Taiwan and the United States, and the U.S. Congress has introduced a number of bills to support Taiwan. We can see the hypocrisy and duality of the United States' reaffirmation of the one-China policy.

The elderly US President Biden has repeatedly said that he will "send troops to assist Taiwan", which is obviously meant to intimidate mainland China. However, this also sends the wrong signal to the "Taiwan independence" forces on the island and intensifies the cross-strait confrontation. The United States' intervention in the Taiwan Strait will undoubtedly increase the risk of pushing the Taiwan Strait step by step into war. This may be the Russia-Ukraine war model that the United States is trying to copy, pushing Taiwan into war and fighting a proxy war for the United States.

The United States continues to exaggerate the "China threat", slanders China as "the most serious long-term challenge to the international order", distorts the Chinese mainland's changes in the status quo across the Taiwan Strait, and frequently plays the "Taiwan card". Its purpose is to confuse the public, confuse right and wrong, and find a way to suppress and contain China’s high-sounding reasons.

The United States often talks about the so-called "rules-based international order." The "international order" in the United States's mouth is its "family laws and regulations." It uses it when it works well and abandons it when it doesn't. It regards it as a way to maintain the United States' global dominance. It’s just a tool of hegemony. For its own interests, the United States often puts its hegemony above the international order. The United States is the biggest disruptor of the international order. The United States interferes in the internal affairs of other countries everywhere and uses the Cold War mentality to spare no effort to provoke confrontation between camps. Looking at the Gulf War, Iraq War, Libyan War, Syrian War, Afghanistan War launched by the United States in recent decades , the Ukraine War, etc., the United States has also frequently "withdrawn" from international organizations, which shows that the United States is the source of chaos in the world and is the biggest threat to the normal operation of the international order.

The United States is not doing well in its own domestic affairs. For example, it has a notorious reputation for democracy and human rights, but under the banner of "democracy and human rights", it acts as a "teacher" and bosses around, grossly interfering in other countries' internal affairs and subverting other countries' regimes. , disrupting the society of other countries.

The United States is now trying its best to suppress and contain mainland China. This is because with the peaceful development of mainland China, it has become the second largest economy in the world. This makes the United States fear the threat to its hegemonic status, so it has fallen into the " Thucydides Trap ” vicious circle, treating mainland China as a competitor.

The trade war, technology war, public opinion war, diplomatic war, etc. launched by the United States against China can be said to be "killing a thousand enemies and damaging itself eight hundred." Not only did the United States fail to achieve its goal, but it also hurt itself, so much so that the United States demanded domestic Eliminate increased tariffs on China. Anne-Marie Slaughter, former head of policy planning at the U.S. State Department, pointed out that "global leadership in this century does not come from defeating China", but from solving a series of global challenges. To do this, often Cooperation with China is needed.

When the above-mentioned "many wars" against China are ineffective, in order to suppress and contain China, the United States frequently creates troubles on issues involving China's core interests, attempting to use Taiwan, Xinjiang, Hong Kong, Tibet, etc. The problem interferes in China's internal affairs, disrupts China's development rhythm, and curbs China's development. In particular, the Taiwan issue is related to the political foundation of Sino-US relations and is an insurmountable red line. However, the United States has become more aggressive and more frequent on Taiwan-related issues, repeatedly violating its political commitment to the one-China principle and fueling the arrogance of "Taiwan independence" forces on the island. The United States was the initiator of changing the status quo across the Taiwan Strait, but it framed the crime on mainland China.

The Biden administration continues the erroneous China policy of the previous administration. On the one hand, it comprehensively curbs and suppresses China, but on the other hand, it hopes to cooperate with China in specific international areas, creating the illusion of a responsible global power. For the United States, playing the "Taiwan card" is the best, cheapest and most effective card. In addition to posing a threat to peace and stability across the Taiwan Strait, the United States' attempt to "use Taiwan to contain China" cannot achieve its goal of containing the peaceful rise of mainland China.

It can be expected that the United States will play the "Taiwan card" for a long period of time in the future, and its strategy of "using Taiwan to contain China" will not change. It will intensify, making the Taiwan Strait even more turbulent.

When will the United States treat the "chess piece" of Taiwan as an "abandoned piece" and no longer or dare not play the "Taiwan card"? It is safe to say that this day will come sooner or later. The arrival of this day depends on mainland China's own development and doing its own things well, because the times and trends are on mainland China's side. Only mainland China has developed into a powerful country with strong comprehensive strength and strong military strength, which is on par with the United States or even surpasses the United States.At that time, the United States' playing the "Taiwan card" will be the most expensive, risky, and most outweighing the gain. At this time, the United States can stop playing the "Taiwan card" to "use Taiwan to control China"!

At the same time, he also warned the "Taiwan independence" forces on the island that the motherland will definitely be reunified and will inevitably be reunified. This is the historical trend of cross-strait development and is unstoppable! (The pictures in the article come from the Internet)