As we all know, the Russian Air Force suffered serious losses in this conflict. Many aircraft were shot down one after another, ranging from helicopters to fighter jets. This has affected the speed of the Russian army's attack.

As we all know, the Russian Air Force suffered serious losses in this conflict. Many aircraft were shot down one after another, ranging from helicopters to fighter jets , which has affected the Russian army's offensive speed. As the battle continued to advance, the Russian army also fully grasped the advantage of the battle situation, but the situation of aircraft being shot down has not improved. Not long ago, another Su-25 was shot down. Not only that, the Ka-52 helicopter also I recently encountered a life and death moment. In the Ka-52 combat video launched by the Russian army, it can be seen that a "Stinger" missile passed close behind it, only a few meters away from its tail.

Obviously, this missile is aimed at the Ka-52. As a man-portable air defense missile for fighter jets and helicopters, its flight speed reaches Mach 2 and its maximum range can reach 4,800 meters. The infrared automatic tracking guidance can follow the heat emitted by the aircraft to track and destroy it. Many Russian fighter jets were shot down by the "Stinger". This time, the Ukrainian army fired a "stinger" at the Ka-52, causing the Russian military plane to be almost shot down by its missiles again. Fortunately, the Ka-52 performed extreme evasion and escaped. The reason why it was able to do so In this regard, a major "life-saving system" has become a highlight.

Although the Ka-52 is called an "air monster", the Russian army focused on survivability when designing the helicopter. This time it was able to avoid the pursuit of the "Stinger" all thanks to the equipped "Vitebsk" system. The system is mainly composed of two L-370-5 laser directional jammers, L-370-2 sensors and UV-26 jammer launchers, which are installed on the belly, nose and tail of the helicopter and the wing tips on both sides. . What allowed the Ka-52 to successfully escape this time was the two major equipments L-370-2 and L-370-5. When a missile attacks, the L-370-2 will confirm the incoming attack through the ultraviolet signal at the tail of the missile. Target.

At this time, it will turn the missile sideways and then warn the pilot. In addition to asking the pilot to turn for refuge, the belly L-370-5 jammer will also work urgently. It can use the lateral information obtained by the L-370-2 to target the missile. Incoming missiles are irradiated with lasers. The seeker of the incoming missile will be "blinded" after being illuminated, and it will no longer be able to lock the Ka-52 through infrared heat signals. At this time, it can escape smoothly, just like it avoided the "Stinger" attack this time. The Russian army has also made other efforts to improve its battlefield survivability, such as the coaxial twin-rotor layout.

Compared with ordinary single-rotor tail-rotor helicopters, its survivability can be described as terrifying. In addition to being able to avoid attacks from missiles with 2 times the speed of sound, it can also continue to fly even if it is hit. This is the benefit of the coaxial twin-rotor layout. It can provide more power than a single-rotor helicopter, and its maneuverability is greatly enhanced. Even if the tail is hit, the two propellers on the head can still escape with the Ka-52. . This is very important on the battlefield, because even as powerful as the Russian army, fighter planes will be shot down by enemy missiles, so it is very necessary to be prepared for evacuation and escape.

Of course, offensive capabilities are also very important. It is understood that the two short wings of the Ka-52 carry a total of 4 sets of 20-round B8 rocket launch nests, which can launch 80 rockets at one time, creating a path 1,000 meters long and 200 meters wide. wall of fire. In addition, the 30mm automatic cannon it is equipped with is also a weapon for street fighting. Even if the enemy is hiding in a building, there is nowhere to escape. The AT12 laser missile equipped can penetrate 900 mm of tank armor and is very powerful, so the Ka-52 is indeed a helicopter with excellent performance. However, even the Ka-52 will be shot down during low-altitude combat due to the lack of precision missiles. The Russian army should make up for this major flaw.
