Over the years, Putin has warned many times, but NATO refuses to listen and continues to expand eastward in violation of the original treaty. Now nuclear warheads are almost stuffed under Putin's pillow. I wonder, can Russia endure it?

As we all know, the reason why the conflict between Russia and Ukraine is still fierce today. The biggest reason is the intervention of and NATO . The direct cause of the outbreak of the Russia-Ukraine conflict was also caused by NATO's eastward expansion . Over the years, Putin warned many times, but NATO refused to listen and continued to expand eastward in violation of the original treaty. Now nuclear warheads are almost stuffed under Putin's pillow. I wonder, can Russia endure it? Therefore, it was NATO's push and support behind the scenes that caused the war in Ukraine today.

In the early stages of the conflict, NATO was the most enthusiastic. On the battlefield, it continued to provide various advanced weapons and ammunition to the Ukrainian army, so that it would have enough resistance to achieve the goal of consuming Russia's strength. In short, if you need money, give money, if you need weapons, just send them. As long as Zelensky opens his mouth, there is basically no one who fails to meet the requirements. Then, outside the battlefield, they joined forces with , the European Union, and many other countries to impose 360-degree sanctions on Russia, not even sparing Russian trees, Russian cats, and Russian songs.

This combination turned a blitzkrieg of and into a war of attrition. This is not over yet, although Russia now has an advantage in the situation and the Ukrainian army is retreating steadily. However, NATO did not give up its support to Ukraine. Instead, it continued to add fuel to the fire and seemed to escalate the war. Recently, NATO Secretary-General Stoltenberg stated that NATO's rapid response force has increased from 40,000 to 300,000. Good guy, it doubled 7 times in one go. The smell of gunpowder is getting stronger and stronger.

Moreover, the Secretary-General of NATO specifically said that these soldiers are now in a high state of combat readiness. It seems that these words were also spoken directly to Russia and were a huge deterrent. At the critical moment of the fierce fighting between Russia and Ukraine, NATO has been continuously increasing its troop deployment, and presumably it is preparing for the worst. After all, Ukraine, as an agent, is not a match for the Russian army at all according to the current situation. It has been suppressed and beaten, and it will be a matter of time before it loses this conflict.

Moreover, this time NATO increases its troops, it also pays special attention to the countries surrounding the Baltic Sea in terms of deployment. The one to guard against is Russia. If both sides cannot restrain themselves and use force by then, NATO will be able to attack the Russian army from multiple directions. This is very unfavorable to Russia, as multi-front operations suffered losses in the early stages of this conflict. Moreover, the overall strength of the NATO army is strong and its weapons and equipment are also advanced. It is a powerful opponent for Russia.

Of course, this is just the worst case scenario. As long as NATO is not crazy, it will not dare to use force against Russia. Let’s not talk about other conventional military capabilities, let’s talk about nuclear warheads. Don't worry, Russia's more than 6,000 nuclear bombs are not a vegetarian. Putin once said, "Without Russia, what is the use of this world?" Therefore, NATO's move is more to create pressure, and the use of force against Russia basically means the advent of World War III. No one can afford the consequences.