The squad leader became a lieutenant general after the founding of the People's Republic of China, and the two soldiers responsible for taking the blame later became generals with their illustrious military exploits, and were known as the "most awesome cooking squad" by the world

This is the most powerful cooking class of the Red Army !

The squad leader became a lieutenant general after the founding of the People's Republic of China. The two soldiers who were responsible for taking the blame later became generals with their illustrious military exploits and were known as the "most awesome cooking squad" by the world!

So, who are these generals? What happened during their cooking class?

It should be noted that it is actually a coincidence that the three generals appeared in the same cooking class.

In April 1933, the Red Army had just crushed the National Army's fourth "encirclement and suppression" campaign, but the relationship between the two sides was still tense and friction continued.

Therefore, in order to strengthen the troops' struggle in the Hubei, Henan, and Anhui regions, the 224th Regiment of the 25th Red Army was reorganized. However, a young commander with outstanding abilities and heroic combat skills was demoted to the rank of because of his fearless character. deputy company commander .

Not long after, when the deputy company commander was fighting the enemy, unfortunately lost contact with the team, and the situation was very critical!

Fortunately, a cooking squad happened to be passing nearby at that time and took the deputy company commander in. In just a few months, he went from being the commander of the troops to being the back of the cooking squad. Pot warrior .

However, faced with such a huge psychological gap, he was not angry. Instead, he honestly worked on the logistics in the cooking class and mingled with other cooks.

And not long after, he and several soldiers charged on the battlefield as members of the pistol squad and formed a deep friendship!

But what no one expected was that three generals actually came out of this cooking class!

First of all, the leader of this cooking class is the founding lieutenant general of the People's Republic of China, Chen Xianrui, who was hailed as the "King of Southern Shaanxi" by great men!

Chen Xianrui was born in , Jinzhai County, Anhui Province in 1914. He officially joined the Red Army at the age of 15. He started as a cook and became a cook squad leader.

Because he was motivated, diligent and studious, he was soon transferred to pistol squad leader.

During the battle, Chen Xianrui not only fought bravely and took the lead, but was also able to endure hardships. This also accumulated a good reputation for him. During the Long March in 1934, he had become the political leader of the 223rd Regiment of the 25th Army. Director of the Department.

During the Long March, although his team only had 3,000 people, during the transfer process, he remained calm and composed, assisted the commander, and got rid of the pursuit of more than 20 enemy regiments!

And in the Battle of Gengjiahe, he became famous in one battle, and became famous throughout the army with his amazing performance!

In this battle, in order to defeat the enemy, Xu Haidong, the commander of the 25th Army, decided to use the strategy of attacking from the east and attacking from the west. Chen Xianrui took the initiative to ask for help and led his team to detour behind the enemy's rear, making full use of the troops at hand to create the illusion of a sudden attack by a large force. , causing the enemy to be in chaos!

However, the enemy, who was stubbornly resisting, decided to focus all their artillery fire on Xu Haidong.

Although Chen Xianrui rushed towards the enemy alone regardless of his personal safety, the enemy's artillery shells still hit Xu Haidong.

In desperation, he led his team to cut a bloody path and carried Xu Haidong off the battlefield, saving the troops from danger!

In this battle, Chen Xianrui was brave and resourceful, which impressed everyone!

However, the brilliance he created has just begun.

935, superiors decided to establish the Hubei-Shaanxi Guerrilla Division, with Chen Xianrui as the commander.

Under his outstanding command, in the next two years, the troops relied on the complex local terrain and vast rural areas to skillfully deal with the enemy, organize hundreds of large and small battles, and killed and wounded more than 4,000 enemy soldiers, becoming All enemies in southern Shaanxi are regarded as the "living king of hell", and great men once praised Chen Xianrui as the "King of southern Shaanxi" of the Red Army!

The national army was so angry that they even publicly offered a reward of 10,000 to capture Chen Xianrui alive. However, the local people had a strong conscience in their hearts, so no one thought of paying for this money.

During the Anti-Japanese War, the Hubei-Shaanxi Guerrilla Division was reorganized into the 115th Division of the Eighth Route Army, responsible for protecting high-level security.

In the War of Liberation, Chen Xianrui led his troops out of Tongguan and performed well in key battles such as cutting off the Longhai Road and entering Sichuan. He made great contributions to the victory of the War of Liberation!

After the founding of the People's Republic of China, he still stood on the front line of commanding operations. Partnering with General Yang Dezhi, he commanded the 15th Corps of the Volunteer Army to severely defeat the enemy during the summer and autumn offensives, and made outstanding contributions to the signing of the armistice agreement. !

It was precisely because of his illustrious military exploits that he was awarded the rank of lieutenant general at the conferment ceremony in September 1955.

At the awarding ceremony, people were surprised to find that the two scapegoats who were in the same cooking class as Chen Xianrui at that time were actually present at the awarding ceremony, and they were both generals!

The first general is Liu Zhen, known as the "Northeast Tiger".

Liu Zhen was born in Xiaogan, Hubei Province in 1915. After joining the Red Army, he quickly became a real soldier under the flames of war.

And as time went by, he also showed extraordinary commanding skills, which is impressive!

In 1934, Xu Haidong led the Red Army to attack Luotian, defeating the enemy and defeating the enemy. He obtained a large amount of supplies and alleviated the army's urgent needs. The entire army was very excited.

However, amidst the laughter, Liu Zhen, the deputy squad leader, was extremely calm. He went directly to Xu Haidong and said that this battle was not a complete victory because when attacking the mountain, due to firepower configuration problems, Some unnecessary casualties.

Not only that, after the troops won the victory, due to the chaotic formation and late delivery of supplies, some supplies were wasted and unnecessary losses were caused.

And these require timely summarization of experiences and lessons.

Hearing what Liu Zhen said, Xu Haidong was very surprised and said that he not only had vision, but also had commanding ability, so he valued him very much.

And Liu Zhen did not live up to the trust of his superiors. He took the lead in the battle and repeatedly repelled the encirclement and suppression of the national army. As a result, he rose through the ranks. When the Xi'an Incident broke out, he had already become the political commissar of the 75th Division.

During the Anti-Japanese War, Liu Zhen was ordered to the Hebei-Shandong-Henan Border Region. He skillfully used the local terrain to deal with the enemy. He performed outstandingly at a young age and made an extremely outstanding contribution to the defense of the southwestern Shandong base!

During the Liberation War, the troops he commanded successively participated in three campaigns to Jiangnan, conquering Zhangwu , Shenyang, Jinzhou , etc., and became one of the most feared troops in Dongye!

After the Liaoshen Campaign, Liu Zhen's troops were reorganized and fought all the way from the Northeast to Guangxi. This is one of the nationally famous "Three Tigers of the East" - the 39th Army, and Liu Zhen also has Known as the "Eastern Wild Tiger"!

After the founding of the People's Republic of China, in order to build the air force of the motherland, he successively served as commander of the Air Force of the Central and South Military Region, commander in chief of the Air Force of the Northeast Military Region, and commander of the Volunteer Force Air Force. He made great contributions to the development of the country's air force!

Because of such outstanding achievements, he was awarded the rank of general at the conferment ceremony in 1955.

And another general who walked out of the cooking class was also a famous general who made the enemy frightened. !

Han Xianchu was born in Hong'an, Hubei Province in 1913. After working in the cooking class for a period of time, he was re-appointed by his superiors due to his outstanding ability and served successively as company commander, battalion commander and other positions.

During the Long March, he commanded the troops and experienced nearly a hundred fierce battles, large and small, but each time he was saved from danger under his excellent command. And the long-term battlefield training also made him a military wizard with both wisdom and courage, and prepared him to become a famous general in the future. A solid foundation was laid.

During the Anti-Japanese War, Han Xianchu served as deputy commander and deputy brigade commander of the 344th Brigade of the 115th Division. He commanded the troops to participate in the Wuxiang and Zhangnan battles, laying a solid foundation for the establishment of the Shanxi-Hebei-Shandong-Henan base area. He As a result, he became a well-known figure in the army!

During the War of Liberation, Han Xianchu gave full play to his excellent military talents in the Northeast region!

In 1947, Han Xianchu commanded the troops to launch the Anhai Battle. In this battle, used both kindness and power, taking military strikes and political offensives to the extreme!

This set of "combination punches" made it difficult for the opponent to parry. As a result, it not only achieved the high-level intention of containing the enemy forces, but also forced the national army division commander Pan Shuoduan to lead his troops in an uprising, setting a precedent for the Kuomintang's battlefield uprising and making Chiang Kai-shek's face red. The sky is extremely dull!

Subsequently, Han Xianchu led his troops to frequently attack, more than 50 large and small battles, and wiped out more than 6,000 enemies, forcing the national army to mobilize heavy troops to defend Han Xianchu's troops, opening up the situation for the brothers' troops, and made great contributions!

After the Battle of Liaoshen, he commanded the troops to go south and fought all the way from the northeast to Hunan. In 1950, he commanded the troops to liberate Hainan Island across the sea without the cooperation of the navy and air force, creating a milestone in the history of war. Miracle!

After the outbreak of the Korean War, he served as the deputy commander of the Volunteer Army and concurrently as the commander of the 19th Corps. He assisted Mr. Peng and commanded the Volunteer Army to sweep thousands of troops on the Korean battlefield. He was invincible and became the United Nations Army. The most terrifying nightmare!

It was precisely because of his outstanding achievements that he was awarded the rank of general at the 1955 investiture ceremony.

A lieutenant general and two generals came out of a small cooking class. And countless generals who would become world-famous in the future also worked quietly at the grassroots level during the Red Army period.

It is with the hard work of these heroes that we have ushered in a prosperous and powerful motherland!


Zhang Zhenglong "War General Han Xianchu"

Bai Zhao "Memory of General Liu Zhen"

Duan Fei "Chen Xianrui: The "King of Southern Shaanxi" who liberated Hanzhong"

Cheng Zihua, Liu Zhen, Han Xianchu and others "Memory of Red 25 The Long March of the Army》