If you say that you will wait until the Ming Dynasty arrives, there will be Ming Dynasty affairs in the Ming Dynasty. In the past few days, there have been three pieces of news that are worthy of attention. Let’s talk about the first piece of news first. The Kuomintang launched t

Today after today, today is so little! If we don't do it today, when will this happen? If it is said that will arrive in the Ming Dynasty, will come, and there will be things in the Ming Dynasty again. In the past few days, there have been three pieces of news that are worthy of attention.

Let’s talk about the first piece of news first. The Kuomintang launched the “Taiwan independence” argument. According to Taiwanese media, Wu Zhaoxie, the head of Taiwan’s foreign affairs department, recently claimed that “the mainland has never ruled Taiwan” and welcomed the United States and Europe to carry out so-called “free navigation” activities in the Taiwan Strait. In response, Ma Xiaoguang, spokesman for the Taiwan Affairs Office of the Mainland China, said that the mainland has indisputable sovereignty over the Taiwan region. However, the Kuomintang actually jumped out and took the opportunity to hype that the "Republic of China" has always had a "sovereign and independent" status, in an attempt to give Taiwan an "independent" identity.

Brief comment: Taiwan is an integral part of China’s territory. This is an undeniable historical and legal fact, and it is also a broad consensus of the international community. On October 1, 1949, the Central Government of the People's Republic of China replaced the Government of the Republic of China and became the only legal government of the whole of China and the only representative in international law. This is a historical and legal fact. Naturally, the mainland fully enjoys the right to exercise sovereignty and jurisdiction over the Taiwan Strait, which includes the Taiwan region.

Objectively speaking, although the two sides of the Taiwan Strait have not yet been reunified, Taiwan's status as part of China's territory has never changed and is not allowed to change. China's sovereignty over Taiwan has never changed and cannot be changed. The Kuomintang clings to the zombie of the so-called "Republic of China" and even talks about "Taiwan independence". Its political views continue to move closer to the Democratic Progressive Party, which shows that this party has become decadent to the point where everyone is a prey to the enemy. This is also in line with the old saying, mud cannot support a wall, and the Kuomintang cannot undertake the great cause of revitalizing the nation, and it is more disgraceful to its ancestors. The demise of this political party is only a matter of time.

The second news is that Wu Zhaoxie is infected with new crown . According to Taiwanese media on June 30, Wu Zhaoxie, the head of Taiwan’s foreign affairs department who was blacklisted by the mainland, tested positive for the new coronavirus, his symptoms have not been relieved in any way, and he has been quarantined at home. Prior to this, Wu Zhaoxie had received European MPs many times. It is not yet known whether the new coronavirus infection was transmitted by foreign MPs. But what is certain is that the Tsai authorities have chosen to coexist with the virus in terms of epidemic prevention and control, which has led to the continued deterioration of the epidemic situation on the island and the risk of getting out of control.

According to Taiwanese media, as the local epidemic continues to spread, senior officials on the island have been diagnosed one after another, including the head of the foreign affairs department Wu Zhaoxie, the head of the epidemic prevention department Chen Shizhong, and the head of internal affairs Xu Guoyong, etc. Many heads of competent departments have been diagnosed with the disease. The epidemic situation on the island is so severe, and the Tsai administration still puts political self-interest above public health and refuses to use testing reagents and other epidemic prevention materials from the mainland. Perhaps in order to appease the panic of the people on the island, Wu Zhaoxie posted that he was diagnosed with the new coronavirus, but his breathing is still normal, and declared, "Please rest assured that nothing can stop him from 'fighting for his beloved Taiwan.'" However, the people on the island did not buy it, saying that the island's epidemic prevention and control had been lost, and Wu Zhaoxie's show was so disgusting that it was "really disgusting!" Some netizens angrily said that early death and early rebirth would lead to "eighteen levels of hell". The "Taiwan independence" elements are ready and waiting for them to "go down"!

The third news is that Ukrainian President Zelensky announced the severance of diplomatic relations. According to Reuters news on June 30, after the Syrian government announced on June 29 that it recognized the sovereignty and independence of the "Luhansk People's Republic" and the "Donetsk People's Republic", Ukrainian President Zelensky announced online that day Interrupted the country's diplomatic relations with Syria and threatened to increase sanctions on Syria.

Brief comment: On February 21 this year, Putin announced the recognition of the "Luhansk People's Republic" and the "Donetsk People's Republic" as independent countries. Zelensky immediately ordered the troops to launch a violent attack in the Udong area, causing a large number of casualties among local civilians. In desperation, Russia decided to launch a special military operation on February 24, and the conflict between Russia and Ukraine broke out and continues to this day.

June 29, Putin said that Russia’s special military operation goals against Ukraine will not change, but there may be changes at the tactical level. Putin also said that Western countries' call for Ukraine to continue fighting confirmed Russia's suspicion that what Western countries want to protect is not Ukraine, but their own interests. In other words, Ukraine is just a pawn of Western countries, and even encourages Ukraine to fight Russia until only one person is left. Although the West continues to provide military aid to Ukraine, it has always refused to send troops to participate in the war.

In the past four months, President Putin mobilized his troops. The Russian army not only captured Mariupol , but also controlled the Severodonetsk region. As a die-hard ally of Putin, it is not surprising that the Bashar al-Assad government in Syria recognizes the independence of the eastern region. Previously, Syria not only dispatched the "Tiger Army" to cooperate with the Russian army, but also supported Russia's rights protection actions on international occasions. After all, during the Syrian civil war , Russia fought to regain territory occupied by Syrian rebels and terrorist organizations supported by Western countries. A huge sacrifice was made. Syria's recognition of the independence of the Udong region also corresponds to that sentence - the world is not about fighting and killing, but about human relations!