According to Japan's Kyodo News Agency, during the more than 20 days when Chinese warships circumnavigated the Japanese archipelago, the Japanese Self-Defense Forces dispatched patrol aircraft and destroyers many times to conduct tracking, surveillance and intelligence collection


055 10,000-ton destroyer "Lhasa" carried out ocean training for the first time, "drawing a circle" around the Japanese archipelago . It was accompanied by two other Chinese warships, the "Chengdu" ship and the "Dongpinghu" ship . Japan has begun to hype the so-called "tense response" again.

According to Japan's Kyodo News Agency, during the more than 20 days when Chinese warships circumnavigated the Japanese archipelago, the Japanese Self-Defense Forces dispatched patrol aircraft and destroyers many times to conduct tracking, surveillance and intelligence collection. The Japanese Ministry of Defense also claimed that it is analyzing China's intentions and predicting whether such military activities will occur frequently in the future.

It should be noted that the Chinese navy is not an "otaku", and ocean-going training is a routine action. What's more, the waters around Japan are not restricted areas. As long as it complies with international law standards, any country has the right to sail and overflight. free.

It is worth noting that in recent times, the People's Liberation Army's activities around Japan have become more and more intensive, and the appearance of military aircraft and warships around Japan has become a common occurrence. Just a few days ago, 3 H-6 aircraft left the Western Pacific, 2 of which were equipped with 4 YJ-12 anti-ship missiles .

In other words, every PLA activity near the West Pacific is carried out based on actual combat standards. Once any emergency occurs, the PLA is fully capable of responding to it as soon as possible.

The reason why the scope of navigation continues to move from offshore waters to deep seas is because the current security situation in the Asia-Pacific region is gradually heating up under the provocations of the United States and Japan and other countries. honing its ocean strike capabilities can more effectively safeguard national security interests from foreign enemies. Invasion of .

Japan is so nervous about the normal military activities carried out by the People's Liberation Army in its surrounding areas. The main purpose is to exaggerate and exaggerate the so-called "military threat" from China, so as to break through the post-war constraints and achieve "military normalization". Make excuses.

At the recent NATO summit, Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida publicly expressed his intention to deepen relations with NATO, and was considering sending self-defense officers to NATO and participating in NATO military exercises as an observer.

At the G7 summit two days ago, Kishida directly stated that he would continue to increase his country's defense expenses and completely change Japan's defense capabilities in the next five years. Although these actions did not directly mention China, Japanese media generally believe that China's "gradually increasing military strength" is the key factor that prompted Japan to make this adjustment.

But China has always advocated defensive national defense construction . As long as any country does not covet China's territory or actively challenge China's national sovereignty, it should not feel the so-called "military threat" from China.

The main reason why Japan is "restless" all day long is that it has a guilty conscience. It knows that many of its current dangerous actions have seriously touched China's bottom line, and is worried that it will provoke a strong counterattack from China, but at the same time it is still unwilling to give up unrealistic goals. Fantasy, so he always spares no effort to provoke and play with fire.

Including Japan's initiative to move closer to NATO, which also contains an attempt to take advantage of the situation to fight a "turnaround". From Japan's perspective, if it can drag NATO into the Asian situation, it will have a large group of "helpers" , but in fact, the more countries that sets foot in the Indo-Pacific, the more complex the regional situation will be, and the less likely it will be for Japan to take advantage of the situation and rise.

The logic is also very simple. It can be seen from the G7 photo of "Kishida is almost completely blocked by Johnson " that although Japan has been moving closer to the West in recent years, it has never been truly accepted by the other side. If the Asia-Pacific becomes the home of the East-West game in the future, Japan can only play the role of a "stepping stone" and will not become a "commander."

Therefore, while wooing the West, Japan also intends to win over neighboring countries, trying to build an "encirclement circle" around China. Not long ago, Japanese Defense Minister Nobuo Kishi also approached Cambodian , hoping to work together to contain China, but did not achieve the expected results.

This is because whether it is for Southeast Asian countries or for countries such as Japan and South Korea that are relatively close to Western countries, their security is determined by China to a certain extent. is precisely the unremitting efforts of China Only under this condition can the situation in the Asia-Pacific remain stable for a long time.

In other words, once a head-on confrontation breaks out between China and the United States, the first person to suffer will be Japan, which becomes the forefront of the conflict. Southeast Asian countries will inevitably be greatly affected due to geographical factors. Therefore, out of Considering their own security interests, Southeast Asian countries have always been unwilling to choose sides between China and the United States, let alone see conflicts between China and the United States.

But Japan cannot see this clearly, or even if it has recognized the reality, it still wants to gamble for the "national destiny", which completely exposes the mentality of a gambler. But the question is whether Japan is ready to bear the cost? If World War III breaks out from this, then Japan may not be as simple as "a general will not be a country".