Recently, the G7 and NATO held back-to-back meetings. Leaders from various Western countries gathered together to discuss issues related to China. They talked long and short and did not have the solemnity and solemnity of a country's political leaders. Instead, they were more rid

Recently, the G7 and NATO held back-to-back meetings. Leaders from various Western countries gathered together to discuss issues related to China. They talked long and short and did not have the solemn and solemn air of a country's political leaders. Instead, they were more absurd than the chaos of demons in the streets. funny.

Among Western countries, apart from the United States, which has always been keen to compete with China, the United Kingdom is the most cheerful. On the 225th anniversary of Hong Kong's return to China, British Prime Minister Johnson cherished the glory of the "Empire on which the Sun Never Sets" and "missed" Hong Kong for the purpose of "adding obstacles" to China.

According to media reports on July 1, Johnson falsely claimed in an interview that China "failed to keep its commitments" and respected the " one country, two systems " arrangement based on the relevant content of the "Sino-British Joint Declaration".

Johnson again pointed the finger at the national security law and the reform of Hong Kong’s electoral system, claiming that it had “eroded” Hong Kong’s freedom and autonomy. Immediately afterwards, he hypocritically stated that on the 25th anniversary of the handover of sovereignty, the UK could not avoid the fact that China had "failed to comply with its obligations for a long time" and threatened that this matter "has endangered Hong Kong's continued progress and prosperity."

Johnson did not forget to make wild claims, claiming that Britain made a promise to Hong Kong and its people 25 years ago and would never abandon Hong Kong and would do everything it could to make "China keep its promise" and ensure that Hong Kong can operate for the people again.

In addition to Johnson, British Foreign Secretary Truss could not restrain his nonsense and said extremely arrogantly that the UK would not sit back and watch China "erode Hong Kong's political and civil rights" and would cooperate with all "democratic camps" around the world. partners to allow China to fulfill its “international obligations.”

In addition to gossiping on "Hong Kong-related" topics, the UK has not let go of the Taiwan issue. According to the British media " Times ", on June 28 local time, Truss made false remarks in the British House of Commons, claiming that once China uses force against Taiwan, the West should take swift action and decisively provide defense to Taiwan. Sexual weapons.

Truss also made an extremely wrong comparison of the Ukraine crisis with the Taiwan issue, claiming that the West should learn lessons from the Russia-Ukraine conflict and that the earlier it provides weapons to Taiwan, the more advantageous it will be. Since Truss's remarks clearly went beyond the British government's attitude towards the Taiwan issue, there were very few people who spoke in agreement.

Just one day later, Truss once again made wild remarks at the NATO summit group meeting, slandering China's attempt to expand the influence of the military through "economic coercion", which would lead to "catastrophic consequences" and even "invasion of Taiwan."

Truss threatened that the West must strengthen economic ties with Taiwan, promote Taiwan's "joining international organizations," strengthen arms sales to Taiwan, and eliminate Chinese products from the core supply chain, so as to achieve Taiwan's hard security and economic security.

On June 30, Truss fully demonstrated the capriciousness of Western politicians. When the media asked whether the UK was prepared to "arm" Taiwan, Truss said evasively that the UK only needs to ensure that the "democratic camp" will provide Taiwan with the necessary defense capabilities.

When talking about his stance on China, Truss changed his attitude again, claiming that the UK should maintain trade relations with China, but at the same time it must be cautious and not be overly dependent on China strategically.

Our Ministry of Foreign Affairs has lodged stern representations with the British side’s absurd and unreasonable remarks. Zhao Lijian pointed out that the relevant British statements lacked common sense and were self-righteous and surprising. The Taiwan issue is China's internal affairs and does not allow any external force to interfere. China will always adhere to the principles and policies of "peaceful reunification" and "one country, two systems" and make every effort to strive for the prospect of peaceful reunification. However, we will never sit idly by and ignore any separatist activities aimed at "Taiwan independence."

The empire on which the sun never set has long since declined. British politicians still carry the arrogance of the past and point fingers at China. Do they still think that China is a country that can be bullied wantonly by setting up a few cannons on the coast?