The conflict between Russia and Ukraine has developed to this day, and the two sides have been fighting fiercely for 129 days. In the current situation, the Russian army clearly has the advantage. Since the launch of the second phase of the mission, the Russian army has learned f

The conflict between Russia and Ukraine has developed to this day, and the two sides have been fighting fiercely for 129 days. In the current situation, the Russian army clearly has the advantage. Since the launch of the second phase of the mission, the Russian army has learned from the experience and lessons of the Battle of Urumqi and began to concentrate its forces to encircle and attack the target area. The attack slowed, but more and more towns were captured. The Ukrainian army was also defeated by the fierce attack of the Russian army, and a large number of the main troops were annihilated.

However, most of the Ukrainian troops who died on the battlefield were eliminated by the Russian army, and some were tricked by their own people. He fell under the gun of his own people. Incidents of mutual harm and magical scenes still appeared on the Ukrainian battlefield. According to news released by the Russian Ministry of Defense , there were many incidents of mutual shooting between the Ukrainian army. For example, the 60th Infantry Brigade of the Ukrainian army suffered heavy casualties after being attacked by the Russian army, so many recruits were filled from behind. However, these new soldiers who had just entered the battlefield, with their guns still warm, were suddenly hit by the artillery fire of the veterans.

Also, a group of members of the 28th Mechanical Brigade of the Ukrainian Army was suddenly attacked when they went out for reconnaissance. It was none other than their own friendly forces that poured bullets on them. They were all foreign mercenaries . These mercenaries mistakenly thought that the other party was the Russian army, so they took the initiative and shot at the scouts, causing 7 casualties. Another time was even more outrageous. After the Ukrainian army fought fiercely with their opponent for 2 hours, they discovered that it was actually one of their own.

According to Russian media, a mercenary from the United States named Nuttles was a member of the U.S. Special Forces before retiring. This time they traveled thousands of miles to the battlefield in Ukraine. After a month of training, they went to fight on the battlefield. In the early stage, Ukraine paid them US$1,000 per month. After the formal combat started, their monthly salary was US$3,500. However, after they went to the battlefield, they realized that it was too tricky.

On the front line, they are short of weapons and ammunition, and eating is also a problem. The command of the Ukrainian army is also in chaos. As a result, everyone is not enthusiastic about fighting. Many people escaped without even firing a few bullets. Once, they received an order and fought fiercely with the "Russian troops" on the opposite side for 2 hours, suffering heavy casualties. In the end, they found that there were no Russian troops at all, and they were their own people on the opposite side.

In fact, it is not surprising that this phenomenon occurred in the Ukrainian army. As the fighting escalated, the main force of the Ukrainian army was continuously consumed by the Russian army, and most of the remaining combat power came from recruits who had just served. Many of these people were forced to go to war. Some were still on vacation at the beach, some were still having sex outside, and some were suddenly arrested while having sex in nightclubs. And after these talents have been trained for five days, they have to carry guns and go to the battlefield. As you can imagine, they all became cannon fodder. From this point of view, the Russian army's victory is no longer a suspense.