Since the Russian army launched the second phase of its mission, the Russian army's tactics have made major adjustments, focusing on the combination of air force strategy and ground forces. The Uzbek army was defeated at a fast pace. After successive defeats, not only did it lose

Since the Russian army launched the second phase of its mission, the Russian army’s tactics have made major adjustments, focusing on the combination of air force strategy and ground forces. The Uzbek army was defeated at a fast pace. After successive defeats, not only did it lose a large amount of territory, but its troops were also seriously reduced. In the battle of Luhansk, last Saturday, the Russian army ushered in another good harvest. The Ukrainian army in Severodonetsk was defeated by the fierce artillery fire of the Russian army and had retreated to the last defensive position---Lisichang. Sk.

However, the retreating Ukrainian army only had defeated remnants. According to the Russian army, 80% of the main force of the Ukrainian army in Beidun had been wiped out by the Russian army. Thousands of tanks and armor were destroyed, and many Western weapons were also captured. Assisted artillery systems, howitzers , rocket launchers , etc. The Russian army expressed its gratitude to the West for its gifts. At present, as long as the Russian army takes Lisichansk again, it can completely occupy the Lugansk area.

Zelensky also understood the importance of Lischichansk, where the two sides engaged in fierce fighting. The Russian army was even more aggressive, dividing its troops into five groups to encircle the local area, and then used strategic air strikes and ground tank and armored artillery attacks to carry out covering and indiscriminate bombing of the Ukrainian army's military facilities, trenches, arsenals, and transportation hubs. , not long after, the Ukrainian troops here dispersed and fled back in a panic.

Why is this happening? Because the Ukrainian army stationed in Lisichansk does not have many regular troops. Some are remnants of soldiers who were withdrawn from Beidun, and some are new recruits who were dragged into the battlefield just after joining the army. They have not received any special military training at all. Faced with such fierce artillery fire, they were already frightened, and the thirty-six strategies were to run first. This shows the military quality and combat power of these Ukrainian troops.

Faced with the defeat of the Ukrainian army, in order to defend Lischichansk, Zelensky also tried his best. In the past two days, he asked his wife to mobilize domestic women everywhere to actively participate in the battlefield, and also deceived them, saying that Ukrainian women are superheroes. , possesses superpowers and must use every day of his life to meet victory. I believe you, these words were angrily criticized by the Ukrainian people at that time, "Send your daughter to the battlefield first." "Women have gone to the battlefield, who will take care of the children at home, who will do the housework, and who will take care of the vegetable garden?".

failed, Kiev came up with another plan. Many men who were vacationing at the beach were taken away directly from the scene to join the army. This is nothing. According to foreign media reports, recently, the Kiev police claimed that they raided 420 nightclubs in the middle of the night, with fruitful results. 219 men met the requirements and were directly recruited into military service. It feels so magical. Today in the 21st century, the Kiev police are not concerned about crime, but directly arrest strong men without any cover-up and send them to the front line as cannon fodder.

Now is a critical moment in the fierce fighting between Russia and Ukraine. The Ukrainian army has become increasingly tired and is losing thousands of troops every day. If the war is not stopped early, the remaining troops will not be able to hold on for long, and it is possible that they will be wiped out. Pity these people who are forced to go to war. He was living a good life, but was suddenly sent to the battlefield as cannon fodder.