According to Global Network, the development of the Chinese Navy's aircraft carrier capabilities has attracted widespread attention from foreign media. At a recent press conference of the Ministry of National Defense, a reporter asked whether China will build more large aircraft

According to Global Network , the development of the Chinese Navy's aircraft carrier combat capabilities has attracted widespread attention from foreign media. At a recent press conference of the Ministry of National Defense, a reporter asked whether China will build more large aircraft carriers after the Fujian ship. In this regard, China’s Ministry of National Defense made it clear. Colonel Tan Kefei, spokesperson of the Ministry of National Defense, clearly pointed out that China has always pursued a defensive national defense policy and does not target any specific country. Whether China builds more large aircraft carriers depends on China’s defense needs and technological development.

The Fujian ship is the Chinese Navy's first 80,000-ton electromagnetic catapult aircraft carrier. The launch of the Fujian ship has brought China into the era of three aircraft carriers, which is of great significance to the improvement of China's national defense capabilities. At present, the security environment around China is not peaceful. Following the large-scale multi-service military exercise organized by the United States with 13,000 US troops and three aircraft carrier formations in the waters near the South China Sea two weeks ago, the United States recently launched the Rim-Pacific military exercise again. The number of participants in the military exercise reached a new high of 25,000 since the exercise was first held in 1971. The United States brought together 13 Asian countries and 12 foreign countries to participate in the exercise, with a total of 42 warships participating. ship.

Since the United States identified China as a strategic threat in 2017, the Rim-Pacific military exercise organized by the United States has directly targeted China. In this military exercise, it aimed to create tension around China and intimidate participating countries. For the first time, the US military will display four unmanned ships that cooperate with manned ships, and the littoral combat group formed by the US military for the first time will also participate in the exercise. While the United States has a large number of troops stationed in South Korea, Japan and the Philippines, South Korea has sent its largest lineup to participate in the Rim-Pacific military exercise in more than 30 years, including multiple ships including the South Korean amphibious landing ship , and about 1,000 participants. Japan dispatched the Izumo aircraft carrier, which can take off and land US military aircraft, and the Philippines also sent its main warships to participate in the exercise.

Under such a situation, China's surrounding security environment is facing increasing pressure from the United States. The RIM-Pacific military exercise led by the US military will continue until August. After August, the US military will also cooperate with Japan, South Korea, India, Japan, Australia, Japan, Australia and other countries. The purpose of holding military exercises in various projects is to continuously create tension around China and to continuously show off military power to cooperate with the containment of China in the fields of economy, trade, finance, science and technology, and public opinion.

Based on the judgment that the U.S. military’s military pressure will not change in the short term, it is necessary for the Chinese Navy’s Fujian ship to form combat capabilities as soon as possible, and the Chinese aircraft carrier the fourth and fifth ships to be launched successively, which is necessary to defend China’s national security. sex.

Hardships and hardships have brought you success. While the United States has risen from the sea, established hegemony on the sea, and has continued to oppress China with its powerful maritime force in recent years, the successive launches of the Chinese aircraft carriers , Liaoning, , Shandong, and Fujian are an important part of the Chinese navy. The history of continuously moving into the deep blue is also the process of China increasingly blocking US interference beyond China's waters. In 2012, when the Liaoning aircraft carrier was commissioned into the Chinese Navy, China's sovereignty over the East China Sea faced infringement by external forces. When the Shandong aircraft carrier was launched, U.S. hegemony stirred up trouble in the South China Sea, and then when the Fujian was launched, history and facts have shown that China needs enough maritime weapons to build a maritime system that can ensure that China's maritime borders are not infringed by external forces. Great Wall.

Under the leadership of the United States, the NATO strategic document issued recently at the NATO summit defined China as a so-called "systemic challenge" for the first time. The United States is using the NATO mechanism and its troops stationed in Japan, South Korea and the Philippines to set off a new Cold War in the Asia-Pacific. , trying to use military fences to forcibly delineate spheres of influence around the world. At a time when the security situation around the world and China is facing major shocks, the inclusion of Chinese naval vessels on a larger scale is an inevitable requirement for China to defend its national sovereignty and ensure that China’s peaceful development achievements are not plundered by external forces.

Aircraft carriers are important maritime weapons and mobile arsenals. The regional and global security situation calls for the arrival of China's fourth and fifth aircraft carriers.