200 Red Army soldiers were surrounded by thousands of Kuomintang troops. A breakout battle was imminent and the fighting was extremely fierce. In order to cover the retreat of the troops, the regiment commander personally cut off the rear and killed several enemies with the help

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In 1936, near the foothills of Chenwudao Mountain in Shucheng County Gunfire broke out. 200 Red Army soldiers were surrounded by thousands of Kuomintang troops. The breakout battle was about to begin. The battle was extremely fierce. In order to cover the retreat of the troops, the

regiment leader personally broke up and killed several enemies with the help of bunkers. A stray bullet suddenly penetrated the regiment leader's chest, and blood stained the regiment leader's chest. Seeing that the soldiers could not save the regiment leader, but the troops had to evacuate quickly, they had no choice but to bury him under the weeds and decided to wait until the battle situation became clear. When the time comes, come back to bury the regiment leader, and then quickly evacuate.

Can this heroic Red Army commander survive? Will anyone find him under the weeds and finally return to the army? Do you want to participate in the revolutionary struggle? Click to follow~

In 1903, Liang Congxue was born in Yanggong Temple, Lu'an County, Anhui Province. The working people of that era were lucky to be alive, let alone have extra spare money. From the age of 9, Liang Congxue was assigned to work as a cowherd in the landlord's house to supplement the family income. When he grew up, he learned to make shochu and noodles in the landlord's workshop. At an early age, he realized the hardship and helplessness of being oppressed by the class.

The arrival of the Red Army in 1929 became a turning point in his life. In October of the same year, Liang Congxue was recognized by the organization for his outstanding performance and became a member of the Communist Party of China . When he stood under the party flag and swore an oath, he was so excited that he could not calm down for a long time. He also secretly vowed to fight for the proletariat for the rest of his life!

So in the second year, Liang Congxue devoted himself to the revolution regardless of his own life and officially joined the army. He became a member of the Workers' and Peasants' Red Army. Although he had never studied, Liang Congxue had a natural agility and tenacity that he had honed since childhood. He was brave and resourceful in battle and soon became famous. With outstanding achievements, he was promoted to platoon leader. After that, Liang Congxue continued to participate in the battle and served as the political instructor of the 222nd Regiment Company of the 74th Division of the Red 25th Army, and the 1st Battalion and 3rd Company of the 34th Regiment of the 12th Red Army 4th Army. Deputy Company Commander.

After that, Liang Congxue, who had been fighting bravely, suffered constant minor injuries, and was eventually seriously injured during the Western Expedition in 1932. He was ordered to stay in the Soviet Area for treatment and recuperation. After he recovered, he happened to be reorganized. In the 28th Red Army, Liang Congxue once again joined the revolution and fought bravely against the enemy in the subsequent battles of Artillery Ridge and Ge Teng Mountain. In November 1934, the Red 25th Army began the Long March. In order to stabilize the rear area, Liang Congxue stayed behind and continued to persevere. struggle, and carried out extremely difficult guerrilla warfare in the border areas of Hubei, Henan, and Anhui. After that, he, who had always been inconspicuous, began to gain fame far and wide. First, he led a force of less than 300 people to severely damage 4 battalions of the Kuomintang army in Taohuashan, Suixian County (the total strength was about 1,500 people). Because he took the lead in the charge, Motivated the team to fight bravely. In this battle, more than 600 enemy soldiers were killed and captured with less victory.

In early June of the following year, when the Red 28th Army marched north to the triangle area between Xinyang, Biyang , and Zaoyang , it was suddenly surrounded by 17 regiments of the Kuomintang. The situation was very critical. After a brief discussion with Army Commander Gao Jingting, Liang Congxue led the 244th Regiment to retreat southward and set up an ambush in the Coffingou area of ​​Biyang County. As a result, the enemy's independent 5th Brigade was severely damaged again, completely shattering the enemy's plan to encircle and annihilate our army.

After these two battles, Liang Congxue's reputation completely became louder in the Hubei-Henan-Anhui Soviet Area, and he became the recognized "Liang Tiger" in the minds of his comrades and enemies.

In August 1936, Liang Congxue, then commander of the 254th Regiment of the 28th Red Army, led more than 200 people from his unit on an emergency march to Huangguang, Hubei Province as planned. Unexpectedly, they were attacked by a security regiment of the Kuomintang army near the foothills of Chenwudao Mountain in Shucheng County. The enemy troops are well-equipped and their number is several times that of the 254th Regiment. Liang Congxue led his troops to break through the encirclement many times but failed.

The enemy frequently persuaded the Red Army soldiers to surrender on the grounds that surrender would save their lives. However, no one in the 254th regiment showed any intention to surrender and still actively requested a fight.Taking into account the need to preserve the effective strength of the troops as much as possible, Liang Congxue decisively ordered political commissar Yang Kezhi to lead the large troops to retreat, and he and several soldiers stayed behind to hold off the enemy troops.

When the enemy saw that there were only sporadic counterattacks from the rear troops, they stepped up and surrounded them. Liang Congxue used a big rock as a cover and calmly killed the nearest enemies. This caused other approaching enemies to stop. When the enemy hesitated, the large army had successfully retreated, and Liang Congxue was also ready to take the opportunity to escape. But what he didn't expect was that a bullet that broke through the air went directly through his chest. In an instant, Liang Congxue felt as if the blood all over his body was Everything was flowing backwards, and the severe pain made him lean forward and collapse.

The hygienist immediately used a large amount of gauze to stop the bleeding, but it had no effect at all. There was no way to properly treat such a serious injury on the battlefield. The soldiers looked at Liang Congxue with great energy and soon lost consciousness. Although the soldiers were silent, they all thought that the leader had no way to save himself.

Afterwards, the troops hurriedly evacuated. Before the evacuation, the soldiers found many branches and weeds and spread them on Liang Congxue.

This was also a very common method used by the troops in previous battles in Hubei and Anhui provinces. Since joining the 25th Red Army in 1930, Liang Congxue, who had been wounded five times in dozens of large and small battles, knew clearly in his heart: the soldiers must still be fighting. A mark was placed next to the haystack so that when the danger passed, the regimental leader's body could be found and buried properly when he returned.

The rotten wound attracted flies, and it would not take long for it to fester and produce maggots. Liang Congxue was still thinking in his weak consciousness: He, the "Liang Tiger", was invincible when fighting the reactionary army, but he didn't expect that he would die silently in this barren mountain today.

Not far from where the battle took place, there was a village. Villagers occasionally go up the mountain to collect herbs. On this day, the villagers heard the noise of fighting coming from the mountains and did not dare to go out. But fortunately, after the battle Liang Congxue had just experienced, an old lady from the village quietly went up the mountain.

The battlefield was full of broken limbs and bloodstains. The old woman was already scared, but when she felt something moving inside a pile of weeds, she couldn't help but break out in a cold sweat. This fright actually made her discover Liang Congxue was left with only one breath left inside.

Although Liang Congxue was covered in blood and almost dying, the old lady did not give up the possibility of saving people. She went back to the village and asked two young people to help carry Liang Congxue to her home. The old lady boiled water and washed Liang Congxue's wounds and blood on his body. Fortunately, the bullet that penetrated the chest passed through the gap between the heart and the pulmonary artery. Even if it was off by half a centimeter, the result would be death on the spot. Now that the organs were not damaged, it was possible to save him!

But even so, the trauma was still very serious. Viewed from the front, the bullet penetrated the chest leaving only a small hole. On the back of the shoulder blade, a terrible wound the size of a tea bowl was penetrated. The most important thing right now is to disinfect the wound. However, under the Kuomintang's strict material control, it is even more impossible to obtain medicines, especially anti-inflammatory drugs. Even if you want to use salt water for disinfection, you can't find any salt in the entire village.

Thanks to Liang Congxue's strong body and tenacious will, it is a miracle that he can hold on until now. But in the middle of summer, in August, the heat is unbearable. If it is not treated properly and the wound worsens, the only thing waiting for Liang Congxue is death. As the next best thing, the aunt had to apply plant ash and herbs she collected on the wound to perform simple hemostasis and disinfection treatments. However, some of the muscles around the wound and the inside of the wound had rotted and suppurated. If not removed, the wound would further expand and take away Liang Congxue's life.

The aunt quickly brought some chopsticks and stuffed them into Liang Congxue's mouth so that he could bite them. Then, he took the scissors that had been burnt and cut off the rotten flesh on the wound bit by bit. Liang Congxue was so painful that he fainted and woke up again and again, and he almost broke a few of his chopsticks. Finally, a wound the size of a teacup was exposed.

The problem now is how to clean and disinfect the exposed wound. After all, there is no way to use scissors to cut inside.After all, the aunt does not have professional surgical skills. If the blood vessel is accidentally cut, Liang Congxue will definitely die from excessive blood loss. The aunt, who was pacing back and forth anxiously, looked up and saw the dried loofah pulp on the wall, and she had an idea. Fresh loofah is a common vegetable with heat-clearing and detoxifying properties, while old loofah hanging on the vine becomes a strong loofah after peeling off the outer skin, like a modern bath ball. Moreover, according to the Compendium of Materia Medica, luffa is also a traditional Chinese medicine, which has the effects of detoxifying, reducing swelling, relieving pain, killing insects, and treating various blood diseases. The aunt took a few pieces of dried loofah and kneaded them into the same size as Liang Congxue's wound. But when I was about to start, I still hesitated - this steel brush-like loofah hurts when rubbed on the skin. Who can bear to rub it inside the wound?

Liang Congxue knew that his condition was not far from death, and he even imagined how painful it would be for his aunt to wipe the inside of the wound with this loofah. But the revolutionary mission has not yet been achieved, and a feeling of unwillingness urges him to cheer up and treat a dead horse as a living horse doctor! He firmly reassured the aunt to proceed.

Although he has never read a book, Liang Congxue has also heard the story of Guan Yunchang scraping bones to cure poison: Guan Yu was injured by a poisonous arrow, and the curary poison penetrated into the bone. Hua Tuo came for diagnosis and treatment and believed that it was necessary to cut the muscles of the arm and scrape the toxins from the bones to achieve a complete cure. Guan Yu immediately asked Hua Tuo to follow his instructions, scraping the bones and filling the basin with blood. However, Guan Yu continued to drink and eat meat with the generals without changing his expression.

This time he was really going to be a contemporary Guan Gong. Liang Congxue was thinking so. As soon as the aunt squeezed the loofah into the wound, he almost carried it in one breath... This scraping of the flesh to heal the wound was scraping the flesh that was still conscious. , dozens of times more painful than cutting off carrion! Liang Congxue gritted his teeth to maintain consciousness, fearing that he would faint and never wake up. Guan Gong back then was truly a hero! Today, I will be a great Guan Gong. If I am lucky enough to survive, it will be enough to remember the glory of my life.

The aunt pushed the loofah through the wound on the back and stuffed it into the injured cavity inside. After pulling it out, I found that the loofah was adsorbed with a lot of smelly blood stasis, and even maggots got into it and were taken out. Of course, during this process, Liang Congxue had to endure the torture-like pain of Ling Chi. I fell into coma and woke up in pain again and again, biting off several chopsticks, and trembling all over, I encouraged the aunt to continue debridement .

Auntie was also deeply moved by Liang Congxue's astonishing willpower. It turned out that the Red Army soldiers all endured such pain while fighting to liberate poor people like themselves. She held back her tears, her hand holding the loofah stopped shaking, and she continued to clean the wound. The loofah went in and out of Liang Congxue's wound again and again, and Liang Congxue also woke up from coma again and again... But fortunately, the loofah he took out became cleaner and cleaner, and eventually there was no longer any dirty blood or maggots.

In fact, the aunt is also a determined and heroic girl. She didn't know whether she could save Liang Congxue from the beginning, but she did not hesitate and give up hope. In the next few days, Liang Congxue spent his time in a coma due to high fever, and his aunt constantly borrowed food and collected herbs to help him recover.

After a few days, Liang Congxue's fever gradually subsided and his wounds gradually healed. Although his body was still weak, Liang Congxue was still concerned about the revolutionary mission and his comrades in the army. The aunt then advised him to take a good rest, and she would come back to tell him immediately when she saw news of the Red Army's activities nearby.

In late October 1936, one day the aunt heard news of Red Army guerrilla activities in the mountains surrounding Jiamiao Village, not far away. At the same time, the Kuomintang troops were also launching an encirclement and suppression campaign in that area. He immediately told Liang Congxue. After hearing the news, Liang Congxue could no longer sit still. He just wanted to return to the team and fight side by side with his comrades, so he said goodbye to his benefactor with tears in his eyes.

Liang Congxue's body had only just recovered enough to be able to barely walk on the ground, but he still walked the mountain road for four days with his strong will. The hard work paid off, and he finally found the guerrillas and joined them. Some of his former subordinates learned that he had not died and rushed over immediately. The comrades also reunited in excited tears.

Liang Congxue, who narrowly escaped death, once again devoted himself to the revolutionary cause until the "July 7 Incident" and the outbreak of the all-out Anti-Japanese War. Liang Congxue obeyed the order and became the captain of the guerrilla column of the fourth detachment of the New Fourth Army.

At first, there were only more than 50 guerrillas. However, Liang Congxue actively mobilized the masses and continued to promote the idea of ​​joint resistance to Japan while advancing into eastern Anhui. In less than a year, the strength of the guerrilla column expanded to nearly a thousand people. Since then, Liang Congxue has participated in many major battles in the Anti-Japanese War and the War of Liberation, and made outstanding military exploits. From the beginning of the Red Revolution to the end of the Liberation War, he was injured a total of 9 times due to his heroic fighting. The scars all over his body bear witness to his struggle.

After liberation, Liang Congxue never forgot the old lady who once saved him. Although the conditions were difficult during the Anti-Japanese War, he still sent 5 kilograms of pork and a new quilt captured to his aunt when he moved to the Hubei, Henan, and Anhui regions.

This life-saving story of a loofah is not only a reflection of Liang Congxue's tenacious revolutionary will, but also an epitome of the arduous struggle of thousands of Chinese party members and ordinary soldiers in the revolutionary era. The aunt's brave rescue was also the epitome of the people and villagers of that era taking risks to save the lives of young revolutionary soldiers one after another.

It is precisely because the revolutionary soldiers led by the Communist Party of China have a firm sense of mission to realize the liberation of the people and a steel-like revolutionary will. This enables them to endure what ordinary people cannot endure, and what ordinary people cannot achieve. Only then can we not be afraid of sacrifice, fight bravely, and achieve victory after victory.

And countless simple and brave workers and farmers supported behind them, transporting weapons and ammunition, providing clothes, shoes, and necessary protective measures. Only soldiers can cross the gate of hell again and again, overcome difficult conditions, and create miracles one after another.

The workers, peasants and soldiers are the people, and the people are also our children's soldiers. It is precisely because of this close connection that blood is thicker than water that the Chinese Communist Army can be invincible, drive away the Japanese invaders, defeat the reactionaries, and achieve final victory. Work with the people to win and build a free and liberated socialist new China!

In September 1955, Liang Congxue was awarded the rank of founding lieutenant general. In 1973, 70-year-old Liang Congxue died of illness in Nanjing, bringing a glorious end to his revolutionary life.

Taking into account the need to preserve the effective strength of the troops as much as possible, Liang Congxue decisively ordered political commissar Yang Kezhi to lead the large troops to retreat, and he and several soldiers stayed behind to hold off the enemy troops.

When the enemy saw that there were only sporadic counterattacks from the rear troops, they stepped up and surrounded them. Liang Congxue used a big rock as a cover and calmly killed the nearest enemies. This caused other approaching enemies to stop. When the enemy hesitated, the large army had successfully retreated, and Liang Congxue was also ready to take the opportunity to escape. But what he didn't expect was that a bullet that broke through the air went directly through his chest. In an instant, Liang Congxue felt as if the blood all over his body was Everything was flowing backwards, and the severe pain made him lean forward and collapse.

The hygienist immediately used a large amount of gauze to stop the bleeding, but it had no effect at all. There was no way to properly treat such a serious injury on the battlefield. The soldiers looked at Liang Congxue with great energy and soon lost consciousness. Although the soldiers were silent, they all thought that the leader had no way to save himself.

Afterwards, the troops hurriedly evacuated. Before the evacuation, the soldiers found many branches and weeds and spread them on Liang Congxue.

This was also a very common method used by the troops in previous battles in Hubei and Anhui provinces. Since joining the 25th Red Army in 1930, Liang Congxue, who had been wounded five times in dozens of large and small battles, knew clearly in his heart: the soldiers must still be fighting. A mark was placed next to the haystack so that when the danger passed, the regimental leader's body could be found and buried properly when he returned.

The rotten wound attracted flies, and it would not take long for it to fester and produce maggots. Liang Congxue was still thinking in his weak consciousness: He, the "Liang Tiger", was invincible when fighting the reactionary army, but he didn't expect that he would die silently in this barren mountain today.

Not far from where the battle took place, there was a village. Villagers occasionally go up the mountain to collect herbs. On this day, the villagers heard the noise of fighting coming from the mountains and did not dare to go out. But fortunately, after the battle Liang Congxue had just experienced, an old lady from the village quietly went up the mountain.

The battlefield was full of broken limbs and bloodstains. The old woman was already scared, but when she felt something moving inside a pile of weeds, she couldn't help but break out in a cold sweat. This fright actually made her discover Liang Congxue was left with only one breath left inside.

Although Liang Congxue was covered in blood and almost dying, the old lady did not give up the possibility of saving people. She went back to the village and asked two young people to help carry Liang Congxue to her home. The old lady boiled water and washed Liang Congxue's wounds and blood on his body. Fortunately, the bullet that penetrated the chest passed through the gap between the heart and the pulmonary artery. Even if it was off by half a centimeter, the result would be death on the spot. Now that the organs were not damaged, it was possible to save him!

But even so, the trauma was still very serious. Viewed from the front, the bullet penetrated the chest leaving only a small hole. On the back of the shoulder blade, a terrible wound the size of a tea bowl was penetrated. The most important thing right now is to disinfect the wound. However, under the Kuomintang's strict material control, it is even more impossible to obtain medicines, especially anti-inflammatory drugs. Even if you want to use salt water for disinfection, you can't find any salt in the entire village.

Thanks to Liang Congxue's strong body and tenacious will, it is a miracle that he can hold on until now. But in the middle of summer, in August, the heat is unbearable. If it is not treated properly and the wound worsens, the only thing waiting for Liang Congxue is death. As the next best thing, the aunt had to apply plant ash and herbs she collected on the wound to perform simple hemostasis and disinfection treatments. However, some of the muscles around the wound and the inside of the wound had rotted and suppurated. If not removed, the wound would further expand and take away Liang Congxue's life.

The aunt quickly brought some chopsticks and stuffed them into Liang Congxue's mouth so that he could bite them. Then, he took the scissors that had been burnt and cut off the rotten flesh on the wound bit by bit. Liang Congxue was so painful that he fainted and woke up again and again, and he almost broke a few of his chopsticks. Finally, a wound the size of a teacup was exposed.

The problem now is how to clean and disinfect the exposed wound. After all, there is no way to use scissors to cut inside.After all, the aunt does not have professional surgical skills. If the blood vessel is accidentally cut, Liang Congxue will definitely die from excessive blood loss. The aunt, who was pacing back and forth anxiously, looked up and saw the dried loofah pulp on the wall, and she had an idea. Fresh loofah is a common vegetable with heat-clearing and detoxifying properties, while old loofah hanging on the vine becomes a strong loofah after peeling off the outer skin, like a modern bath ball. Moreover, according to the Compendium of Materia Medica, luffa is also a traditional Chinese medicine, which has the effects of detoxifying, reducing swelling, relieving pain, killing insects, and treating various blood diseases. The aunt took a few pieces of dried loofah and kneaded them into the same size as Liang Congxue's wound. But when I was about to start, I still hesitated - this steel brush-like loofah hurts when rubbed on the skin. Who can bear to rub it inside the wound?

Liang Congxue knew that his condition was not far from death, and he even imagined how painful it would be for his aunt to wipe the inside of the wound with this loofah. But the revolutionary mission has not yet been achieved, and a feeling of unwillingness urges him to cheer up and treat a dead horse as a living horse doctor! He firmly reassured the aunt to proceed.

Although he has never read a book, Liang Congxue has also heard the story of Guan Yunchang scraping bones to cure poison: Guan Yu was injured by a poisonous arrow, and the curary poison penetrated into the bone. Hua Tuo came for diagnosis and treatment and believed that it was necessary to cut the muscles of the arm and scrape the toxins from the bones to achieve a complete cure. Guan Yu immediately asked Hua Tuo to follow his instructions, scraping the bones and filling the basin with blood. However, Guan Yu continued to drink and eat meat with the generals without changing his expression.

This time he was really going to be a contemporary Guan Gong. Liang Congxue was thinking so. As soon as the aunt squeezed the loofah into the wound, he almost carried it in one breath... This scraping of the flesh to heal the wound was scraping the flesh that was still conscious. , dozens of times more painful than cutting off carrion! Liang Congxue gritted his teeth to maintain consciousness, fearing that he would faint and never wake up. Guan Gong back then was truly a hero! Today, I will be a great Guan Gong. If I am lucky enough to survive, it will be enough to remember the glory of my life.

The aunt pushed the loofah through the wound on the back and stuffed it into the injured cavity inside. After pulling it out, I found that the loofah was adsorbed with a lot of smelly blood stasis, and even maggots got into it and were taken out. Of course, during this process, Liang Congxue had to endure the torture-like pain of Ling Chi. I fell into coma and woke up in pain again and again, biting off several chopsticks, and trembling all over, I encouraged the aunt to continue debridement .

Auntie was also deeply moved by Liang Congxue's astonishing willpower. It turned out that the Red Army soldiers all endured such pain while fighting to liberate poor people like themselves. She held back her tears, her hand holding the loofah stopped shaking, and she continued to clean the wound. The loofah went in and out of Liang Congxue's wound again and again, and Liang Congxue also woke up from coma again and again... But fortunately, the loofah he took out became cleaner and cleaner, and eventually there was no longer any dirty blood or maggots.

In fact, the aunt is also a determined and heroic girl. She didn't know whether she could save Liang Congxue from the beginning, but she did not hesitate and give up hope. In the next few days, Liang Congxue spent his time in a coma due to high fever, and his aunt constantly borrowed food and collected herbs to help him recover.

After a few days, Liang Congxue's fever gradually subsided and his wounds gradually healed. Although his body was still weak, Liang Congxue was still concerned about the revolutionary mission and his comrades in the army. The aunt then advised him to take a good rest, and she would come back to tell him immediately when she saw news of the Red Army's activities nearby.

In late October 1936, one day the aunt heard news of Red Army guerrilla activities in the mountains surrounding Jiamiao Village, not far away. At the same time, the Kuomintang troops were also launching an encirclement and suppression campaign in that area. He immediately told Liang Congxue. After hearing the news, Liang Congxue could no longer sit still. He just wanted to return to the team and fight side by side with his comrades, so he said goodbye to his benefactor with tears in his eyes.

Liang Congxue's body had only just recovered enough to be able to barely walk on the ground, but he still walked the mountain road for four days with his strong will. The hard work paid off, and he finally found the guerrillas and joined them. Some of his former subordinates learned that he had not died and rushed over immediately. The comrades also reunited in excited tears.

Liang Congxue, who narrowly escaped death, once again devoted himself to the revolutionary cause until the "July 7 Incident" and the outbreak of the all-out Anti-Japanese War. Liang Congxue obeyed the order and became the captain of the guerrilla column of the fourth detachment of the New Fourth Army.

At first, there were only more than 50 guerrillas. However, Liang Congxue actively mobilized the masses and continued to promote the idea of ​​joint resistance to Japan while advancing into eastern Anhui. In less than a year, the strength of the guerrilla column expanded to nearly a thousand people. Since then, Liang Congxue has participated in many major battles in the Anti-Japanese War and the War of Liberation, and made outstanding military exploits. From the beginning of the Red Revolution to the end of the Liberation War, he was injured a total of 9 times due to his heroic fighting. The scars all over his body bear witness to his struggle.

After liberation, Liang Congxue never forgot the old lady who once saved him. Although the conditions were difficult during the Anti-Japanese War, he still sent 5 kilograms of pork and a new quilt captured to his aunt when he moved to the Hubei, Henan, and Anhui regions.

This life-saving story of a loofah is not only a reflection of Liang Congxue's tenacious revolutionary will, but also an epitome of the arduous struggle of thousands of Chinese party members and ordinary soldiers in the revolutionary era. The aunt's brave rescue was also the epitome of the people and villagers of that era taking risks to save the lives of young revolutionary soldiers one after another.

It is precisely because the revolutionary soldiers led by the Communist Party of China have a firm sense of mission to realize the liberation of the people and a steel-like revolutionary will. This enables them to endure what ordinary people cannot endure, and what ordinary people cannot achieve. Only then can we not be afraid of sacrifice, fight bravely, and achieve victory after victory.

And countless simple and brave workers and farmers supported behind them, transporting weapons and ammunition, providing clothes, shoes, and necessary protective measures. Only soldiers can cross the gate of hell again and again, overcome difficult conditions, and create miracles one after another.

The workers, peasants and soldiers are the people, and the people are also our children's soldiers. It is precisely because of this close connection that blood is thicker than water that the Chinese Communist Army can be invincible, drive away the Japanese invaders, defeat the reactionaries, and achieve final victory. Work with the people to win and build a free and liberated socialist new China!

In September 1955, Liang Congxue was awarded the rank of founding lieutenant general. In 1973, 70-year-old Liang Congxue died of illness in Nanjing, bringing a glorious end to his revolutionary life.