The identity of the Red Army represents danger during wartime, because once the identity is discovered by enemies such as the Kuomintang or Japanese invaders, this identity may bring fatal danger to people.

The identity of the Red Army represents danger during the war, because once the identity is discovered by enemies such as the Kuomintang or Japanese invaders, this identity may bring fatal danger to people. On the battlefield, the Red Army is also charging ahead and may die on the battlefield at any time. However, in peacetime, the status of the old Red Army represents honor, and this supreme glory was obtained by these Red Army soldiers with their own lives. They deserve all glory.

It is precisely because the Red Army has supreme glory that everyone wants to become a Red Army. However, there are always some people who are only greedy for the glory and rewards brought by their status as the Red Army, but do not care about what the Red Army soldiers have paid. These people are opportunists and the scum of society.

In 1955, Zhang Desheng met an "old Red Army" named Li Wanming. But after a few words of conversation, Zhang Desheng discovered that something was very wrong with this Li Wanming. Why didn't he know any information about ? Is this Li Wanming a genuine old Red Army soldier? What is his ending?

After the interview, I found something wrong.

In 1955, Zhang Desheng from Shaanxi Province was on a business trip and happened to come to Liang Dezhu from the Northwest Division of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. The two were once considered comrades-in-arms. After this trip, Zhang Desheng planned to find this comrade-in-arms to reminisce about old times. After all, both of them remember the great years in their hearts.

When Zhang Desheng came to Liang Dezhu's office, happened to see another man in Liang Dezhu's office, and the two of them seemed to be talking happily. Seeing Zhang Desheng come in, Liang Dezhu quickly introduced: "Come on, come on, we have an old Red Army here. He is a hero and has fought many battles. No, it just so happens that he will come to your place next. It's a meeting. His name is Li Wanming. Come and get to know him."

Zhang Desheng heard, "What's the meeting?" Why didn't he know about the meeting? So he asked directly: "Hello, Comrade Li Wanming. I'm from Shaanxi. What kind of meeting are you talking about?" Li Wanming answered Zhang Desheng casually: "Oh, it's just a meeting related to arms strategy. "

At this moment, Zhang Desheng was even more confused. He was a soldier, and it was absolutely impossible to ignore him in meetings such as armament strategy. Who is this Li Wanming? At this time, Zhang Desheng was only doubting Li Wanming's purpose, but not his identity.

But the conversation that happened next left Zhang Desheng speechless. He asked Li Wanming: "You are a veteran of the Red Army, right? If you are free now, can you tell me about your army. I am also from the army, and I have thought a lot these years. Which detachment are you from? No. What is it? What is your personal code? "

No one has ever asked Li Wanming these questions before. So when he first heard these questions, Li Wanming was completely confused, and he couldn't explain why. Li Wanming's attitude made Zhang Desheng increasingly suspicious. Because a soldier who comes out of the army must have a deep affection for the army, and he will never forget information such as his army number.

After just a few words of conversation, Zhang Desheng concluded: There is definitely something wrong with the "old Red Army" named Li Wanming in front of him!

A thorough identity check revealed the scam

In Liang Dezhu's office, Zhang Desheng already felt that something was wrong with Li Wanming. However, in order not to unjustly accuse a good person, he did not react on the spot. After returning home, Zhang Desheng must have gotten more and more wrong. Therefore, he called his superiors and asked people to conduct a thorough investigation of Li Wanming's identity.

This check doesn't matter, Zhang Desheng was really shocked. Originally, the name Li Wanming was not on the list recorded by his superiors at all. As for this person, I don’t even know where he came from. Zhang Desheng added: "He also said that he has military medals to resist U.S. aggression and aid Korea, as well as certificates of outstanding party membership, and is a disabled soldier... None of these?" Zhang Desheng's question also attracted the attention of his superiors. As the investigation deepened, Li Wanming's true situation emerged.

This Li Wanming is not a genuine Communist at all. He turned out to be a member of the Kuomintang team, and he also has a criminal record. During the War of Liberation, Li Wanming saw that the Communist Party would win, so he secretly left the ranks of the Kuomintang and wanted to defect to the Communist Party.

But Li Wanming himself also knows that with his current status, even if he can join the Communist Party, he may be liquidated immediately. So, he used his childhood style to deceive and abduct. He found someone he knew before, forged his identity information, and transformed himself into a fighting hero.

What’s even more outrageous is that when he submitted this identity information, no one discovered that the materials were false. Therefore, relying on the false identity of "Old Red Army", Li Wanming received a lot of organizational dividends, and he even sought a good position.

But he is not satisfied, he also wants to have real power. As a result, he repeatedly forged documents and transferred orders. It was not until Zhang Desheng discovered the clues this time that his identity was finally exposed.

served his sentence in prison and underwent reform.

What Li Wanming did was a taboo of our party. Therefore, Li Wanming was arrested as soon as possible after the investigation was clear, and the court also tried his case as soon as possible.

Because the circumstances were egregious and Li Wanming made huge profits from it, he was directly sentenced to jail without any negotiation. After entered the prison, people came regularly to educate them, and they also had to actively participate in labor. Maybe he really repented. In prison, Li Wanming finally realized how wrong he was in what he had done before.


What Li Wanming did is really unbelievable. This man is worthy of being the "No. 1 fraudster in New China". He even dared to forge the identity of an old Red Army soldier, which completely hurt the feelings of the motherland and the people.

Fortunately, Zhang Desheng had a keen eye and immediately discovered that something was wrong with Li Wanming and did not let him continue to do things that would further harm the party and the country. The

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