But at the critical moment, Commander Li Xiang burst a boil and died seven days later. The good man with strong bones did not die on the bloody battlefield, but died of a small boil. This made the whole army deeply surprised and saddened.

Resisting U.S. aggression and aiding Korea was a battle of nation-building in which our country demonstrated its military might and national prestige. It was a just battle to defend the dignity of the motherland and resist the hegemonism of the US empire. After learning about the importance of the war to resist U.S. aggression and aid Korea, countless soldiers enthusiastically signed up, fearless of sacrifice, and rushed to fight in North Korea to defend our territory and homeland.

Scenes of the Battle to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea

Among them, there was a military commander named Li Xiang, who made outstanding military exploits and wiped out countless enemies, posing a great threat and blow to the US military. But at the critical moment, Commander Li Xiang burst a boil because of , and died seven days later. , a good man with strong bones, did not die on the bloody battlefield, but died of a small boil. This made the whole army deeply surprised and saddened. As everyone knows, this boil is actually a conspiracy of the US military.

Battle scenes of the volunteers to resist U.S. aggression and aid Korea

Battle hero Li Xiang

Li Xiang was born in Yongxin, Jiangxi to a farming family. His original name was Li Xiuli. By his generation, after layers of exploitation by the landlords and gentry, all the farm tools in the family were destroyed, and even the farmland was not much left. Not only that, when he was eight years old, his father, the backbone of the family, died suddenly due to overwork, leaving behind a pile of tax liabilities and orphans and widows.

Li Xiang's classic photos

In order to maintain the family's livelihood, Li Xiuli's mother had to work during the day and sell needlework at night. Her life was very difficult. Li Xiuli also had to shoulder the burden of supporting the family at a young age. Besides helping her mother with work, she often went out to do odd jobs to support the family. When he was 14 years old, he was forced into marriage by his uncle and married a woman he didn't like at all. On weekdays, he was always beaten, scolded and exploited by the landlords, and his life was in dire straits.

Red Army Peasant Revolutionary Movement

Li Xiuli, who grew up in a turbulent environment, is well aware of the hardships of the working people at the bottom. Therefore, he refuses to accept heaven and earth, and is determined to overthrow the oppression of this decadent and dark ruling class. . At that time, the Red Revolution was in full swing in rural areas. People spread word of mouth that the Red Army were good people and did not bully the people or take advantage of them. Therefore, in 1930, he resolutely joined the Red Army and firmly followed the pace of the Red Army to build a revolutionary army and build a new China.

Boss Zhu De during the revolutionary period

Li Xiuli was only 16 years old when he first joined the Red Army. He was diligent, studious, not afraid of hardship, and clever, and soon attracted the attention of Commander-in-Chief Zhu De, who came to inspect the front line of the army. Zhu De asked him what his name was. After he answered, Zhu De frowned and said: " Such a tough young man, this name is too girly. is not appropriate. Why not just name him after Xiangjiang water?, Xiangjiang water The everlasting flow may keep you safe.”

Just like that, Li Xiuli officially changed her name to Li Xiang. He grew up from a small bugler, learned how to shoot a gun and bayonet, and gradually became a platoon leader, squad leader, and company commander amidst the hail of bullets. Apart from fighting, he also did not forget to supplement his cultural knowledge and military theory. . Eventually, he grew into an outstanding general who was able to strategize and take charge of his own role. Under his leadership, the troops participated in major historical battles such as the Anti-Japanese War and the War of Liberation, and made important contributions to the development of the revolutionary cause.

Li Xiang during the revolutionary period

A boil on the Korean battlefield

When Li Xiang served as the commander of the 67 army, he was only 36 years old. was the youngest commander among the volunteers and could be described as a young talent. Although his qualifications are small, his experience and strategies have been honed in many actual battles. In 1951, on the occasion of the New Year reunion, the 20th Corps had already begun careful deployment for combat operations in North Korea.

After receiving the mission, Li Xiang only spent 3 hours of preparation time , hurriedly said goodbye to his family , and rushed to North Korea with several staff members of the 67th Army to inspect the defensive positions and troop garrison areas in advance. situation and adjust combat strategies according to the actual terrain.

Shortly after the Resource Bureau entered North Korea to fight

, a large force followed up and stationed south of Jincheng, North Korea, to assume the frontal defense task near the 38th Line . Soon, the 67th Army ushered in its first battle since entering the DPRK. On this day, the enemy dispatched more than 4,000 troops, assembled artillery, tanks, and aircraft to launch a fierce attack on the 67th Army's position. Fortunately, Li Xiang had already made full arrangements and made devious maneuvers against the enemy, causing the enemy to suffer heavy casualties and flee in a hurry.

The 67th Army entered North Korea and won the first battle . Everyone was happy, but Li Xiang did not dare to take it lightly. Soon, the enemy with superior equipment launched multiple rounds of attacks, and the situation was extremely fierce. Fortunately, with Li Xiang's excellent command and flexible tactics, the 67th Army set a record of annihilating more than 17,000 enemies in just 6 days. The morale was high. For this, it was commended by the headquarters general order and shared with the entire army. The combat experience of the 67th Army.

Volunteer soldiers celebrating the victory

After this battle, Li Xiang not only became famous among the volunteers, but also made the leaders of the "United Nations Army" quite afraid, wished they could get rid of him and then . Seeing that repeated attacks failed to make any substantial progress, the eagerly awaited United Nations forces thought of using 's destructive tactics.

In 1952, the enemy sent planes to drop more than a dozen bombs on the positions of the 67th Army. Our army quickly organized an evacuation for cover, but found that the bombs did not explode after being dropped. were dumb bombs . This news immediately aroused the vigilance of Commander Li Xiang. In order to find out what was going on, he quickly led his troops to the scene to check for himself, but found nothing unusual.

A dumb bomb that does not explode

Strangely, shortly after this incident happened, a boil appeared on Li Xiang's face. Li Xiang didn't pay much attention to the existence of this boil and broke it inadvertently. But since that day, Li Xiang became seriously ill. After a long period of overloaded work, he was still able to continue to lead the troops by taking medication at first, but his condition worsened much faster than he imagined.

Within three days, Li Xiang became bedridden and confused. After being sent to the hospital, the doctor diagnosed Li Xiang as suffering from acute septicemia and meningitis. He eventually died due to ineffective treatment. From onset to death, it only lasted 7 days. No one can believe that a fighting hero who fought his way out of a hail of bullets would die from a boil in just a week?

67 Army comrades bid farewell to Li Xiang’s body

As soon as the news of Li Xiang’s death came out, the volunteers were filled with grief and anger. But they still couldn't figure out the reason for Li Xiang's death. At the same time, limited by the development limitations of the medical level within the Volunteer Army at that time, people generally lacked scientific understanding of the enemy's germ warfare.

The enemy's crazy germ warfare

Within two days, the Volunteers discovered that on the snow where the enemy dropped dumb bombs on the Volunteers' positions, a large number of flies and fleas appeared. You must know that it was the twelfth lunar month of winter, the climate of the Korean Peninsula was severely cold, and the mountains were blocked by heavy snow. How could so many insects appear during this time period?

The Volunteer Army in the Snow

In the following period, many other units of the Volunteer Army also experienced such strange situations one after another. In the end, after observation by our soldiers, it was confirmed that these insects all appeared from the dumb bombs dropped by US military aircraft. Therefore, it is certain that the culprit of these insects is the US military.

At the same time, along with the arrival of these insects, symptoms such as fever, diarrhea, vomiting, and paralysis continued to appear in the military region, and the number of sick people was still increasing.This phenomenon immediately attracted great attention from military region leaders. In order to block the spread of these infectious diseases, various military regions have set up isolation areas to isolate the infected soldiers inside and allow professional medical staff to treat them. care.

Medical staff treating volunteers

Of course, blood samples from the infected soldiers were immediately collected and sent to North Korea's Infectious Disease Research Center for testing. The test results showed that these soldiers were all suffering from cholera, smallpox and other severe infectious diseases. Therefore, this is obviously the U.S. military's airdrop of virus-carrying insects to make the volunteers sick and incapacitate them to fight. This is a proper act of bacterial warfare . Commander Li Xiang died unfortunately because of being infected with bacterial gas.

The funeral of Commander Li Xiang

In response to the anti-humanitarian bacterial warfare of the US military, the Volunteer Army quickly formulated corresponding measures to disinfect various insects in the military area, and insisted on setting up isolation areas inside the stationed area and conducting daily disinfection , and also asked the domestic Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to speed up the production of vaccines and disinfectants. With the joint efforts of the military and civilians of China and North Korea, the volunteer soldiers and the North Korean people near the military area were all vaccinated. Since then, the US military's germ warfare plan has completely failed.

In the end, China and North Korea also jointly disclosed the plans and evidence of the US military's germ warfare to the outside world, causing the United States to be condemned by public opinion in 13 countries around the world . It can be said that evil does not suppress good.