The United States was the first country in the world to use nuclear weapons, which caused huge casualties to the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, forcing Japan to stop resisting in World War II.

The United States is the first country in the world to use nuclear weapons . It brought huge casualties to the two Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, forcing Japan to stop the idea of ​​stubborn resistance in World War II . After the end of World War II, in order to consolidate its interests in global hegemony, the United States provoked wars everywhere, and even directly launched wars against other countries without the permission of the United Nations, showing its arrogant and domineering attitude.

However, the United States has never used nuclear weapons again in these wars. Even in wars like the Vietnam War and Afghanistan War , which have been fought for nearly 20 years without results, nuclear weapons have not been used as a deterrent. However, General Charles Richard, commander of the US Strategic Command, revealed at a seminar that when dealing with a major power war, he would be the first to use nuclear weapons and not give his opponent any chance to win.

Nuclear weapons expansion and reduction

The world pattern has undergone tremendous changes after the end of World War II. The United States and the Soviet Union have entered a Cold War state in which the United States and the Soviet Union compete for world hegemony. During this period, people around the world developed a serious aversion to the use of nuclear weapons due to the destruction caused by the two atomic bombs dropped by the United States on Japan. Against the background that all mankind yearned for peace, the United States and the Soviet Union Waging war maintained restraint and calm.

Despite the rising anti-nuclear sentiment in the world, nuclear weapons have great strategic significance in the military field, and there is still an endless stream of countries carrying out nuclear weapons programs. After the two major military industrial powers, the United States and the Soviet Union, launched an arms race, the development of nuclear bombs reached an unprecedented climax. The Soviet Union even developed the Tsar Bomb with an explosive yield of 50 million tons. It is no exaggeration to say that the total number of nuclear bombs produced by the United States and the Soviet Union at their peak was enough to destroy the ecological civilization of the earth.

The rapid proliferation of nuclear weapons also caused the United States and the Soviet Union to worry about human security. The two countries reached an agreement and signed the " Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons" in 1968, which slowed down the pace of developing nuclear weapons and created an atmosphere of tension between the United States and the Soviet Union. It also relaxed a lot. After the disintegration of the Soviet Union , the United States and Russia once again signed a multi-stage Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty on reducing nuclear weapons. The number of nuclear bombs on both sides was significantly reduced .

During Obama's tenure as President of the United States, he even proposed the "Nuclear-Free World" initiative, calling for the establishment of a world without nuclear weapons, and stated that the United States would set an example in this action. However, while calling for the destruction of nuclear weapons, Obama also pointed out that nuclear weapons are of great significance to the security of the United States. The United States will not reduce all its nuclear weapons until the world is clear of nuclear weapons.

Subsequently, in promoting the reduction of nuclear weapons, Obama signed the " New Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty " with Russia in 2010. However, with the changes and development of the international situation, the attitude of the United States in reducing nuclear weapons has undergone a huge change . It not only withdrew from the "Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty" and the " Open Skies Treaty ", but also tore up the " Iranian Nuclear Weapons Treaty" Agreement ", and has repeatedly postponed the renewal of the New Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty.

Releases nuclear weapons danger signal

U.S. Deputy Secretary of Defense Catherine Hicks previously stated that the United States will not abide by the "no first use of nuclear weapons" commitment , and pointed out that if the United States is attacked in a conventional war, We will consider using nuclear weapons to safeguard our own security under reasonable circumstances. Within the United States, Catherine Hicks is not alone in expressing such an attitude toward the use of nuclear weapons in war.

General Charles Richard, commander of the U.S. Strategic Command, also declared that the United States will not consider using nuclear weapons as a deterrent after the nuclear war breaks out, but will take the lead in using nuclear weapons as soon as the war begins. Tactical strike, not giving the opponent any chance to win. Judging from the remarks of various spokespersons of the US military, it is very obvious that the United States will use nuclear weapons in conventional operations.

In addition, the United States also intends to restart nuclear tests and promote the legalization of the use of nuclear weapons for tactical strikes. As a major nuclear power in the world, if the United States restarts nuclear testing, its nuclear bomb destructive capabilities will far exceed the highest standards during the Cold War. Once it enters a war, it will pose a great threat to its opponents. The reason why the United States stated that it would consider using nuclear weapons first in a war is actually based on the background of a major power war.

After the disintegration of the Soviet Union, the United States' status as a superpower allowed it to fully enjoy the benefits brought by being the center of the world. However, the world structure is developing towards multiple powers as the times progress, and the status of the United States as a superpower is being squeezed. As countries with strong influence in the world, China and Russia have experienced rapid military and economic development and their international status is different from the past. For the United States, this is undoubtedly a challenge to its majesty.

Therefore, in order to ensure its status as world hegemon, the United States actively suppresses the development of China and Russia. At the same time, the fruitful results achieved by China and Russia in the military field have also made the United States more worried that its military hegemony will be weakened, so it has released nuclear danger signals internationally in order to use this to deter China and Russia. Then what will happen to China and Russia? Compromise on this? of course not. How does

deal with nuclear deterrence?

Russia is a so-called fighting nation in the eyes of the outside world and has never succumbed to the suppression and sanctions of powerful countries. Faced with the nuclear danger signal released by the United States, Russia will not choose to sit still and wait for death. After all, Russia has repeatedly stated that it would not mind starting a nuclear war if Russia's security was affected. If the United States takes the lead in using nuclear weapons in a major-power war, Russia will certainly respond in kind.

As the largest successor state of the Soviet Union, Russia has reduced many nuclear bombs in the process of reducing nuclear weapons, but its technology and ability to manufacture nuclear weapons have not been lost. Relying on its huge military industry, Russia can quickly compete with the United States in the game of great powers. trend. Once the two major powers, the United States and Russia, are trapped in a nuclear war, no one can truly win. Either they will both perish or each will take a step back.

Since the end of World War II, China has been deeply aware of the strategic significance of developing nuclear weapons for national security. With the efforts of various scientists, it has successfully tested atomic bombs and hydrogen bombs , indicating that our country has successfully acquired the ability to manufacture nuclear weapons. Although our country has not disclosed the number of nuclear bombs in reserve, judging from the development trend of our country's missile , our country's nuclear deterrent force cannot be provoked.

Take the Dongfeng 41 intercontinental missile as an example. It is highly maneuverable, can be launched anywhere, and can carry multiple nuclear warheads to carry out strategic strike missions across continents. The most important thing is that this missile's sudden It has extremely strong defense capabilities and can quickly break through the opponent's anti-missile system and hit the target directly. If we are involved in a major power war and the United States wants to strike first, the result may not be as good as imagined.