On the last day of June 2022, a turning point occurred on Snake Island near Odessa, Ukraine. According to news released by the Russian Ministry of Defense, Russian troops have withdrawn from Snake Island, thus ending their control of the island. The Russian-Ukrainian war broke ou

On the last day of June 2022, a turning point occurred on Snake Island near Odessa, Ukraine. According to news released by the Russian Ministry of Defense , Russian troops have withdrawn from Snake Island, thus ending their control of the island. The Russian-Ukrainian war broke out on February 24. The Russian army captured Snake Island from the beginning. Before May 9, it also "lured the enemy deep" and launched a beautiful ambush by the Ukrainian army. Encouraged by British advisers, Zelensky insisted on carrying out the raid on Snake Island, and paid a heavy price for it. 202206320/Aviation Vision/AZ, although the Ukrainian army’s raid failed, it did not give up its attack on Snake Island.

The Ukrainian army frequently uses TB-2 drones to attack Snake Island, and also uses TB-2 drones to assess the battlefield. In order to stabilize its control over Snake Island, Russia has supplemented its land-based air defense system on a variety of warships, including equipping the landing ship with the Tor M air defense missile system to enhance its air defense capabilities. Under repeated sneak attacks by the Ukrainian army, Russia decisively decided to withdraw its troops from Snake Island. On the surface, Russia was defeated. In fact, Russia has now taken the initiative, because the withdrawal of Russian troops from Snake Island does not mean that Having lost control of Snake Island, it can instead establish a deterrent to the Ukrainian army through precision strike weapons.

Now Ukraine has obtained Harpoon anti-ship missiles obtained from the West. At the same time, Ukraine itself has Neptune anti-ship missiles, which can establish a deterrent against Russian warships near Odessa . For a long time in the past, Russia had to deploy a large number of maritime forces around Snake Island in order to counter the Ukrainian army's sneak attack on Snake Island. As far as the role of Snake Island is concerned, it is not as good as the deterrent brought by a Russian warship. Therefore, Russia finally chose to abandon Snake Island because Snake Island has no depth and is directly exposed to the nose of NATO reconnaissance aircraft. . Since the Russia-Ukraine war, NATO reconnaissance aircraft have been conducting regular surveillance of Ukraine.

According to information obtained by Aviation Vision, NATO regularly uses various types of reconnaissance aircraft to carry out operations in the airspace around Ukraine, so that it can understand Russia's dynamics in Ukraine. The U.S. Air Force often uses RQ-4B Global Hawk drones to conduct regular patrol operations over the Black Sea so that it can monitor the movements of the Russian army. It is no secret that NATO provides intelligence to Ukraine. Therefore, the deployment of Russian troops on Snake Island, Ukraine It is very clear that Ukraine will carry out multiple sneak attacks for this reason, and will never give up on regaining control of Snake Island. Ukraine is determined to regain Snake Island, so there will be frequent sneak attacks.

After Russia evacuates from Snake Island, it can adopt the strategy of waiting for work. As long as it carries out precise strikes on Snake Island, it can continue to consume the effective strength of the Ukrainian army. This is because the area of ​​Snake Island is only 0.17 square kilometers, and a cruise missile can It can affect all the facilities on the island. It can be said that Snake Island is a target. After Russia evacuates from Snake Island, as long as the Ukrainian troops land on Snake Island, they will become the target of Russian cruise missiles. Therefore, Russia’s withdrawal from Snake Island is It means that Ukraine has taken the initiative, so Ukraine will not be happy because it still cannot control Snake Island.