The Russian Ministry of Defense announced the withdrawal of Russian armed forces from Snake Island, and stated that the purpose of this move was out of goodwill, so that the media's hype of using Russian troops to control the northwest Black Sea to cause a food crisis was not val

The Russian Ministry of Defense announced the withdrawal of the Russian armed forces from Snake Island , and stated that the purpose of this move was out of goodwill, so that the media's hype of using the Russian military to control the northwest of the Black Sea and causing a food crisis is not true, but the true intention Is it really what Russia said?

Ukraine The military stated that the withdrawal of Russian troops from Snake Island was not for humanitarian purposes, but was the result of Ukrainian armed military operations on Snake Island. The two sides had inconsistent accounts, claiming that the other side had suffered heavy losses.

Russia and Ukraine launched many offensive and defensive battles around Snake Island. Snake Island In the early days of the war, the Russian army quickly occupied Snake Island. Then the Ukrainian army launched an attack with the support of NATO intelligence. Although the attack failed to occupy Snake Island, the Russian army was attacked by Ukrainian army artillery fire and drones. Heavy damage and heavy losses. From then on, the Russian army strengthened the defense capabilities of Snake Island and defeated the Ukrainian army's attacks several times in advance.

What is the real intention of the Russian Ministry of Defense in announcing the withdrawal of troops from Snake Island? Is it just out of humanitarian crisis good intentions?

According to relevant sources, first of all, Snake Island is located at the junction of Romania and Ukraine, close to Odessa . The periphery of Snake Island is not controlled by the Russian army. The Ukrainian armed forces are eyeing this and deploy missiles in scattered areas around the periphery. and rockets may launch a sneak attack on the Russian army on Shedao at any time, so they face great risks and costs.

Secondly, it is of little significance for the Russian army to continue garrisoning troops on Snake Island. They cannot extend their operations abroad, and logistical supplies are also a problem. Staying on Snake Island can only become a target for the Ukrainian army to attack and distract the Russian army.

In the end, whoever occupies Snake Island will pay a huge price. Snake Island is a small place, and advanced missiles are enough to destroy all military measures on the island.

Therefore, the Russian army's abandonment of Snake Island was a clear move, and it can also be called a "humanitarian crisis" with good intentions.