The Russian Ministry of Defense announced on June 30 that the Russian army had completed its mission and evacuated Snake Island, saying that this move was to express goodwill for the export of Ukrainian agricultural products and the establishment of the United Nations Humanitaria

The Russian Ministry of Defense announced on 26.30 that the Russian army had completed its mission and evacuated Snake Island, saying that this move was to express goodwill for Ukraine agricultural exports and the establishment of the United Nations Humanitarian Corridor.

The location of Snake Island is important. It is on the route that must pass through the sea entrance of Odessa, Ukraine. It is a strategic location. It can be said that as long as Snake Island is still in the hands of the Russian army, even if Odessa is not occupied, Ukraine is actually a landlocked country, and Snake Island is enough to block Ukrainian ships going to sea.

has advantages and disadvantages. The terrain of Snake Island is flat, bare, without mountains, rivers, ravines, or fortresses. The area is only 0.17 square kilometers. It’s not as big as our National Stadium (Bird’s Nest) covering an area of ​​0.25 square kilometers.

It is a small place with no danger to defend, and it is too close to the land. As long as Odessa is still in the hands of the Ukrainian army, Snake Island will always be a "demilitarized" strategic "definite".

offense is a springboard, and the rules of defense are restricted everywhere.

The Ukrainian army has recently received a large amount of military aid from the West, including long-range strategic strike heavy weapons such as the Seamaster rocket launcher . Sticking to Snake Island is extremely detrimental to Russia today.

Then use "language", the invisible sword of killing people:

The Russian army's "releasing goodwill" should be another way to learn war during the war, which is completely comparable to the Ukrainian army's "strategic retreat" to Russia. Prisoner of war camp, "evacuation after completion of military mission" Severodonetsk, "mobile defense" abandonment of positions one by one.

After this battle, I bet that the salary of Russian teachers will increase significantly!