Foreword: In 1934, a young soldier saw the gun pointed at him on the execution ground and said loudly and forcefully: "Don't use the gun, use a long knife instead, keep the bullets to hit the enemy." Before being awarded the title in 1955, Peng Dehuai said to When the chairman re


In 1934, when a young soldier saw the gun pointed at him on the execution ground, he said loudly and forcefully:

"Don't use the gun, replace it with a long knife, and keep the bullets to hit the enemy."


1952 , Chairman Mao personally signed the No. 1 Martyr Certificate for this fallen soldier, and this soldier also became our country’s first martyr.

Before being awarded the title in 1955, when Peng Dehuai reported his work to the chairman, he mentioned this martyr, which made the chairman cry with sadness, so he had to report another day.

Who is this soldier? Why does President Peng miss him and make Chairman Mao cry? How did he sacrifice himself?

This starts with the failure of the Great Revolution.

1. Establishing a base area and being framed

After the failure of the great revolution, Duan Dechang returned to his hometown to establish the Honghu guerrilla base area, leading the guerrilla team to deal with the enemy. In 17 days, I fought with the enemy 21 times and won every time.

Soon after, the Honghu base area gradually developed and expanded. Based on this, Duan Dechang, He Long and others established the base area in western Hunan and Hubei. The guerrillas led by Duan Dechang also developed into the Sixth Red Army.

In 1932, the enemy launched a large-scale attack on our base area. After Duan Dechang obtained the exact information, he quickly surrounded this unit, forcing them to seek help.

Duan Dechang concluded that the surrounded enemy troops did not dare to break out, so he only left a small number of soldiers to surround the army, while the rest of the soldiers rushed to ambush the only way for reinforcements.

After the reinforcements entered the encirclement, Duan Dechang immediately launched an attack and captured more than 4,000 enemy soldiers.

In the time after

, the Kuomintang launched many encirclement and suppression campaigns against the Honghu base area, but Duan Dechang cracked them one by one, and the enemy also suffered heavy losses.

Seeing that the action was frustrated, Chiang Kai-shek was furious and sent a large army to encircle and suppress the Honghu base area, and the war was about to break out.

But at this time, the main force of our army has been transferred, and there is only one guard regiment left, which is unable to deal with the Kuomintang troops.

After receiving the order, Duan Dechang rushed to the enemy's only route to lay out an encirclement. At the same time, he sent a force to lure the enemy into the encirclement, directly annihilating more than 10,000 enemy troops and relieving the crisis.

It is a pity that such an excellent general died in the hands of his comrades.

2. Duan Dechang died

In 1934, Duan Dechang, who was commanding the battle, was suddenly notified of a meeting. But after arriving at the meeting place, Duan Dechang was forcibly detained.

In May of this year, Duan Dechang, who was only 29 years old, was taken to the execution ground. His former comrades aimed their guns at this victorious general.

But Duan Dechang did not have any strange emotions. He knew that the execution soldiers were only following orders, and he firmly believed that justice would eventually come.

When he thought that the team was short of weapons and ammunition, Duan Dechang said to the young soldier beside him: "Don't use a gun, find a knife and save bullets to hit the enemy."

On this day, this 29-year-old Communist Party member never again Didn't stand up.

After the news came out, the people in the base areas in western Hunan and Hubei were extremely sad. Chairman Mao and Peng Dehuai could not accept this reality.

Because Duan Dechang was Chairman Mao’s student and Peng Dehuai’s introducer to join the party.

3. Friendship with Chairman Mao and Peng Dehuai

In 1921, Mao Zedong, as the inspector of schools in Hunan Province, went to Nan County for an inspection. A student named Duan Dechang attracted Mao Zedong's attention.

Not long ago, the principal of Duan Dechang's school was embezzled and misappropriated the students' food funds, causing the students to face the situation of not having enough to eat every day.

Duan Dechang united many students to demonstrate and jointly reported to the relevant departments. The black-hearted principal was finally dismissed, but he himself was punished for it.

Taking this opportunity, Mao Zedong called Duan Dechang to inquire about the education situation in each county. At the same time, he found that Duan Dechang was a student who loved reading and had very advanced ideas.

After a few days of contact, Mao Zedong thought that this was a talent that could be developed, so he suggested that he go to Changsha to study so that the two of them could participate in the revolution together.

In 1925, under the influence of Chairman Mao, Duan Dechang officially became a member of the Communist Party, and was admitted to the Huangpu Military Academy, where he learned advanced military skills.

Unfortunately, before he could finish his studies, Duan Dechang was expelled by Chiang Kai-shek for speaking out for the Communists. However, it was a blessing in disguise that he entered the Central Political Workshop on the recommendation of Chairman Mao.

After the outbreak of the Northern Expedition , Duan Dechang came into contact with Peng Dehuai for the first time and became Peng Dehuai's guide, introducing Peng Dehuai to join the party many times.

In April 1928, the time was finally ripe. Under Duan Dechang's recommendation, Peng Dehuai successfully joined the party.

Unexpectedly, just as the revolutionary cause was becoming more and more prosperous, Duan Dechang was deliberately framed because of his outspokenness, and eventually died under the knife of his comrades.

After learning the news, Chairman Mao and Peng Dehuai fell into great sadness, but they had to force themselves to cheer up and continue to devote themselves to the revolutionary cause.

4. Certificate of Martyr No. 1

Time flies to 1944. Ren Bishi announced the murder of Duan Dechang, hoping that the party organization would correct his name and give justice to the martyrs.

In 1952, Chairman Mao picked up the Martyr No. 1 certificate placed on the table and wrote Duan Dechang's name on it.

This young cadre who gave his life at the age of 29 and was thinking about the organization before he died finally received the honor he deserved and became our country's first martyr.

After the end of the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea , our army carried out large-scale reorganization, which was not completed until 1955. From then on, the entire army adopted a military rank system.

When Peng Dehuai found Chairman Mao to report on his work, the two somehow talked about Duan Dechang. As soon as the name was spoken, the two fell into silence.

Peng Dehuai originally wanted to continue his reporting work and reveal this sad past. It turned out that Chairman Mao's eyes were filled with tears and his expression was extremely sad.

Seeing this scene, Peng Dehuai knew that he could no longer report to work and could only find another time.

Peng Dehuai’s party introducer, Chairman Mao’s student, China’s first martyr, great thinker and revolutionary... It is hard to imagine that the recipient of these honors is actually a 29-year-old young man.

If Duan Dechang had not died, he might have obtained the rank of marshal.