Since Japan launched a full-scale war of aggression against China in 1937, the Chinese people have fought back on the anti-Japanese battlefield, and countless heroes have emerged that make future generations excited.

Text | Literary and Historical Explorer

Editor | Literary and Historical Explorer

"There used to be many heroes in Yanzhao, and they all used the same bottle to banish the Japanese."

Since Japan launched a full-scale war of aggression against China in 1937, the Chinese people have fought back on the anti-Japanese battlefield, and countless heroes have emerged that make future generations excited.

Among them was Pei Tianlai, who was carrying a broken gun and went to the battlefield to fight against Japan at the age of 53.

The Japanese troops lined up

His miraculous marksmanship set a record for the largest number of enemies killed in the Eighth Route Army at the age when the ancients knew destiny, and won the title of Gunslinger.

For this purpose, the army specially allocated a donkey to him for transportation, and also asked a soldier to follow to help Pei Tianlai carry the gun.

So who is this Pei Tianlai? What's so great about marksmanship? What's his end?

The Eighth Route Army lined up

Pei Tianlai was born

In the 16th year of Guangxu's reign in the Qing Dynasty, Pei Tianlai was born into an ordinary poor family in Lin Village, Township, Luannan County, Hebei Province.

Because his family was poor, every winter, the young Pei Tian would accompany his father up the mountain to collect game and carry it to the market in exchange for some rice and noodles to support the family.

Poor people in the Republic of China

The life of frequently using guns allowed Pei Tianlai to develop some amazing marksmanship in the process of using them over time.

In modern China, due to the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom and Boxer Rebellion, a large number of old-fashioned gunpowder firearms flowed into the people.

Most of these firearms are smoothbore guns without rifling, and the level of maintenance is also uneven. Therefore, he can use this weapon to practice marksmanship and hunt in the mountains. It is conceivable that Pei Tianlai's marksmanship has transcended the ordinary meaning. shooting techniques.

People of the Republic of China

One day, young Pei Tianlai was passing by the village carrying a musket, and he saw a group of villagers discussing around the big tree at the entrance of the village.

Curious, he stepped forward and asked, only then did he know the whole story.

It turned out that the villagers planned to go to the tree to enjoy the coolness and cool down, but they were frightened by the hornet's nest on the tree and did not dare to go forward.

Architecture of the Republic of China

Pei Tianlai saw that this was not a difficult matter. He took off the musket and raised his hand, only to see that after the gunshot, the honeycomb fell to the ground with a sound and the whole shell was not broken.

The folks in Xianglin Village all praised Pei Tianlin for his good marksmanship. They all praised him for his shooting skills, which were as good as his arms.

It was this skill that made him noticed by the local landowners, who hired him as a nurse to deal with the threat of bandits and robbers.


However, as time goes by, the trend of war and chaos in China has become more and more serious.

Many bandits are so bold that they not only rob civilians but also target landlords with high-walled compounds.

As a result, one day, Pei Tianlai was guarding the backyard and heard a lot of people in front of the yard.

The Republic of China bandit

stepped forward curiously and found out that Zhu Tai, a well-known local bandit, came with his men to extort money from the landlord Liu Cheng's family. It is required that everything must be collected within three days, otherwise the landlord's family will be attacked.

The landowner had never encountered such an inhumane scene before. He was immediately frightened to death, fearing that Zhu Tai would order his men to draw guns and kill all his people.

Faced with this critical situation, Pei Tian calmly stepped forward to comfort him when he arrived:

"Master, don't panic, things can still be saved. Let's be polite first and then fight. You prepare some money first, and I will meet them."


Three days later Zhu Tai led a group of bandits to the landlord's courtyard and shouted loudly at the tall courtyard gate, asking the landlord to surrender and pay the money.

At this time, Pei Tianlai opened the door and asked politely to enter the house.

bluntly said to him:

"You brave men, my boss's money has been prepared, and you can take it when we meet. Just because I am the person who protects the hospital and the family, and I want to make friends, how about I come here to steal the friends?" "


When the bandits heard this, they not only looked at each other, but they couldn't understand what Pei Tianlai meant. However, they thought that their marksmanship was still guaranteed after many years of robbing families, so they agreed to his request and came to the backyard to prepare for the competition.

I saw Pei Tianlai walking more than a hundred steps with a gun, turned around and said with a smile: "You heroes, you can throw up your hat and see if I can hit it. One time is a hit, two or three times will count!"

The bandits

Several bandits heard this Feeling disdainful, two of them threw their hats into the sky. As soon as

made his move, he heard two crisp sounds, and the two hats turned over in mid-air with smoke coming out.

The remaining bandit couldn't help but be stunned when he saw this. He held his hat in his hand and pulled it up, with no intention of taking it off. He was obviously unwilling to compete.

The bandit in the southwest region

Pei Tianlai raised his hand and shot, knocking the bandit's hat to the ground.

The bandits were so frightened that their faces turned pale and they were at a loss. The leading bandit saw Pei Tianlai's amazing skills and how could he dare to fight with him again.

quickly clasped his fists and apologized and rushed out of the door.

Capturing bandits

Joined the Eighth Route Army by chance

Because he was a forthright man without any airs, Pei Tianlai often had pleasant conversations with people who traveled north and south.

So in 1935, he met the then underground party figure Song Zhongbin through his friend Liu Shouren. Over time, he learned about the progressive ideas of the Communist Party of China and developed a good impression of the revolution.

Japanese Army Photos

In 1942, the Eighth Route Army was operating in the eastern Hebei region, preparing to develop base areas while launching harassment operations against the Japanese army.

At this time, Liu Shouren, who had already served as the commander of the Fourth District of Lunan, always felt troublesome because of the heavy firepower of the Japanese army when he led his troops to fight against the enemy.


One day when Liu Chengren, Song Zhongbin and Pei Tianlai had a small gathering, they revealed all the difficulties encountered in the army and concluded that people with military qualities were needed to join the army to increase combat effectiveness.

therefore wanted to invite Pei Tian to join the guerrillas in the war. Speaking of the emotional point, Liu Shouren couldn't help but said:

"Second brother, kill the Japanese with your brothers. Don't bury your marksmanship, second brother."


Pei Tianlai was eager for this invitation, and immediately said excitedly: "Okay, I'll go. , Although I am not young, my marksmanship is still there, and I am still useful in battles."

In this way, Pei Tianlai joined the army and became a special soldier in Liu Shouren's third company.

Because he was in his 50s, Liu Chengren equipped him with a local donkey and found a young man to carry a Czech horse-produced four-ring rifle for him.


Afterwards, a magical scene appeared on the anti-Japanese battlefield in the area south of Road. An old man in his 50s rode a donkey and led a young man carrying a gun to kill the Japanese soldiers on the battlefield.

At this point, Pei Tianlai, armed with a long gun, specialized in attacking the Japanese machine gunners and artillery, providing indispensable fire cover to the guerrillas who lacked heavy weapons at the time.

When the Japanese machine gunners

moved out of the Dazhuang River stronghold at the end of July 1943, the Japanese army's stronghold gun towers fought stubbornly based on the favorable terrain.

The attacking comrades were suppressed by the enemy's fierce machine gun fire several times and returned without success.

At such a critical moment, Liu Shouren quickly called Pei Tianlai, and when they met he said to him: "Second brother, kill that machine gun!"

Pei Tianlai saw that it was a piece of cake, and after finding a bunker with a good shooting position, he shouldered Just two shots, fired directly from the gun port of the turret, silenced the enemy's machine gun. Taking advantage of this opportunity, the troops swarmed forward and won the battle.

Japanese machine gun

In October of the same year, Pei Tianlai followed the troops to fight in the area of ​​Sun's house. Sometimes, Pei Tianlai used the cover of machine gun fire to rush to the shooting position and fired the machine gun at the enemy's fire point. The Japanese machine gunner on the opposite side fell in response.

The Japanese army did not expect this to happen, and could not help but disrupt their positions and their firepower weakened for a while.

took this opportunity to charge again and directly occupy the enemy's position, surrounding and defeating the remaining enemies one by one.

The Eighth Route Army and the gun towers behind it

More than 150 prisoners were captured this time, not to mention various captured light and heavy machine guns mortars and various types of ammunition.

In addition, Pei Tianlai is loyal and honest, and is always willing to help others. In every battle, he charges forward and retreats behind. The soldiers who fight with him respect him very much, which makes Pei Tianlai's reputation become more and more famous.

Eighth Route Army

And Pei Tianlai also has higher requirements for himself. If you can kill 4 enemies with 4 bullets, never use the fifth bullet.

results in the battle at Chaigezhuang. Every day, he fired 5 shots in a row to kill 4 enemies, which made him regret it endlessly.

criticizes himself from time to time, "I missed a handful, I shouldn't have, it's such a waste." Under such high requirements.

Eighth Route Army

This made Pei Tianlai's reputation become more and more famous. Many warriors who come here are willing to come to Pei Tian to learn how to improve their design skills.

The enemy was also very afraid of Pei Tianlai because of the heavy casualties.

Many Japanese and puppet soldiers secretly said that Pei Tianlai had a pair of green eyes that glowed at night like a wolf, and could see things more clearly at night than during the day. Otherwise, how could the sentry in the turret die at night?

Anti-Japanese War Oil Painting

Some Japanese and puppet soldiers said that Pei Tianlai's marksmanship was surprisingly good, saying that if he hits your teeth, he won't touch your mouth.

was in the government under such a famous reputation. Seeing Pei Tianlai's fame growing, he felt very panic in his heart.

The Japanese regular army called Pei Tianlai the "God of Death". According to the official records of

, at least one squadron of Japanese soldiers that Pei Tianlai shot and killed in the past few years. At that time, the Japanese army had a squadron of 144 people.

Eighth Route Army

It is no wonder that the Japanese and puppet government sent people several times to post notices offering a reward for Pei Tianlai's head. The reward became higher and higher as time went by, which attracted many traitor lackeys.

The land controlled by the Japanese puppets at that time. There are only a few traitor lackeys left, showing off their power and power in various places.

Eighth Route Army

Heroes and Heroes

Liu Shouren, who fought with Pei Tianlai at that time, was promoted to regimental commander. However, he himself was injured due to three gunshot wounds and had to go to Song Zhongbin's house to recuperate.

As a result, he was unfortunately discovered by a traitor on the way back and forth, and he immediately reported him and his whereabouts were exposed.

On the second day after Pei Tian came to Song Zhongbin's house to recuperate, the Japanese and puppet troops sent more than 200 people to surround the village. They drove men, women and children into a large courtyard in the village and set up machine guns in an attempt to massacre the village.

The traitor of the Republic of China

intended to use this method to threaten Pei Tianlai to show up. As a result, no one in the village, men, women, old or young, should question the Japanese translator.

The angry Japanese and puppet officers could only take out their loudspeakers, turn on the power and shout to the whole village: "Whoever doesn't tell Pei Tianlai today, don't even think about where he is, go back alive."

After saying this, he dragged out several men and women from the crowd. Tortured in public. They also asked the Japanese traitors to dig pits on the spot, hoping to bury the women, children, old and weak in the village alive here.

Pei Tianlai, who is outspoken by nature, how can he hold back at this moment?

Immediately dragging his sick body, he walked out of the crowd and shouted: "I am Pei Tianlai!"

The traitor who led the way

The leading Japanese officer's eyes lit up and he immediately sent someone to tie up Pei Tianlai, and those people were naturally promised by the Japanese and puppet officers to release him. Return home.

Then the more than 200 people tied up Pei Tianlai and returned to the stronghold in a mighty manner. The interrogation of Pei Tianlai began.

As a result, the Japanese and puppet troops' usual policy of inducing surrender had no effect in the face of Pei Tianlai, who had a firm will and personality.

In anger, the Japanese and puppet troops launched a torture interrogation of Pei Tianlai in order to question Liu Shouren and the intelligence of his unit. Everything from whipping to waterboarding was used.


The result was Pei Tianlai's words: "If you want to kill or behead, it's up to you."

The helpless Japanese traitors were furious, and after confirming that they could not get any information, they killed Pei Tianlai in mid-May 1945 at the age of 55.

At this time, there are only more than 60 days left before the victory of in the Anti-Japanese War and . After hearing that the hero Pei Tianlai was brutally killed by the Japanese army, the people spontaneously stole his body back for burial.

The Japanese and puppet troops who participated in the killing of Pei Tianlai were all annihilated in the subsequent operations to dismantle their strongholds.

The surrendered Japanese army


Although the heroes have passed away, their souls still remain.

His tall figure, who bravely killed the enemy in the war of resistance at an advanced age, and served the people loyally and courageously, is like an indelible monument, standing in the hearts of everyone who knows the origin of this story.

Pei Tianlai's fearless spirit of serving the people wholeheartedly can still inspire generations of people to move forward with heads held high and unremitting efforts toward a better future.