Before and after he won the election, Marcos took the initiative to express his goodwill to China many times. Marcos said that the differences between China and the Philippines on the South China Sea issue should not involve the United States, and that China and the Philippines h

According to Global Network reports, Philippine President-elect Marcos completed the inauguration ceremony and officially took office as the Philippine seventeenth president. The 64-year-old Marcos completed the handover ceremony with former Philippine President Duterte at the National Museum of the Philippines, officially starting his six-year presidential career. Before and after he won the election, Marcos took the initiative to show goodwill to mainland China many times. Marcos said that the differences between China and the Philippines on the South China Sea issue should not involve the United States, and that China and the Philippines have the ability to negotiate and resolve their differences together. Marcos also said that China supports the Philippines in pursuing an independent foreign policy and will be committed to developing a more comprehensive and higher-level Sino-Philippines relationship after taking office.

Marcos's inauguration as President of the Philippines also triggered a "censorship" among the Taiwan authorities. Taiwan's foreign affairs agency claimed that it had indirectly conveyed a congratulatory message to the Philippines and would send a congratulatory message to the Philippines at a time convenient for the Philippines.

In order to create a vague space for "Taiwan independence" as much as possible, the Taiwan authorities have gone to great lengths to engage in conflict, which also triggered ridicule from netizens on the island. On the day Marcos took office as President of the Philippines, the Philippine military sternly warned the Taiwan authorities: Do not provoke and cause trouble in the South China Sea.

Taiwan authorities recently conducted land-to-sea artillery live-fire drills on Taiping Island, which covers an area of ​​less than 0.5 square kilometers. A total of 120 mm mortars and 81 mm mortars were drilled. Three models: mortar and 40mm anti-aircraft gun. Taiping Island is China's inherent territory. The name of the island comes from the Chinese frigate Taiping that came to take over the island after Japan surrendered to China in World War II. The island is actually controlled by the Taiwan authorities, and its administrative territory is classified as Kaohsiung City, Taiwan Region, China. According to Kaohsiung Port it is about 1,600 kilometers away. As part of the Nansha islands, Taiping Island plays an important role in the South China Sea sea routes.

The Taiwan authorities' live artillery firing drills in the South China Sea are undoubtedly inflaming tensions in the South China Sea. The Philippine military has sternly warned the Taiwan authorities not to cause trouble in the South China Sea. Vietnam , which is also a country surrounding the South China Sea, has also previously issued a warning to the authorities in Taiwan, China. With the "Taiwan independence" forces gaining power on the island, the Taiwan authorities engaged in live ammunition firing on Taiping Island. It cannot be ruled out that it was a move directed by the United States. The purpose was to link up with the United States' influence in the Philippines and once again provoke the South China Sea dispute.

The Taiwan authorities took actions to intensify the situation in the South China Sea the day before the new Philippine president took office. It cannot be ruled out that the United States is using the "Taiwan independence" forces to provide eye drops to the Philippines. The Philippines' strong warning to "Taiwan independence" forces not to cause trouble in the South China Sea can largely explain the Philippines' attitude. The Philippines' change of attitude towards the South China Sea issue began in 2016. In this year, the United States attempted to use force to violate China's sovereignty in the South China Sea, triggering a large-scale confrontation between the Chinese and American navies in the South China Sea. The incident ended with the withdrawal of the US military. When former Philippine President Duterte, known for his pragmatic attitude, came to power, China-Philippines relations developed significantly. Marcos, who was regarded as an ally of Duterte by the Philippine political circles, took over from Duterte and also had high expectations for China-Philippines relations. .

In the six years since 2016, economic and trade exchanges between China and the Philippines have doubled to US$82 billion. China has become the Philippines’ largest trading partner, the largest export market for bananas and pineapples, and the second largest external investment market in the Philippines. A large source country, the Philippines’ annual RMB clearing volume is nearly one trillion RMB. China and the Philippines have properly resolved their differences in the South China Sea through joint consultation under the dual-track approach of setting aside disputes and pursuing joint development, and are jointly promoting the detailed implementation of the code of conduct for all parties in the South China Sea. China's infrastructure, China's vaccines, China's food. When the Philippines is facing development problems, the new crown epidemic, and the hurricane disaster, China has provided assistance to the Philippines many times and is committed to working with ASEAN countries represented by the Philippines to expand the region. cake.

As China-Philippines relations are not what they used to be, the space for provocation and interference by the United States and its proxy forces is rapidly shrinking.